
Aana Marie Vigen, PhD


Aana Marie Vigen is an Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics at Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Vigen earned a BA in Spanish, Religion, and Hispanic Studies from St. Olaf College, an MA in Theology and Ethics jointly conferred by the Graduate Theological Union and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Social and Theological Ethics from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. She is a member of the Society of Christian Ethics (SCE) and the American Academy of Religion (AAR). Dr. Vigen is also an active lay member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and served on the national ELCA Genetics Taskforce from 2008–2011. She offers courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Research Interests

Dr. Vigen's overall area of specialization is healthcare and medical ethics. In particular, she is interested in racial-ethnic and socio-economic inequalities in health and healthcare in the US and globally. Her method of study is interdisciplinary, drawing especially upon the disciplines of sociology, anthropology, ethnography, and theology. She has begun research on prenatal genetic testing and Christian ethics, which incorporates ethnographic interviews with genetic counselors.

Additional scholarly interests include: The Intersections among Human Health and Ecological Health in the Context of Climate Change; The Intersection of Christian Social Ethics & Bioethics; Notions of "Living & Dying Well"; Migration/Immigration & Ethics; Protestant Ethics; Feminist Ethics; White Anti-Racism; Theological Anthropology & Ethics.

Dr. Vigen co-authored and co-edited (with Christian Scharen) Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics (formerly T&T Clark now Bloomsbury, 2011). She has also contributed several invited chapters to interdisciplinary anthologies.

Publications/Research Listings

Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics, co-authored and co-edited volume with Christian Scharen (Bloomsbury, formerly T&T Clark, 2011)

God, Science, Sex, Gender: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Ethics, a co-edited volume with Patricia Beattie Jung (University of IL, 2010)

Women, Ethics, and Inequality in U.S. Healthcare: "To Count among the Living" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006; revised paperback edition in 2011)

“Living and Dying: Ethical Challenges in Health Care and Bioethics,” a chapter in Religion and Ethics: Issues in the 21st Century North America. Anselm: 2013.

“Loving God and the Neighbor: Insights from Protestant Ethics for Prevention and Treatment,” a chapter in Prevention vs. Treatment: What’s the Right Balance? Oxford: 2012.

"For Healing and Wholeness," in Rebecca Todd Peters and Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, eds. To Do Justice: Engaging Progressive Christians in Social Action. Westminster/John Knox Press: 2008.

"To Hear and To Be Accountable Across Difference: An Ethic of White Listening" a chapter in Disrupting White Supremacy from Within: White People on What WE Need to Do (Pilgrim Press: 2004).