
Olegs Andrejevs, PhD


Dr. Olegs Andrejevs is a Lecturer at Loyola University Chicago, with a PhD in New Testament and Early Christianity from Loyola University (2013). He is the author of a monograph on the sayings source Q and multiple articles on the synoptic problem, Mark's gospel, and Q. He is the editor of the Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT). Currently he is working on a multi-volume project documenting the last two centuries of the study of the Minor Agreements of Matthew and Luke against Mark, co-authored with Joseph Verheyden and Timothy A. Friedrichsen.


PhD in New Testament and Early Christianity, Loyola University Chicago

Research Interests

Synoptic Problem, composition of Mark's gospel, the Minor Agreements of Matthew and Luke against Mark

Publications/Research Listings

“Gnats, Camels, and Peter in the Synoptic Gospels: Response to Alan Garrow’s ‘Matthew’s Use of Luke’”, in The Expository Times 135/7 (2024) 271-285
O. Andrejevs  – S.J. Joseph – E. Lupieri – J. Verheyden (eds.), Synoptic Problem 2022: Proceedings of the Loyola University Conference (Biblical Tools and Studies, 44), Leuven – Paris – Bristol, CT, Peeters, 2023. ISBN 978-90-429-5034-4
“Mark’s Gospel Before Peter’s Martyrdom? An Assessment of Some Recent Arguments”, in SVTQ 67/1-2 (2023) 1-24
“The Matthew-Luke Agreements in Mt 4,12-15.23; 9,26 / Lk 4,14-16.31.43 (parr. Mk 1,14-”, in ETL 99/4 (2023) 657-677
“KΛINH / KΛINIΔION: A Note on Two Minor Agreements (Mt 9.2, 6 / Lk 5.18, 24)”, in JSNT 46/1 (2023) 59-78
“Darkness at Golgotha (Mark 15.33): Exorcising the Demonic from the Evangelist’s Imagery”, in BTB 53/1 (2023) 3-15
“FH Luke’s ‘Unpicking’: Some Observations on Francis Watson’s Recent Analysis (2018) and the Extent of the Phenomenon”, in JSNT 45/1 (2022) 3-22
“Mark’s Framing of the Walking on the Sea Incident (Mark 6,45.53)”, in ETL 98/2 (2022) 293-312
“Reception of the Twelve in Matthew and Luke: Comparing the Current Synoptic Hypotheses”, in The Expository Times 133/6 (2022) 233-244
“The Double Tradition in Luke (Q) 3–7 as a Macro-Chiasm and its Significance for the Synoptic Problem”, in NTS 67/3 (2021) 388-406
“A Source-Critical Analysis of the Lord’s Prayer: Multiple Autonomous Recensions or Q?”, in ETL 96/4 (2020) 661-679
Apocalypticism in the Sayings Source: A Reassessment of Q’s Stratigraphy (WUNT, II/499), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019. ISBN 978-3-16-157639-3


Sujack Family Award for Faculty Research Excellence (finalist, designated by Loyola University as Master Researcher on April 20, 2023)

Catholic Biblical Association Research Grant for The Minor Agreements 1830-2025 Database