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Margaret Bronec, (she, her, hers)

Hometown: Saint Charles, Illinois

Class of 2022: Undergraduate Environmental Policy major


The story of my first year at Loyola, and the support I found, could be described in four words “the Leadership Learning Community”. Before I even stepped on campus as a first-year, I was encouraged to apply for a Living Learning Community, something that would become a cornerstone to the Loyola experience. In this small group of students and advisors, I found an administrative support system, and friends I could lean on. I learned about tons of leadership opportunities on campus and engaged in interesting discussions at our monthly meetings. Most importantly, however, I found student leaders who would be by my side during every twist and turn of my four years at Loyola. The department of Residence Life provided space for all of us to be our authentic selves and lean into the support systems we had in each other. Since my first year, I’ve found mentors in several departments across campus. However, when I think of the department that has been the most formative, I am reminded of the Resident Assistants and Resident Directors who mentored me through leadership positions and my time abroad. I think of my freshman RA who was always stocked with snacks on program nights and gave the best advice. I think of all the individuals that make up Res-Life, and I’m grateful they are part of my Loyola support system and story.

“The Campus Ministry team, as well as the team at the Wellness Center, really make sure your cup is full, and that you are caring for yourself. You can connect with Campus Ministry even if you don’t have a faith background, and I’d really encourage you to do so!”

In addition to Residence life playing a crucial role in my success, I think students should consider exploring is Campus Ministry! In being transparent, I am not a very religious individual. However, I’ve found so much faith and joy from our Campus Ministry team. From the 360 retreat, I was part of my first year, to the amazing support I’ve found in the staff administrators, Campus Ministry is intentional in their kindness and support. One of the student leaders within Campus Ministry once told me “you can’t pour from an empty cup”.