Video Tutorials
Deploy Process
Is your page not going live? Here's a video explaining how the deploy process (publish and rsync) works.
Find A Page Using the Page ID
A video demonstrating how to find a page that you want to edit in T4 using the Page ID.
Creating a sub folder/category in the media library
A video demonstration how to create a new sub folder in the Media Library
Add an Image to an Interior Page
This video shows how to add an image to a page in T4 using the Page Content Only and Image Content.
Duplicate Content Pieces in Bulk
This video will show you how to bulk duplicate content pieces in T4.
Requesting a Redirect from ITS
This video shows how to redirect a page URL through the ITS department
Accordion Item - Nested Content Type
A video demonstrating how to create Accordion Items with nested content.
Adding a Modal Content Type to a page
A video demonstrating how to add the Modal Content type to a page
Adding a Table Content Type
A video demonstration how to add the Table content type to a page in T4.
Creating a Directory Page with Staff Profiles
A video demonstrating how to create a Directory with Staff Profiles
Broken Pagination content
Video troubleshooting paginated content that does not display when live but previews OK in T4
Primary Layout - Editing the homepage (ex. University Staff Council)
A video showing how to edit the homepage in the Primary Layout
Adding External Links
Need to add links outside of Loyola? This video shows how to add links from external sites.
Managing the News and Story Items using the Archive directory
A video demonstration how to organize news and stories into years in the Primary Layout.
Uploading a PDF to the Media Library
A video demonstrating how to upload a PDF to your Media Library folders
Minding the Output URI for duplicated sections
A video demonstrating how to check the output URI for duplicate pages
Updating the Output URI for Sections
A video demonstrating how to change or add an output URI for a section.
Editing Your Site Name or Site Logo
A video demonstrating how to change the site name or logo in the navigation.
Add a story or news on the homepage
A video demonstrating how news and stories are added to the homepage using page layout = Primary Layout
Add an Anchor Link to a Page or Section
This video covers pages that need anchor links for navigation pruposes.
Adding a right_column to a page
Want additional content on the right side of the page? this video shows you how to create a new right_column section and add content to it.
Adding additional Media Cards
A video showing how to add extra media cards to a list of existing media cards
Bookmarking Sections in T4
A tutorial on how to bookmark favorite or useful sections in Terminalfour
How to Add to the List with Categories
This video shows how to add content to a page with category tags.
How to Use Image Sizing Classes
Are your images too big for your page? This video shows you have to use classes that can resize your image.
Add Image Grid Panel
This video walks through adding an Image Grid Panel on a Commencement School Page
How To: Merging Cells using the Table Menu in the WYSIWYG
A video showing how to merge cells in a table using the WYSIWYG in the toolbar.
Request to add a new user to T4 (through ITS)
A video showing how to request T4 access for a users with ITS.
Reviewing a hero image and setting TerminalFour settings
All hero images should be set for optimum display on phones. This video explains how to choose those settings.
Reviewing a hero image and using the emulator
All internet browsers have built in setting that will emulate the page as it will appear on a phone. This video explains how to activate and use the tool in the browser.
T4 How To: Adding Accordion Items on the page
A video showing how to add a new group of accordions to a page.
T4 How To: Checking if the page published
Do you know if your updates published? This video shows how to check.
WATCH VIDEOT4 How To: Converting Accordion Content and Accordion Content - Nested content pieces
How to change Accordion Content to fit the new template
T4 How To: Converting an Infobox content piece to Universal Infobox
How to update Infobox content types for the new template
T4 How To: Converting Panopto Video Embed Content Type
A video showing how to convert Panopto Video Embeds to the new template
T4 How To: Converting Standard Copy and Standard Copy Lead Photo
a video showing how to convert Standard Copy and Standard Copy Lead Photo content items
T4 How To: Editing a site name or site logo (Universal Template)
Edit the name that appears at the top of the page.
T4 How To: Editing content in the right_column (Universal Template)
Adding, removing, or updating content in the right_column sections
T4 How To: Editing the Social Media Icons (Universal Template)
How to remove, add, or change the social media links on your page.
Finding the layout of a T4 page
How to quickly find the layout of your page in T4 (Universal, Global, etc.)
T4 How To: Managing the iLinks section (Universal Template)
Making changes to the iLinks section on your page
T4 How To: Managing/Updating modules-programming contents (Universal Template)
Changing, adding, or removing content in the modules-programming section
T4 How To: Universal Intro Text Content Type
A video demostrating how to use the Universal Intro Text Content Type
WATCH VIDEOT4 How to: Universal Video Card Item
This describes how to add a Universal Video Card Item to your page.
Updating the lead story in the Global Homepage page layout
Showing how to update the lead image using CSS content.