Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Chicago's Web Content Management System Terminal Four

Content Types

Please note: Not all content types are appropriate for all sites or all pages. To prevent display errors, only the content types you need for a particular section will be available.

Academic Course—Used for pages that list of academic courses. Include the Course Number, Title, Credit Hours, Prerequisites, Description.

Building Profile Inset—Primarily used for building profiles on the Residence Life site, this content allows an image (should be an exterior shot), a Headline (which should be the name of the building), and Address. Users should select the Campus from the drop down as well. The blurb should be a short fact, promo copy or a bulleted list of now more than three items.

FAQ Box—Starts sets off a list of frequently asked questions. The FAQ Box is simply a Name and Title. In the list of content within a section, the FAQ Box must appear above any FAQs on the page.

FAQ Item—Frequently Asked Question content type. Requires a Question and an Answer. When the user first visits the page, only the list of Questions will appear as hyperlinked text. When the user clicks on a Question, the Answer will appear below.

Feature Blog Post—Pulls information from a specific post in a Wordpress blog. Must give the content a Name (for system purposes), include a complete URL for the blog post, and select associated images from the media library.

Feature Inset—Adds an gray inset box within the main body of a page. Users can add images, headings, subheadings and body copy.

Feature Link—Allows you to post a photo, title, blurb and image that redirects to any internal or external web page. If this appears in home_news, be sure to include the Label, which is small text above the headline. If this is in home_top or home_center, please include something in the Tab field as well (such as “Featured”).

Feature Multiple Links—Primarily used for sidebars, this allows T4 users to easily create a bulleted list of links by adding in the Title and URL for each link. Users can also set a Target for the linked page to open in -- either “Open New Page,” which will create a new browser window when the end user clicks on the link, or “Do not open new page,” which will display the page in the browser window that the user already has open.

Feature Photo Gallery—The Feature Photo Gallery displays as a modal window and is usually embedded in sidebars. The Title, Blurb and Image will represent the gallery as a whole. The Unique Identifier will be used to associate other pieces of content that will be part of this gallery, so it is best to keep this simple enough to remember, but complex enough that someone else does not end up using the same one. For instance, a Unique Identifier of “Loyola” would be a poor choice. However “Loyola-weekend-2012” would be better.

Feature Profile—Used for highlighting a person. There are a number of fields representing different types of information you may want to include. This should appear in an archive section within your site (many sites will have a Stories >archive section).

Feature Story—Used for news articles, press releases, announcements, etc. Requires a short blurb. When the headline/link is clicked on, it opens to a page that contains the story in the Body. Feature Stories should appear in an archive section within your site (many sites will have a Stories > archive section). 

Feature Video—Use Feature Video to display a YouTube or Kaltura video within your website, which is generally better than linking to the YouTube or Kaltura site. Feature Videos are stored in archive section (many sites will have a Video > archive section). The fields YouTube Video ID and Kaltura ID# should contain the source video’s ID, which can be found after the equal sign in the video’s URL. For instance, in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZA9N05D8og

The YouTube Video ID is: xZA9N05D8og

Footer—This content type is used to display the school/department/program’s name, address and contact information.

Image—Can be used to display stand-alone images, including the background images; however, for most purposes, images can be inserted directly into other types content by using the Insert Media button in the Tiny MCE.

Infobox—Displays content with a light gray background. Used in the main content area as a callout. 

Inset—An inset is a gray box that appears within the main column of an interior page.

Page Content Only—The standard content type to be used for most web pages. The Sub-Heading will display on the front end of the site.

Recruitment Links—Intended to be placed in right or left columns and/or in the footer throughout a site, Recruitment Links can display special buttons that read: Apply Now, Request Information, Give to Loyola, Contact Us and/or Visit Us. To activate a button, simply enter a destination URL or choose a section to link to for each button.

Standard Copy—Used for articles, press releases, news items, etc. Allows for a headline, intro paragraph and body.

Standard Copy Lead Photo—An image that displays images at full column width on pages. Photo Caption will display as an overlay along the bottom of the image. Please see the “Images” section for guidelines on image sizing. If this is used in a Photo Gallery, the Unique Identifier must match the Unique Identifier in the corresponding Feature Photo Gallery content. It is generally preferred that you use Standard Copy Lead Photo instead of inserting an image into Page Content Only content.

Social Networking Links—Intended to be placed in right or left columns and/or in the footer throughout the site, Social Networking Links are small icons that link to related social network sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. You can also set up links to the site’s related news feeds and igNation category. There is a Calendar link as well, but this only works in the old template. See “Calendar” under Section Types for more information on how to display your site’s calendar.

Please note: Not all content types are appropriate for all sites or all pages. To prevent display errors, only the content types you need for a particular section will be available.

Academic Course—Used for pages that list of academic courses. Include the Course Number, Title, Credit Hours, Prerequisites, Description.

Building Profile Inset—Primarily used for building profiles on the Residence Life site, this content allows an image (should be an exterior shot), a Headline (which should be the name of the building), and Address. Users should select the Campus from the drop down as well. The blurb should be a short fact, promo copy or a bulleted list of now more than three items.

FAQ Box—Starts sets off a list of frequently asked questions. The FAQ Box is simply a Name and Title. In the list of content within a section, the FAQ Box must appear above any FAQs on the page.

FAQ Item—Frequently Asked Question content type. Requires a Question and an Answer. When the user first visits the page, only the list of Questions will appear as hyperlinked text. When the user clicks on a Question, the Answer will appear below.

Feature Blog Post—Pulls information from a specific post in a Wordpress blog. Must give the content a Name (for system purposes), include a complete URL for the blog post, and select associated images from the media library.

Feature Inset—Adds an gray inset box within the main body of a page. Users can add images, headings, subheadings and body copy.

Feature Link—Allows you to post a photo, title, blurb and image that redirects to any internal or external web page. If this appears in home_news, be sure to include the Label, which is small text above the headline. If this is in home_top or home_center, please include something in the Tab field as well (such as “Featured”).

Feature Multiple Links—Primarily used for sidebars, this allows T4 users to easily create a bulleted list of links by adding in the Title and URL for each link. Users can also set a Target for the linked page to open in -- either “Open New Page,” which will create a new browser window when the end user clicks on the link, or “Do not open new page,” which will display the page in the browser window that the user already has open.

Feature Photo Gallery—The Feature Photo Gallery displays as a modal window and is usually embedded in sidebars. The Title, Blurb and Image will represent the gallery as a whole. The Unique Identifier will be used to associate other pieces of content that will be part of this gallery, so it is best to keep this simple enough to remember, but complex enough that someone else does not end up using the same one. For instance, a Unique Identifier of “Loyola” would be a poor choice. However “Loyola-weekend-2012” would be better.

Feature Profile—Used for highlighting a person. There are a number of fields representing different types of information you may want to include. This should appear in an archive section within your site (many sites will have a Stories >archive section).

Feature Story—Used for news articles, press releases, announcements, etc. Requires a short blurb. When the headline/link is clicked on, it opens to a page that contains the story in the Body. Feature Stories should appear in an archive section within your site (many sites will have a Stories > archive section). 

Feature Video—Use Feature Video to display a YouTube or Kaltura video within your website, which is generally better than linking to the YouTube or Kaltura site. Feature Videos are stored in archive section (many sites will have a Video > archive section). The fields YouTube Video ID and Kaltura ID# should contain the source video’s ID, which can be found after the equal sign in the video’s URL. For instance, in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZA9N05D8og

The YouTube Video ID is: xZA9N05D8og

Footer—This content type is used to display the school/department/program’s name, address and contact information.

Image—Can be used to display stand-alone images, including the background images; however, for most purposes, images can be inserted directly into other types content by using the Insert Media button in the Tiny MCE.

Infobox—Displays content with a light gray background. Used in the main content area as a callout. 

Inset—An inset is a gray box that appears within the main column of an interior page.

Page Content Only—The standard content type to be used for most web pages. The Sub-Heading will display on the front end of the site.

Recruitment Links—Intended to be placed in right or left columns and/or in the footer throughout a site, Recruitment Links can display special buttons that read: Apply Now, Request Information, Give to Loyola, Contact Us and/or Visit Us. To activate a button, simply enter a destination URL or choose a section to link to for each button.

Standard Copy—Used for articles, press releases, news items, etc. Allows for a headline, intro paragraph and body.

Standard Copy Lead Photo—An image that displays images at full column width on pages. Photo Caption will display as an overlay along the bottom of the image. Please see the “Images” section for guidelines on image sizing. If this is used in a Photo Gallery, the Unique Identifier must match the Unique Identifier in the corresponding Feature Photo Gallery content. It is generally preferred that you use Standard Copy Lead Photo instead of inserting an image into Page Content Only content.

Social Networking Links—Intended to be placed in right or left columns and/or in the footer throughout the site, Social Networking Links are small icons that link to related social network sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. You can also set up links to the site’s related news feeds and igNation category. There is a Calendar link as well, but this only works in the old template. See “Calendar” under Section Types for more information on how to display your site’s calendar.