Loyola University Chicago

Sustainability Committee

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Planning at Loyola University Chicago

Loyola is currently in the process of developing its next Climate Action Plan. Loyola committed to work on climate change in 2012 by signing onto Second Nature’s American College and University President’s Climate Commitment. This committed Loyola to taking specific actions on climate change across the curriculum and operations of the university, annual greenhouse gas emissions inventories, and developing a climate action plan to neutrality.

Climate Action Plan 1.0

A Just Future; A Climate Action Plan for Loyola University Chicago was developed in 2014 and adopted in 2015, during a celebration of Pope Francis’ seminal Encyclical on Ecology Laudato si’. These are resources that provide a background for that process as well as many of the implementation challenges and accomplishments. Please note, most of these documents are only available to those with an @luc.edu email and you must login to access these. If you are not a member of the Loyola community but would like to review one of these resources, please contact the Office of Sustainability and we would be glad to discuss your request.

Case-studies on specific CAP 1.0 projects:


Climate Action Plan 2.0

As Loyola is creating our next Climate Action Plan we are reviewing the progress that has been made and areas for improvement and increased ambition. The following resources provide background on this process and specific areas of deeper study.


White Papers on specific areas of importance (All of these are currently being finalized and will be available in mid-September)

  • Resetting LUC’s baseline and future forecast (working document)
  • Values-aligned climate commitment (working document)
  • Academic-aligned climate action (working document)
  • Scope 1 & 2 – Decarbonization Plan (working document)
  • Scope 1 - Campus Refrigerants (working document)
  • Scope 1 & 3, Category 6 – Campus Transportation (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 1 – Purchased Goods & Services (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 2 – Capital Goods / Embodied Carbon (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 3 – Fuel and Energy Related Activities including T&D losses (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 5 – Waste Generated in Operations (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 6 – Air Travel including study abroad and other student travel (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 7 – Commuting (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 13 – Leased Properties / Lakeside Management (working document)
  • Scope 3, Category 15 – Investments / LUC Endowment (working document)


Help us shape Loyola’s next Climate Action Plan

As Loyola’s Sustainability Committee we oversee the implementation of Loyola’s Climate Action Plan and do our best to reflect the many stakeholders across our campuses, schools, and community. However, we need your feedback on what climate action should look like from your perspective. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey on areas Loyola should prioritize. A brief background zoom recording- (password: &wa10!RK) is available and may be helpful context before completing the survey but is optional.

CAP 2.0 Survey

If you would like to host a discussion on Loyola’s Climate Action Planning process we are actively seeking opportunities to learn from our community, please email the Office of Sustainability at sustainability@luc.edu.

For more information on Loyola’s sustainability efforts, visit LUC.edu/sustainloyola.