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Andy Casper, PhD

Title/s:  Lecturer

Specialty Area: Water resources, invasive species, river sciences, and aquatic ecology

Office #:  BVM 406


CV Link: Andrew Casper CV


Dr. Casper’s research uses a variety of approaches including taxonomic analysis, food webs/stable isotopes, ecophysiology, and field manipulations in several of the Great Rivers and Great Lakes of North America. Through on-going collaborations in environmental science and resource management , he explores the underpinnings of the sustainability in systems ranging from the Hillsborough River in Florida to the Arctic Mackenzie River Delta. A second area of research focuses on historical ecology of fish and invertebrates in the Mississippi, Ohio, and St. Lawrence Rivers and has highlighted the interplay of exotic species and water resources. As a whole his research is directed towards improving our understanding of how complex ecosystems function and most importantly how they can be best assessed, managed, and conserved.

Courses Taught

  • ENVS 101: The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues
  • ENVS 226: Science and Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems