Whether you are a current, new, or visiting student to Loyola, we're always here to answer any questions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have in addition to those addressed here.
Will I get the same level of academic instruction through online classes?
Yes. Many of our instructors have been conducting online Summer Sessions for several years, and specifically for Summer Sessions. Our online sessions provide a wide variety of rigorous courses in small classroom settings, giving you personalized guidance from world-class faculty.
How can you cover the same amount of material in four weeks that we generally cover in six weeks? Will we be in class all day?
The four-week term, which is used for specialized courses, has the same number of class hours as regular academic year sessions and the six-week and eight-week sessions. The classes will meet on a MTThF schedule for 2.5 hour time slots (except for the evening sessions, which will meet MTWTh). The time periods run: 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m., and 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (night classes meet MTWTh).
If I am a visiting student during the summer, do my credits transfer to my college or university?
Your school should make the decision whether to accept Loyola course credits. Please ask your academic advisor about appropriate courses.
I need to locate a course syllabus for review. How should I do this?
Visiting students can acquire a course syllabus by contacting the academic department directly. School and department/unit information can be found at: http://www.luc.edu/academics/schools.shtml. You may also email us at summer-sessions@luc.edu to ask for a specific syllabus. Note that we supply representative syllabuses for courses.
As a vising student, whom do I contact for advising or related issues?
Visiting students should email summer-sessions@luc.edu to ask for assistance. They may also contact the College of Arts & Sciences at 773-508-3500.
If I want to withdraw from a class, when can I do it without a penalty?
It is important that students review and know the withdrawal schedules for courses and for the Office of the Bursar. Students will incur penalties if they drop courses after the late registration period.
Students can withdraw through LOCUS. Students can add classes up until the end of the second day of each session through LOCUS. Please review the following calendars for summer withdrwal deadlines:
If you are enrolled in a course, but your plans change, please withdraw from the course before the withdrawal deadline(s). Failure to withdraw will result in penalties. Loyola University staff do not automatically withdraw students if an individual does not enroll class sessions. Please review the withdrawal policies in advance, which are outlined on the session calendar.
Please note that by registering for classes, you accept responsibility for paying all tuition and other fees associated with these classes.
As a Loyola student. whom do I contact for advising or related issues?
Loyola students should visit Academic Advising at the freshman and sophomore level and the Dean of their school or college at the junior and senior level.
I don't need academic credit. May I take a course without receiving a grade?
Yes, however, restrictions apply regarding who is eligible and which courses can be taken on a pass/no pass basis. You should consult the undergraduate catalog for details and then speak with your academic advisor. The pass/no pass option must be selected by the end of the first week of a Summer Session (Early, A, B, or C).
Visiting students interested in auditing should email summer-sessions@luc.edu to make the request.
Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and Independence Day holiday fall days when my class is scheduled, when do we make up these classes?
Students enrolled in classes that fall on Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and the official Independence Day Holiday will make-up the class time on a designated Friday following that holiday. Instructors will provide students with these dates and some may be listed in LOCUS. Make-up dates are also listed on the summer academic calendar.
Is there a final exam schedule for each summer session?
Loyola does not schedule a specific time period for finals during Summer Sessions. Check with your instructor for details of when your final examination will be scheduled.
Is there a limit of credit hours I can enroll in during the summer?
Students can register for up to eight credit hours per session (session A, B, or C). Students must contact their advisor if they would like to enroll in additional credit hours per session. Note that overlapping Sessions (A and C or B and C) will count towards the full eight credit hours.
If I am not a current or recently admitted Loyola student, how soon will I know about my admission?
We will process your application within 5-7 business days and send you an e-mail with instructions.
Once I've been admitted, when and how do I register for classes?
After you have been admitted to Loyola, we will send an email to you with instructions. If you have problems with your password or Universal ID, please contact the ITS Service Desk at 773.508.4487. You will need this information to register for classes through LOCUS.
- Please note that some courses may be fully enrolled when you login to register. We suggest that you keep checking LOCUS to see if a seat opens.
- We also use waitlists in LOCUS for our online sections.
I am interested in a study abroad program during the summer. What are my options and what is the registration/acceptance process?
For information on the coronavirus outbreak as it pertains to summer study abroad programs, please review the information on the Study Abroad site.
I am an international student. Is it possible for me to enroll in Loyola's summer sessions?
If you are currently studying in the U.S. on a student visa, you may apply and enroll Loyola's Summer Sessions. Visa paperwork, however, is not issued for the summer semester. Students who are not currently enrolled in classes at a university or college in the U.S. cannot enroll classes in the summer. If you would like further information, please contact the Office for International Programs.
Who can answer my questions about financial assistance?
Speak with an advisor in the Financial Aid Office. For an appointment, contact them at 773.508.7704 or lufinaid@luc.edu.
What is the tuition for summer sessions?
You can find Summer Sessions undergraduate tuition on the Bursar's website and under Costs and Financial Assistance on the Summer Sessions page.
How will I be billed?
Review the Bursar's Website for information about e-Billing options and withdrawal schedules. Questions? Contact the Office of the Bursar at 773.508.3180 or bursar@luc.edu. Please note that Loyola University does not mail tuition bills to students. All billing is done through a student's LOCUS account.
How do I purchase books for my classes?
Books are available to rent or purchase through the bookstore website. Search using your Student ID number or by your courses.
What is the best resource for any other questions I may have?
If you are a visiting student, e-mail summer-sessions@luc.edu. If you are a current Loyola student, please talk to an academic advisor or your dean's office at the Water Tower Campus or the Lake Shore Campus. Staff will be able to answer many of your questions or refer you to someone who can. Also, visit the Hub, a one-stop resource for all your student service questions.