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Annual Organization Requirements

Every year, student organizations must complete annual registration requirements in order to maintain the formal recognition and to continue their operations and be eligible for University resources and benefits. Completion of these requirements are the foundation for all student organizations to foster development and engagement for their members, organization as a whole, and our campus community.

Renewal Requirements

As mentioned in the Student Organization Handbook, part of the requirements for Registered Student Organizations to remain the recognition and to continue to operate at Loyola Chicago is to renew registration annually through LUCommunity. Below you will find the directions for the renewal process, but three reminders first:

  1. Organizations who fail to renew their LUCommunity portal within the renewal timeline will be deemed as inactive for the full academic year. If an organization doesn’t renew for two academic years, then the organization will need to re-apply as a new student organization to return. 
  2. Missing the organization renewal deadline will result in a freeze on allocated funds, revocation of Start-Up funding, and the organization will not be permitted to participate in the Student Organization Fair. Organizations that allow their registration to lapse are denied all rights and privileges accorded student organizations and should not operate on University campuses. Repeated attempts to operate without University registration could result in disciplinary action against the individual students involved.
  3. Renewal is not fully approved until additional requirements are completed. See the toolbar for more information about the Mandatory E-Board Orientation and Hazing Prevention Week.

Click here for the RSO Renewal Guide created by Campus Activities Network.


  1. Click "Manage Organization" in the top right corner of the page. 
  2. Review your organization's constitution. Are there components that need updating, revision, or reconsideration? Now is the time to make those changes! Once you have adequately updated your organization's constitution for the coming year, click Re-Register this Organization to begin the process. Please keep in mind the constitution will then be accessible to you, CSE, and organization members throughout the year.
  3. Student organization Advisors are required to approve the Student Organization Advisor Agreement (included in the annual student organization registration form) in order to complete the process for annual registration. Student organization leaders are expected to connect with their listed advisor to ensure the advisor is willing and able to support the organization for the next academic year. Student Organization Advisor Agreement  approval must be noted PRIOR to the applicable deadline date to complete annual registration requirements and receive applicable incentives based on registration deadline date.


If you have any additional questions, please contact Campus Activities Network via email at CAN@luc.edu