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Center for Community & Global Health (CCGH)

Dept. Contact Joshua Hopps, PhD
Location  SSOM 255
Phone  708-216-5447
Email  jhopps@luc.edu


Department: Center for Community & Global Health
Course Number: CCGH-419
Course Title: COVID-19 Pandemic & Response
No. of Students: 30 
Site: SSOM
Supervisor: Amy Blair, MD; Theresa Nguyen, MD
Duration: 2 weeks credit
Periods Offered: March 15 - May 15
Prerequisite: Community and Global Health Honors students in good standing.
Special Note:

Course graded pass/fail only.


This part-time elective (two weeks of elective credit) will focus on the evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic through six modular lessons: 1) The Virus, 2) Pandemics and Populations, 3) Individual Testing- US Context, 4) Effects on Health Systems, 5) Effect on Social Structure, 6) Personal Reflection and Wellness.

This is a self-study elective. Students will utilize Sakai to receive weekly assignments by the instructors. Assignments will include readings with self-study questions, participation in online forum, team-based learning through case scenarios, and reflections aimed at publication.

Method of evaluation:

Grading will be on a Pass/Fail basis. Students will be evaluated by a narrative assessment on the basis of each of four components:

1) Overall participation in the program including forum;
2) Completion of assignments;
3) Independent and Team Projects;
4) Self-Assessment.

Dept. Contact Joshua Hopps, PhD
Location  SSOM 255
Phone  708-216-5447
Email  jhopps@luc.edu


Department: Center for Community & Global Health
Course Number: CCGH-419
Course Title: COVID-19 Pandemic & Response
No. of Students: 30 
Site: SSOM
Supervisor: Amy Blair, MD; Theresa Nguyen, MD
Duration: 2 weeks credit
Periods Offered: March 15 - May 15
Prerequisite: Community and Global Health Honors students in good standing.
Special Note:

Course graded pass/fail only.


This part-time elective (two weeks of elective credit) will focus on the evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic through six modular lessons: 1) The Virus, 2) Pandemics and Populations, 3) Individual Testing- US Context, 4) Effects on Health Systems, 5) Effect on Social Structure, 6) Personal Reflection and Wellness.

This is a self-study elective. Students will utilize Sakai to receive weekly assignments by the instructors. Assignments will include readings with self-study questions, participation in online forum, team-based learning through case scenarios, and reflections aimed at publication.

Method of evaluation:

Grading will be on a Pass/Fail basis. Students will be evaluated by a narrative assessment on the basis of each of four components:

1) Overall participation in the program including forum;
2) Completion of assignments;
3) Independent and Team Projects;
4) Self-Assessment.