

Elective Clerkship Policies


It is the responsibility of each physician-in-training to develop their elective program. The Stritch curriculum requires satisfactory completion of a minimum of 22 weeks of approved elective clerkships to fulfill the requirement for the Doctor of Medicine degree. Within the time allotted in the curriculum for elective study, a physician-in-training is also responsible for fulfilling the graduation requirement for the Bioethics & Professionalism program (see Section F.)

It is the responsibility of each physician-in-training to track their individual schedule as it relates to the fulfillment of elective requirements. Physicians-in-training may view their schedule online through the myLUMEN website and should check their schedule periodically to verify that applications for elective clerkships have been properly processed and as a reference for additional schedule planning.

Refer to the specific regulations, policies, and procedures sections which follow for complete information on elective clerkships. Physicians-in-training are responsible for adhering to the strictly enforced regulations which are in this catalog.


Intramural clinical and/or research-oriented electives are offered by all teaching departments at Stritch. In addition, a limited number of weeks of extramural electives (up to 12) can be incorporated into the M4 clinical elective program.

For the M4 year, plan your elective in consultation with a faculty advisor and/or a Student Affairs dean.

Also available to help you plan elective course options is the SPECIALTY ELECTIVE GUIDE, which provides lists of elective courses recommended for physicians-in-training with a career interest in a particular specialty. 


Plan electives consistent with the following guidelines:

  • Electives must be taken during a time period designated for an elective in the physician-in-training's clerkship track. Full-time electives may not be taken concurrently with core required clerkships during the third and fourth years.
  • The minimum requirement is 22 calendar weeks.
  • A maximum of four weeks of cumulative elective credit from first and second year (combined) can be counted toward overall elective credit requirements. (For Class of 2026 and later, a maximum of two weeks of cumulative elective credit from first and second year (combined) can be counted toward overall elective requirements.)
  • In the M4 year, the majority of electives (12 weeks of the 22 week minimum), must consist of electives that are at full-time, clinical rotations.
  • Optimally, four to eight weeks of credit can be earned in any one specialty area, but in no case will more than 12 weeks in any one specialty be applied towards the 22 week minimum.
  • M4 core clerkships (Emergency Medicine, Sub-I Wards, and Sub-I ICU) and required PCM-4 course do not fulfill the elective requirements or cap of credit in a particular specialty area. The Transition to Residency course will also be a required course starting in AY 2024-2025 for the class of 2025, and will also not help meet elective requirements.
  • A physician-in-training must complete at least 12 weeks of coursework (elective and/or required) in the second semester of the M4 year.
  • Up to 12 total weeks of coursework may be completed extramurally during the M4 year.
  • Clinical specialty areas include, but are not limited to:
    • Allergy and Immunology
    • Anesthesiology
    • Colon and Rectal Surgery
    • Dermatology
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Family Medicine
    • Internal Medicine
    • Medical Genetics
    • Neurological Surgery
    • Neurology
    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Ophthalmology
    • Orthopaedic Surgery
    • Otolaryngology
    • Pain Medicine
    • Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical
    • Pediatrics
    • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    • Plastic Surgery
    • Preventive Medicine
    • Psychiatry
    • Radiation Oncology
    • Radiology-Diagnostic
    • Sleep Medicine
    • Surgery-General
    • Thoracic Surgery
    • Urology

Stritch expects clinical physicians-in-training to comply with the above policies. Physicians-in-training who want to deviate from the above policies must petition in advance to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and/or their designee.


A physician-in-training must have fulfilled the prerequisite course work specified in an elective description to be considered for the elective. A physician-in-training must have a grade of Pass or better for each required or elective course prior to the start of any extramural elective.

Failure to make satisfactory progress toward the Doctor of Medicine degree according to the physician-in-training's track schedule may result in administrative modification of their course schedule. This modification may include, but is not limited to, a change in the content, timing or location of their elective program.


1. Elective credit: One week = 35 clock hours = one week of elective credit 

a. Full-time electives: One calendar week of elective taken = one week of credit

Unless noted, electives expect the full-time (i.e., full day) involvement of the physician-in-training to earn full-time elective credit. When the physician-in-training is not occupied in activities requiring attendance or participation in the hospital, they are expected to do appropriate library work or reading to complement the practical experience.

b. Part-time electives: the Office of Registration and Records determines part-time elective credit based on the portion of time per week spent in the part-time elective. Examples of part-time electives include Healer's Art or Medical Teaching. The part-time elective, as designated in this catalog, requires a limited number of hours per week.  It may be possible to take some of the part-time electives concurrently with a full-time elective (see Section I).

c. Length of electives: Each elective should be four or more weeks in length. Due to special scheduling needs, physicians-in-training may, judiciously, register for a two-week elective.

2. Intramural / Extramural

a. An intramural elective is an approved elective listed in this catalog.  Physicians-in-training should register for intramural electives by using the Elective Registration page on myLUMEN.

b. To register for an intramural elective:

1. Log into myLUMEN and select Elective Registration from the left side menu.

2. Select Register for Elective Courses. View the course description for details. When you make your selection, you will be provided with rotation dates.

If your elective request is denied, submit a request for a different elective. Please note: You will not be able to submit a new request for another elective until a decision is made on your current elective request for that period.

c. An extramural (away) elective is any elective that does not appear in this catalog. A maximum of 12 weeks (one quarter) of extramural elective time is allowed.

Physicians-in-training must register for extramural electives either through Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) or by using the Non-VSLO Away Application (if the extramural school is not part of the VSLO® system). Extramural electives require the approval of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs as well as the approval of the extramural institution at which you will rotate. 

F. Bioethics & Professionalism

In the clinical years, physicians-in-training are required to complete an ethics case paper and attend two ethics grand rounds (total of four required; two should be completed in the second year and two should be completed in the third year).

The Bioethics & Professionalism website provides detailed information regarding the requirements and dates.


Refer to the TIMETABLE FOR ELECTIVE REGISTRATION for the earliest date on which you can register for an elective in a specific time period. The timetable provides all physicians-in-training with an equal opportunity to secure intramural elective rotations. The timetable allows students to register for intramural electives about five months before the scheduled starting date. Physicians-in-training are not permitted to have a supervisor or coordinator hold a spot for them in an elective prior to its opening registration date.   

If a physician-in-training inappropriately requests a supervisor to hold a spot in an elective prior to the date and time specified in the timetable for registration, they will forfeit the spot to any student(s) who requests the spot on or after the specified registration date and time.

Electives should be officially registered in the Office of Registration and Records at least four weeks in advance of the starting date. This allows departments and faculty to prepare and plan for rotations and also to determine if visiting physicains-in-training can be accommodated. Credit will not be awarded for any elective in which an application is submitted after its scheduled starting date.

Extramural elective registration is not governed by the timetable for elective registration. Since some programs have limited elective positions, it is suggested that physicians-in-training attempt extramural registration a minimum of three to six months ahead of the desired starting time.


The physician-in-training should:

  1. Discuss an overall elective program with a faculty advisor and/or a Student Affairs dean.
  3. Submit their elective application on myLUMEN.
  4. Contact the elective/department coordinator with any questions regarding the application or the elective.  The elective coordinator's contact information is listed in the course catalog with each elective description.

    Only electives approved by the elective coordinator through our online registration system will be added to the physician-in-training's schedule and the official department rosters by the Office of Registration and Records.


    The physician-in-training should:

    1. Discuss an elective plan with their advisor. Determine the time requirement of the specific part-time elective through discussion with the supervisor or coordinator before completing the elective application. Note the credit earned for the part-time elective.
    2. Inform, and seek the approval of, the supervisor of any planned concurrent full-time course for the desired registration period.
    3. No physician-in-training may use a part-time elective course to leave from, or reduce, the required time of their concurrent full-time course.


    Stritch physicians-in-training may enroll in elective clerkships and courses offered by other, approved institutions during the M4 year. These extramural electives may be taken to strengthen one's medical education and to take advantage of opportunities for special training. M4 physicians-in-training are allowed to enroll in a maximum of one quarter (12 weeks) of extramural electives. A physician-in-training must have a grade of Pass or better recorded for each required or elective course attempted prior to the start of any proposed extramural elective. 

    Physicians-in-training are most frequently approved to take extramural electives listed in other accredited U.S. medical school catalogs and occasionally may be approved for educational activities offered outside of a medical school or the United States. Students should refer to Section P for details regarding the application process for any elective which is not listed in a U.S. medical school catalog.

    Extramural elective registration is NOT governed by the Timetable for Registration published by the Office of Registration and Records and may be registered in alignment with the timetable proposed by the other institution. However, electives will not be approved more than one year in advance of its starting date. 


    The registration process requires completion either an online application through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) or, for institutions that do not use VSLO®, completion of a NON-VSLO application packet. Following the correct registration procedure for your extramural elective is very important since it confirms: 

    1. Academic eligibility for the elective;
    2. Their presence on another campus in patient care areas is legitimate;
    3. That they are covered by Loyola for medical liability (malpractice) insurance and will earn academic credit from Loyola University Chicago for this elective upon its satisfactory completion;
    4. That the sponsoring physician agrees to submit a grade report at  the elective's conclusion. 

    We anticipate that most extramural electives available for academic credit will be offered under the auspices of another U.S. medical school or its affiliates. With proper format and supervision, community-based electives may be approved. (See Section P.)

    When To Apply: Apply well in advance (generally three months) to increase the likelihood of securing your desired spot. Some institutions or departments may encourage submission of applications further in advance.  Inquire as to the application time frame recommended by a specific institution and department. A good starting point for this information is the AAMC EXTRAMURAL ELECTIVE COMPENDIUM which lists the earliest date applications are accepted at each school, as well as when applicants are notified.  Extramural electives may not be registered at Loyola more than one year in advance of the start date.

    How To Begin: A good elective program starts with an overall long range plan. Consult your faculty advisor, career advisor(s) and deans to help develop the program.  Resources for extramural elective planning include:

    2. Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®)
    3. Medical School websites

      Steps In The Application Process: 

      1. Determine if the school accepts VSLO® (electronic) applications or if it uses paper applications. (You can find this information on the extramural electives compendium or the individual school's website.

        If the school uses VSLO®, follow the application steps on the VSLO® website.

      2. If the school uses a paper application process, print and complete the extramural institution's application for an elective and the NON-VSLO Application Packet.

        Bring all completed application materials to the Stritch Office of Registration & Records for review and approval, along with a copy of the instruction letter from the elective's institution.  Each extramural application must be approved by a Student Affairs Dean before it is forwarded to the institution.  NOTE: If the elective is not at another U.S. medical school and listed in their catalog, or is located outside the U.S., a statement from the elective supervisor describing the nature of the elective experience, its format, the scope of activities, and the basis for assigning a grade, should be attached (see Section P.).

      3. Once approved, the Office of Registration & Records will mail the application, along with any supporting documents, to the extramural institution. It is strongly encouraged that all required supporting documents (as requested by the extramural institution) be mailed together with the application rather than under separate cover. Essential supporting documents may include one or more of the following:
        1. CV
        2. photograph
        3. immunization records
        4. proof of health insurance coverage
        5. application or processing fee
        6. proof of completion of OSHA/Universal Precautions and HIPAA training
        7. a faculty letter of recommendation
        8. Stritch transcript

      Physicians-in-training should allow time for ORR and other Loyola offices to process the required documents. At least 10 working days should be allowed for preparation before transmittal. "Rush" handling of applications cannot be expected. Plan to ensure all deadlines are met.  

      Elective registration is complete once the other institution returns the application to Loyola indicating its acceptance.  Upon receipt of the completed form, the Office of Registration and Records will post the elective on the physician-in-training's schedule.  The Loyola Registrar will send a form (automatically) to the elective supervisor. Academic credit will be earned only for electives which are properly and completely registered for prior to the start date and satisfactorily completed.


      Unless otherwise noted in the elective description, electives will be graded according to the official grading system (Honors, High Pass, Pass and Fail). Note that occasionally, extramural elective supervisors will use only their own institution's grading scale.

      The Office of Registration and Records will provide an EVALUATION OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE ON AN ELECTIVE CLERKSHIP form directly to elective supervisors for all registered physicians-in-training.  Only evaluations returned directly to the Office of Registration and Records by the faculty evaluator will be accepted. Elective grades should be reported within two weeks after the elective's end.  Upon receipt of an evaluation, the Office of Registration and Records will be updated to reflect the elective course grade and credit earned.

      The evaluation form requires the elective supervisor to provide written comments related to the physicain-in-training's understanding, skill development, professional attitude, demonstrated competencies, and any other criteria which were specified to be met during the elective. Faculty and physician-in-training are encouraged to discuss the evaluation prior to its submission to the Office of Registration and Records and to the physician-in-training's file.


      Registration for any elective represents a commitment which the physician-in-training is obligated to fulfill. If cancellation is unavoidable, it must occur a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the elective start date.  After this deadline, faculty are not required to release a participant from an elective obligation. Petitions to cancel electives beyond the minimum requirement will be considered only if one of the following criteria are met:

      1. The physician-in-training finds a suitable replacement who will fill the vacancy.
      2. The elective supervisor specifies that it is permissible to withdraw with less than four weeks notice by notifying the Office of Registration & Records in writing.

      Extramural institutions that have accepted Loyola physicians-in-training for electives may apply their own cancellation policies and are not obligated to release Loyola physicians-in-training once registration in their system is finalized. This is especially likely if the institution cannot refill the vacancy left by the Loyola physicain-in-training's cancellation. Any request for cancellation of a scheduled or pending extramural elective must be made in writing (typically via email) to the extramural institution's contact for that elective. Cancellation of an extramural elective should be made at the earliest possible date (to free up that elective spot for another student) and at the very minimum at least four to six weeks in advance of the start date.

      Physicians-in-training who fail to secure proper cancellation approval from an extramural institution may be prohibited from registering for any further extramural electives.


      Physicians-in-training may not hold a spot in more than one intramural or extramural elective for the same time period to reserve elective positions. Occasionally, a physician-in-training decides to submit a number of extramural elective applications to various institutions for the same time period, Physicains-in-training are honor bound; once they have been accepted as a visiting student at their desired program, they must officially cancel in writing all other extramural elective applications pending for the same time period. However, physicians-in-training are strongly discouraged from canceling an elective spot which they have accepted and held for any protracted length of time. Such action is unacceptable as the program may be unable to refill the vacancy very close to the expected course start.  Also, future Loyola applicants may be denied access to electives at that institution if it is perceived that Loyola physicians-in-training do not honor their commitments. A physician-in-training who fails to properly cancel extramural elective applications may be prohibited from registering for any further extramural electives.


      Physicains-in-training cannot participate concurrently in two electives listed as earning full-time elective credit. There are electives designated as part-time in this catalog. These allow physicians-in-training to earn partial credit and may be registered concurrently with a full-time elective provided the time requirement specified for the part-time elective does not conflict with that required for the full-time elective. Physicians-in-training must secure the written approval of both supervisors prior to the elective's start date.  (See Section I.)

      P. Attendance/Absence Policy & Procedure

      In order to receive credit for electives, physicians-in-training may not miss any more than one day per week, averaged over the length of the elective. Any absence must be approved in advance from Student Affairs and the elective director and should be expected to be a rare occurance with illness, interviews and healthcare appointments being the primary categories. 



      A physician-in-training seeking to pursue an elective outside of a one that is listed must provide a written statement including the:

      1. nature of the elective
      2. objectives of the experience
      3. planned learning activities
      4. method of final evaluation

      The statement must be signed by the elective supervisor and sent with a signed intramural or extramural elective application form to the Office of Registration and Records for approval. (NOTE: A special elective under the supervision of a Stritch faculty member is an intramural elective.) Proper approval must be obtained prior to the electives; retroactive approval will not be granted. If approved, the elective will be posted on the physician-in-training's schedule and earn academic credit.

      Attendance at professional meetings, conferences, or extracurricular activities is not appropriate for elective credit. Unstructured community or international experiences are not eligible for elective credit. Unique one or two week rotations are discouraged.   



      A minimum of 22 weeks of elective coursework must be successfully completed to meet the requirements for the MD degree. Physicians-in-training are encouraged to use the extra time in their M4 academic year to complete Step 2 preparation, residency applications, and residency interviews. Any time taken off during the academic year shoud be registered as discretionary time.

      Physicians-in-training who decide to take discretionary time must notify the Office of Registration and Records in advance. A Discretionary Time Form is available on myLUMEN. Physcians-in-training requiring time for residency interviewing, travel to and from extramural acttives, USMLE study time, clerkship remediation time, or time for personal or professional activities, are expected to use their discretionary time or one of the regularly scheduled quarterly vacation breaks designated on the academic calendar for this purpose.

      Physicians-in-training will not be excused from required clerkships or electives except for medical or emergency reasons.


      Students enrolled in other U.S. medical schools are welcome to apply for elective clerkships listed in this catalog. Stritch physicians-in-training do have priority in registering for electives. (See Section S.) To be considered, a visiting student must meet the criteria outlined below.

      Visiting Student Criteria:

      The Dean (or other appropriate school official) must certify that the physicain-in-training has:

      1. registered, pays tuition, and is in good standing at their medical school in their final year of the MD program.
      2. successfully completed Universal Precautions (OSHA) and HIPAA Training.
      3. successfully completed the core clerkship, which includes a clinical practicum component, in the specialty area of the elective requested prior to the start of the elective, as well as any other prerequisite stated in the elective clerkship description.
      4. coverage for personal hospitalization insurance and professional liability coverage (at a minimum rate of $1 million per incident/ $3 million aggregate) by their own medical school while participating in the elective at Stritch.
      5. approval and is recommended for participation in an elective at Loyola-Stritch
      6. maintained compliance with Illinois State health laws: the physician-in-training must have completed the immunizations required for participation in clerkships at the Stritch School of Medicine and its affiliate hospitals PRIOR to the elective's start. 

      A visiting physician-in-training may register for no more than 12 weeks of electives offered through Loyola-Stritch.

      Once accepted into an elective, the visiting physicain-in-training is expected to honor that commitment. Notification of withdrawal must be made in writing to the Stritch/Loyola Office of Registration and Records and the appropriate department at least four weeks in advance.

      Housing is not available for visiting physicains-in-training; parking is available for a modest fee.


      1. Physicians-in-training from all U.S. medical schools (both MD and DO) should apply for an elective through the VSLO® website. The Immunization Information form can be uploaded directly to accompany your application.
      2. Visiting physicains-in-training who want to take a Stritch elective will be accommodated only if they have been approved by Loyola's Student Welness Center as having the required proof of immunizations and an elective application processed first through the Office of Registration and Records. Acceptance by a department or supervisor does not constitute approval for a visiting student elective.
      3. If approved for the elective, the physician-in-training will be notified through VSLO® or by the Office of Registration & Records visiting student coordinator.

        Approximately one week prior to the elective's start, the Office of Registration & Records will email the physician-in-training instructions for the first day of the elective. The physician-in-training will obtain a visiting student I.D. badge at the campus Parking Office (Mulcahy Building, East Entrance). This badge will permit entrance to the campus and patient care areas and use of the medical library. Only physicians-in-training registered according to the above procedure will be eligible for an I.D.

      4. Visiting physicians-in-training should know that Stritch physicians-in-training have priority in registering for electives. Visiting physicain-in-training registration will not be processed for a minimum of two weeks after the opening sign-up date for Stritch physicians-in-training listed on the timetable (approximately 12-14 weeks in advance of the elective's start date). Visiting physicians-in-training should determine appropriate registration times by referring to the dates on the Visiting Student Timetable. 
      5. Period start dates will be strictly enforced (i.e. all elective rotations must follow the Stritch elective month calendar).  It is not administratively feasible for us to accommodate physicains-in-training starting at different times, even if our calendar does not align with the visiting physicians-in-training school's calendar.


      Formal completion of a course in which a physician-in-training has acquired clinical skill in history taking, physical examination and interviewing, is the minimal prerequisite for the majority of the electives listed in this catalog. Pre-clinical physicians-in-training may register for a part-time intramural elective if they meet all of the following: 

      1. Must be enrolled in at least the second semester of the curriculum, making satisfactory progress, and have successfully completed all course work attempted to date;
      2. The prerequisite is not completion of clinical course work;
      3. The part-time elective is offered at a time which does not conflict with their pre-clinical course schedule;
      4. Approval of the elective's supervisor.

      Pre-clinical physicians-in-training cannot earn extramural elective credit.


      It is the responsibility of each physician-in-training to develop their elective program. The Stritch curriculum requires satisfactory completion of a minimum of 22 weeks of approved elective clerkships to fulfill the requirement for the Doctor of Medicine degree. Within the time allotted in the curriculum for elective study, a physician-in-training is also responsible for fulfilling the graduation requirement for the Bioethics & Professionalism program (see Section F.)

      It is the responsibility of each physician-in-training to track their individual schedule as it relates to the fulfillment of elective requirements. Physicians-in-training may view their schedule online through the myLUMEN website and should check their schedule periodically to verify that applications for elective clerkships have been properly processed and as a reference for additional schedule planning.

      Refer to the specific regulations, policies, and procedures sections which follow for complete information on elective clerkships. Physicians-in-training are responsible for adhering to the strictly enforced regulations which are in this catalog.


      Intramural clinical and/or research-oriented electives are offered by all teaching departments at Stritch. In addition, a limited number of weeks of extramural electives (up to 12) can be incorporated into the M4 clinical elective program.

      For the M4 year, plan your elective in consultation with a faculty advisor and/or a Student Affairs dean.

      Also available to help you plan elective course options is the SPECIALTY ELECTIVE GUIDE, which provides lists of elective courses recommended for physicians-in-training with a career interest in a particular specialty. 


      Plan electives consistent with the following guidelines:

      • Electives must be taken during a time period designated for an elective in the physician-in-training's clerkship track. Full-time electives may not be taken concurrently with core required clerkships during the third and fourth years.
      • The minimum requirement is 22 calendar weeks.
      • A maximum of four weeks of cumulative elective credit from first and second year (combined) can be counted toward overall elective credit requirements. (For Class of 2026 and later, a maximum of two weeks of cumulative elective credit from first and second year (combined) can be counted toward overall elective requirements.)
      • In the M4 year, the majority of electives (12 weeks of the 22 week minimum), must consist of electives that are at full-time, clinical rotations.
      • Optimally, four to eight weeks of credit can be earned in any one specialty area, but in no case will more than 12 weeks in any one specialty be applied towards the 22 week minimum.
      • M4 core clerkships (Emergency Medicine, Sub-I Wards, and Sub-I ICU) and required PCM-4 course do not fulfill the elective requirements or cap of credit in a particular specialty area. The Transition to Residency course will also be a required course starting in AY 2024-2025 for the class of 2025, and will also not help meet elective requirements.
      • A physician-in-training must complete at least 12 weeks of coursework (elective and/or required) in the second semester of the M4 year.
      • Up to 12 total weeks of coursework may be completed extramurally during the M4 year.
      • Clinical specialty areas include, but are not limited to:
        • Allergy and Immunology
        • Anesthesiology
        • Colon and Rectal Surgery
        • Dermatology
        • Emergency Medicine
        • Family Medicine
        • Internal Medicine
        • Medical Genetics
        • Neurological Surgery
        • Neurology
        • Nuclear Medicine
        • Obstetrics and Gynecology
        • Ophthalmology
        • Orthopaedic Surgery
        • Otolaryngology
        • Pain Medicine
        • Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical
        • Pediatrics
        • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
        • Plastic Surgery
        • Preventive Medicine
        • Psychiatry
        • Radiation Oncology
        • Radiology-Diagnostic
        • Sleep Medicine
        • Surgery-General
        • Thoracic Surgery
        • Urology

      Stritch expects clinical physicians-in-training to comply with the above policies. Physicians-in-training who want to deviate from the above policies must petition in advance to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and/or their designee.


      A physician-in-training must have fulfilled the prerequisite course work specified in an elective description to be considered for the elective. A physician-in-training must have a grade of Pass or better for each required or elective course prior to the start of any extramural elective.

      Failure to make satisfactory progress toward the Doctor of Medicine degree according to the physician-in-training's track schedule may result in administrative modification of their course schedule. This modification may include, but is not limited to, a change in the content, timing or location of their elective program.


      1. Elective credit: One week = 35 clock hours = one week of elective credit 

      a. Full-time electives: One calendar week of elective taken = one week of credit

      Unless noted, electives expect the full-time (i.e., full day) involvement of the physician-in-training to earn full-time elective credit. When the physician-in-training is not occupied in activities requiring attendance or participation in the hospital, they are expected to do appropriate library work or reading to complement the practical experience.

      b. Part-time electives: the Office of Registration and Records determines part-time elective credit based on the portion of time per week spent in the part-time elective. Examples of part-time electives include Healer's Art or Medical Teaching. The part-time elective, as designated in this catalog, requires a limited number of hours per week.  It may be possible to take some of the part-time electives concurrently with a full-time elective (see Section I).

      c. Length of electives: Each elective should be four or more weeks in length. Due to special scheduling needs, physicians-in-training may, judiciously, register for a two-week elective.

      2. Intramural / Extramural

      a. An intramural elective is an approved elective listed in this catalog.  Physicians-in-training should register for intramural electives by using the Elective Registration page on myLUMEN.

      b. To register for an intramural elective:

      1. Log into myLUMEN and select Elective Registration from the left side menu.

      2. Select Register for Elective Courses. View the course description for details. When you make your selection, you will be provided with rotation dates.

      If your elective request is denied, submit a request for a different elective. Please note: You will not be able to submit a new request for another elective until a decision is made on your current elective request for that period.

      c. An extramural (away) elective is any elective that does not appear in this catalog. A maximum of 12 weeks (one quarter) of extramural elective time is allowed.

      Physicians-in-training must register for extramural electives either through Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) or by using the Non-VSLO Away Application (if the extramural school is not part of the VSLO® system). Extramural electives require the approval of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs as well as the approval of the extramural institution at which you will rotate. 

      F. Bioethics & Professionalism

      In the clinical years, physicians-in-training are required to complete an ethics case paper and attend two ethics grand rounds (total of four required; two should be completed in the second year and two should be completed in the third year).

      The Bioethics & Professionalism website provides detailed information regarding the requirements and dates.


      Refer to the TIMETABLE FOR ELECTIVE REGISTRATION for the earliest date on which you can register for an elective in a specific time period. The timetable provides all physicians-in-training with an equal opportunity to secure intramural elective rotations. The timetable allows students to register for intramural electives about five months before the scheduled starting date. Physicians-in-training are not permitted to have a supervisor or coordinator hold a spot for them in an elective prior to its opening registration date.   

      If a physician-in-training inappropriately requests a supervisor to hold a spot in an elective prior to the date and time specified in the timetable for registration, they will forfeit the spot to any student(s) who requests the spot on or after the specified registration date and time.

      Electives should be officially registered in the Office of Registration and Records at least four weeks in advance of the starting date. This allows departments and faculty to prepare and plan for rotations and also to determine if visiting physicains-in-training can be accommodated. Credit will not be awarded for any elective in which an application is submitted after its scheduled starting date.

      Extramural elective registration is not governed by the timetable for elective registration. Since some programs have limited elective positions, it is suggested that physicians-in-training attempt extramural registration a minimum of three to six months ahead of the desired starting time.


      The physician-in-training should:

      1. Discuss an overall elective program with a faculty advisor and/or a Student Affairs dean.
      3. Submit their elective application on myLUMEN.
      4. Contact the elective/department coordinator with any questions regarding the application or the elective.  The elective coordinator's contact information is listed in the course catalog with each elective description.

        Only electives approved by the elective coordinator through our online registration system will be added to the physician-in-training's schedule and the official department rosters by the Office of Registration and Records.


        The physician-in-training should:

        1. Discuss an elective plan with their advisor. Determine the time requirement of the specific part-time elective through discussion with the supervisor or coordinator before completing the elective application. Note the credit earned for the part-time elective.
        2. Inform, and seek the approval of, the supervisor of any planned concurrent full-time course for the desired registration period.
        3. No physician-in-training may use a part-time elective course to leave from, or reduce, the required time of their concurrent full-time course.


        Stritch physicians-in-training may enroll in elective clerkships and courses offered by other, approved institutions during the M4 year. These extramural electives may be taken to strengthen one's medical education and to take advantage of opportunities for special training. M4 physicians-in-training are allowed to enroll in a maximum of one quarter (12 weeks) of extramural electives. A physician-in-training must have a grade of Pass or better recorded for each required or elective course attempted prior to the start of any proposed extramural elective. 

        Physicians-in-training are most frequently approved to take extramural electives listed in other accredited U.S. medical school catalogs and occasionally may be approved for educational activities offered outside of a medical school or the United States. Students should refer to Section P for details regarding the application process for any elective which is not listed in a U.S. medical school catalog.

        Extramural elective registration is NOT governed by the Timetable for Registration published by the Office of Registration and Records and may be registered in alignment with the timetable proposed by the other institution. However, electives will not be approved more than one year in advance of its starting date. 


        The registration process requires completion either an online application through the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®) or, for institutions that do not use VSLO®, completion of a NON-VSLO application packet. Following the correct registration procedure for your extramural elective is very important since it confirms: 

        1. Academic eligibility for the elective;
        2. Their presence on another campus in patient care areas is legitimate;
        3. That they are covered by Loyola for medical liability (malpractice) insurance and will earn academic credit from Loyola University Chicago for this elective upon its satisfactory completion;
        4. That the sponsoring physician agrees to submit a grade report at  the elective's conclusion. 

        We anticipate that most extramural electives available for academic credit will be offered under the auspices of another U.S. medical school or its affiliates. With proper format and supervision, community-based electives may be approved. (See Section P.)

        When To Apply: Apply well in advance (generally three months) to increase the likelihood of securing your desired spot. Some institutions or departments may encourage submission of applications further in advance.  Inquire as to the application time frame recommended by a specific institution and department. A good starting point for this information is the AAMC EXTRAMURAL ELECTIVE COMPENDIUM which lists the earliest date applications are accepted at each school, as well as when applicants are notified.  Extramural electives may not be registered at Loyola more than one year in advance of the start date.

        How To Begin: A good elective program starts with an overall long range plan. Consult your faculty advisor, career advisor(s) and deans to help develop the program.  Resources for extramural elective planning include:

        1. The AAMC EXTRAMURAL ELECTIVES COMPENDIUM (described above)
        2. Visiting Student Learning Opportunities™ (VSLO®)
        3. Medical School websites

          Steps In The Application Process: 

          1. Determine if the school accepts VSLO® (electronic) applications or if it uses paper applications. (You can find this information on the extramural electives compendium or the individual school's website.

            If the school uses VSLO®, follow the application steps on the VSLO® website.

          2. If the school uses a paper application process, print and complete the extramural institution's application for an elective and the NON-VSLO Application Packet.

            Bring all completed application materials to the Stritch Office of Registration & Records for review and approval, along with a copy of the instruction letter from the elective's institution.  Each extramural application must be approved by a Student Affairs Dean before it is forwarded to the institution.  NOTE: If the elective is not at another U.S. medical school and listed in their catalog, or is located outside the U.S., a statement from the elective supervisor describing the nature of the elective experience, its format, the scope of activities, and the basis for assigning a grade, should be attached (see Section P.).

          3. Once approved, the Office of Registration & Records will mail the application, along with any supporting documents, to the extramural institution. It is strongly encouraged that all required supporting documents (as requested by the extramural institution) be mailed together with the application rather than under separate cover. Essential supporting documents may include one or more of the following:
            1. CV
            2. photograph
            3. immunization records
            4. proof of health insurance coverage
            5. application or processing fee
            6. proof of completion of OSHA/Universal Precautions and HIPAA training
            7. a faculty letter of recommendation
            8. Stritch transcript

          Physicians-in-training should allow time for ORR and other Loyola offices to process the required documents. At least 10 working days should be allowed for preparation before transmittal. "Rush" handling of applications cannot be expected. Plan to ensure all deadlines are met.  

          Elective registration is complete once the other institution returns the application to Loyola indicating its acceptance.  Upon receipt of the completed form, the Office of Registration and Records will post the elective on the physician-in-training's schedule.  The Loyola Registrar will send a form (automatically) to the elective supervisor. Academic credit will be earned only for electives which are properly and completely registered for prior to the start date and satisfactorily completed.


          Unless otherwise noted in the elective description, electives will be graded according to the official grading system (Honors, High Pass, Pass and Fail). Note that occasionally, extramural elective supervisors will use only their own institution's grading scale.

          The Office of Registration and Records will provide an EVALUATION OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE ON AN ELECTIVE CLERKSHIP form directly to elective supervisors for all registered physicians-in-training.  Only evaluations returned directly to the Office of Registration and Records by the faculty evaluator will be accepted. Elective grades should be reported within two weeks after the elective's end.  Upon receipt of an evaluation, the Office of Registration and Records will be updated to reflect the elective course grade and credit earned.

          The evaluation form requires the elective supervisor to provide written comments related to the physicain-in-training's understanding, skill development, professional attitude, demonstrated competencies, and any other criteria which were specified to be met during the elective. Faculty and physician-in-training are encouraged to discuss the evaluation prior to its submission to the Office of Registration and Records and to the physician-in-training's file.


          Registration for any elective represents a commitment which the physician-in-training is obligated to fulfill. If cancellation is unavoidable, it must occur a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the elective start date.  After this deadline, faculty are not required to release a participant from an elective obligation. Petitions to cancel electives beyond the minimum requirement will be considered only if one of the following criteria are met:

          1. The physician-in-training finds a suitable replacement who will fill the vacancy.
          2. The elective supervisor specifies that it is permissible to withdraw with less than four weeks notice by notifying the Office of Registration & Records in writing.

          Extramural institutions that have accepted Loyola physicians-in-training for electives may apply their own cancellation policies and are not obligated to release Loyola physicians-in-training once registration in their system is finalized. This is especially likely if the institution cannot refill the vacancy left by the Loyola physicain-in-training's cancellation. Any request for cancellation of a scheduled or pending extramural elective must be made in writing (typically via email) to the extramural institution's contact for that elective. Cancellation of an extramural elective should be made at the earliest possible date (to free up that elective spot for another student) and at the very minimum at least four to six weeks in advance of the start date.

          Physicians-in-training who fail to secure proper cancellation approval from an extramural institution may be prohibited from registering for any further extramural electives.


          Physicians-in-training may not hold a spot in more than one intramural or extramural elective for the same time period to reserve elective positions. Occasionally, a physician-in-training decides to submit a number of extramural elective applications to various institutions for the same time period, Physicains-in-training are honor bound; once they have been accepted as a visiting student at their desired program, they must officially cancel in writing all other extramural elective applications pending for the same time period. However, physicians-in-training are strongly discouraged from canceling an elective spot which they have accepted and held for any protracted length of time. Such action is unacceptable as the program may be unable to refill the vacancy very close to the expected course start.  Also, future Loyola applicants may be denied access to electives at that institution if it is perceived that Loyola physicians-in-training do not honor their commitments. A physician-in-training who fails to properly cancel extramural elective applications may be prohibited from registering for any further extramural electives.


          Physicains-in-training cannot participate concurrently in two electives listed as earning full-time elective credit. There are electives designated as part-time in this catalog. These allow physicians-in-training to earn partial credit and may be registered concurrently with a full-time elective provided the time requirement specified for the part-time elective does not conflict with that required for the full-time elective. Physicians-in-training must secure the written approval of both supervisors prior to the elective's start date.  (See Section I.)

          P. Attendance/Absence Policy & Procedure

          In order to receive credit for electives, physicians-in-training may not miss any more than one day per week, averaged over the length of the elective. Any absence must be approved in advance from Student Affairs and the elective director and should be expected to be a rare occurance with illness, interviews and healthcare appointments being the primary categories. 



          A physician-in-training seeking to pursue an elective outside of a one that is listed must provide a written statement including the:

          1. nature of the elective
          2. objectives of the experience
          3. planned learning activities
          4. method of final evaluation

          The statement must be signed by the elective supervisor and sent with a signed intramural or extramural elective application form to the Office of Registration and Records for approval. (NOTE: A special elective under the supervision of a Stritch faculty member is an intramural elective.) Proper approval must be obtained prior to the electives; retroactive approval will not be granted. If approved, the elective will be posted on the physician-in-training's schedule and earn academic credit.

          Attendance at professional meetings, conferences, or extracurricular activities is not appropriate for elective credit. Unstructured community or international experiences are not eligible for elective credit. Unique one or two week rotations are discouraged.   



          A minimum of 22 weeks of elective coursework must be successfully completed to meet the requirements for the MD degree. Physicians-in-training are encouraged to use the extra time in their M4 academic year to complete Step 2 preparation, residency applications, and residency interviews. Any time taken off during the academic year shoud be registered as discretionary time.

          Physicians-in-training who decide to take discretionary time must notify the Office of Registration and Records in advance. A Discretionary Time Form is available on myLUMEN. Physcians-in-training requiring time for residency interviewing, travel to and from extramural acttives, USMLE study time, clerkship remediation time, or time for personal or professional activities, are expected to use their discretionary time or one of the regularly scheduled quarterly vacation breaks designated on the academic calendar for this purpose.

          Physicians-in-training will not be excused from required clerkships or electives except for medical or emergency reasons.


          Students enrolled in other U.S. medical schools are welcome to apply for elective clerkships listed in this catalog. Stritch physicians-in-training do have priority in registering for electives. (See Section S.) To be considered, a visiting student must meet the criteria outlined below.

          Visiting Student Criteria:

          The Dean (or other appropriate school official) must certify that the physicain-in-training has:

          1. registered, pays tuition, and is in good standing at their medical school in their final year of the MD program.
          2. successfully completed Universal Precautions (OSHA) and HIPAA Training.
          3. successfully completed the core clerkship, which includes a clinical practicum component, in the specialty area of the elective requested prior to the start of the elective, as well as any other prerequisite stated in the elective clerkship description.
          4. coverage for personal hospitalization insurance and professional liability coverage (at a minimum rate of $1 million per incident/ $3 million aggregate) by their own medical school while participating in the elective at Stritch.
          5. approval and is recommended for participation in an elective at Loyola-Stritch
          6. maintained compliance with Illinois State health laws: the physician-in-training must have completed the immunizations required for participation in clerkships at the Stritch School of Medicine and its affiliate hospitals PRIOR to the elective's start. 

          A visiting physician-in-training may register for no more than 12 weeks of electives offered through Loyola-Stritch.

          Once accepted into an elective, the visiting physicain-in-training is expected to honor that commitment. Notification of withdrawal must be made in writing to the Stritch/Loyola Office of Registration and Records and the appropriate department at least four weeks in advance.

          Housing is not available for visiting physicains-in-training; parking is available for a modest fee.


          1. Physicians-in-training from all U.S. medical schools (both MD and DO) should apply for an elective through the VSLO® website. The Immunization Information form can be uploaded directly to accompany your application.
          2. Visiting physicains-in-training who want to take a Stritch elective will be accommodated only if they have been approved by Loyola's Student Welness Center as having the required proof of immunizations and an elective application processed first through the Office of Registration and Records. Acceptance by a department or supervisor does not constitute approval for a visiting student elective.
          3. If approved for the elective, the physician-in-training will be notified through VSLO® or by the Office of Registration & Records visiting student coordinator.

            Approximately one week prior to the elective's start, the Office of Registration & Records will email the physician-in-training instructions for the first day of the elective. The physician-in-training will obtain a visiting student I.D. badge at the campus Parking Office (Mulcahy Building, East Entrance). This badge will permit entrance to the campus and patient care areas and use of the medical library. Only physicians-in-training registered according to the above procedure will be eligible for an I.D.

          4. Visiting physicians-in-training should know that Stritch physicians-in-training have priority in registering for electives. Visiting physicain-in-training registration will not be processed for a minimum of two weeks after the opening sign-up date for Stritch physicians-in-training listed on the timetable (approximately 12-14 weeks in advance of the elective's start date). Visiting physicians-in-training should determine appropriate registration times by referring to the dates on the Visiting Student Timetable. 
          5. Period start dates will be strictly enforced (i.e. all elective rotations must follow the Stritch elective month calendar).  It is not administratively feasible for us to accommodate physicains-in-training starting at different times, even if our calendar does not align with the visiting physicians-in-training school's calendar.


          Formal completion of a course in which a physician-in-training has acquired clinical skill in history taking, physical examination and interviewing, is the minimal prerequisite for the majority of the electives listed in this catalog. Pre-clinical physicians-in-training may register for a part-time intramural elective if they meet all of the following: 

          1. Must be enrolled in at least the second semester of the curriculum, making satisfactory progress, and have successfully completed all course work attempted to date;
          2. The prerequisite is not completion of clinical course work;
          3. The part-time elective is offered at a time which does not conflict with their pre-clinical course schedule;
          4. Approval of the elective's supervisor.

          Pre-clinical physicians-in-training cannot earn extramural elective credit.