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RES 401

Office of Research Services (RES)

Dept. Contact: Tina Rutschman
Location: CTRE 124
Phone: 708-216-8434
Email: trutschman@luc.edu


Department: Office of Research Services
Course Number: RES-401 
Course Title: Research Elective
No. of Students: 15 
Site: LUMC
Supervisor: Colleen Fitzgerald, M.D.  
Duration: 4.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: Year round 
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students.
Special Note: This research elective is a requirement for completion of the Research Honors Program. Students not in the Research Honors Program may also request this elective.

Students must apply for this elective with written support of a faculty member who will serve as the research mentor and agrees to provide oversight and formal assessment of the student. See list of potential mentors:http://hsd.luc.edu/research_services/content/starprogrammentorlist/

Students will begin the application process by applying for the designated elective in MylLUMEN. Selecting the RES-401 elective, students will be prompted to fill out the following additional info before submitting the elective request:

1) Student Form: Participant in Research Honors Program: (Yes) (No) 
Mentor Name:
Briefly describe planned day-to-day activities: 
Briefly describe your educational goals for your research elective:
List 3 tangible forms of success in this elective (for example, complete data collection, first draft of manuscript, etc.):

When the student submits the research elective application, the elective coordinator and the requested mentor will receive email notification of the application. The notification email will specify that the mentor needs to complete the following info online:

2) Research Mentor Form: The research mentor should use this form to indicate the specific educational goals and tasks that the student will undertake during the requested research elective. The end-of-elective formal evaluation will assess whether the mentor and student feel that the educational goals and tasks were accomplished. 
Educational Goals of Research Elective (list up to 5):
Briefly describe day-to-day oversight plan for this student while on the research elective:

Method of Evaluation: To receive credit for the research elective, both the mentor and the student evaluation forms must be completed. The formal evaluation form will consist of the educational goals described by the mentor and the 3 tangible forms of success described by the student. Both mentor and student will indicate their assessment, as well as provide comments as they wish. The mentor is solely responsible for the final grade.
Dept. Contact: Tina Rutschman
Location: CTRE 124
Phone: 708-216-8434
Email: trutschman@luc.edu


Department: Office of Research Services
Course Number: RES-401 
Course Title: Research Elective
No. of Students: 15 
Site: LUMC
Supervisor: Colleen Fitzgerald, M.D.  
Duration: 4.0 weeks 
Periods Offered: Year round 
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students.
Special Note: This research elective is a requirement for completion of the Research Honors Program. Students not in the Research Honors Program may also request this elective.

Students must apply for this elective with written support of a faculty member who will serve as the research mentor and agrees to provide oversight and formal assessment of the student. See list of potential mentors:http://hsd.luc.edu/research_services/content/starprogrammentorlist/

Students will begin the application process by applying for the designated elective in MylLUMEN. Selecting the RES-401 elective, students will be prompted to fill out the following additional info before submitting the elective request:

1) Student Form: Participant in Research Honors Program: (Yes) (No) 
Mentor Name:
Briefly describe planned day-to-day activities: 
Briefly describe your educational goals for your research elective:
List 3 tangible forms of success in this elective (for example, complete data collection, first draft of manuscript, etc.):

When the student submits the research elective application, the elective coordinator and the requested mentor will receive email notification of the application. The notification email will specify that the mentor needs to complete the following info online:

2) Research Mentor Form: The research mentor should use this form to indicate the specific educational goals and tasks that the student will undertake during the requested research elective. The end-of-elective formal evaluation will assess whether the mentor and student feel that the educational goals and tasks were accomplished. 
Educational Goals of Research Elective (list up to 5):
Briefly describe day-to-day oversight plan for this student while on the research elective:

Method of Evaluation: To receive credit for the research elective, both the mentor and the student evaluation forms must be completed. The formal evaluation form will consist of the educational goals described by the mentor and the 3 tangible forms of success described by the student. Both mentor and student will indicate their assessment, as well as provide comments as they wish. The mentor is solely responsible for the final grade.