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MDED 230

Medical Education (MDED)

Elective Contact Natalie Hiller
Location SSOM Rm 300
Phone 708-216-8192
Email nhiller@luc.edu


Department: Medical Education
Course Number: MDED-230
Course Title: Clinical Nutrition
No. of Students: 20
Site: LUMC
Supervisors: Nadia Qureshi, MD & Susan Porto, MD
Duration: Asynchronous; 1 week credit 
Periods Offered: PT-M1, PT-M2, PT-M3, PT-M4 (September - February)
Prerequisite: None
Special Note:

Contact mmarras@luc.edu if interested.

AY2024-2025 Dates:  9/9/2024 - 2/18/2025


This part-time elective (one week of elective credit) is designed to provide medical students with a comprehensive understanding of the most current information that is available regarding nutrition and its impact on our health. This course will cover topics such as understanding the nutrition label, processed foods, the best options available in each of the main food groups, and more. Using evidence-based medicine, this course aims to educate students on the consequences of how foods in our current society can either help or harm our health. With this information, students will be better prepared to provide preventative medicine and integrate nutritional considerations into their clinical practice, enhancing their care as future physicians, regardless of their chosen specialty. Throughout the course, students will attend lectures on zoom and/or in person on the nutritional topics covered in the course. Students will partake in a final project in which they will cook a dish for an in-person event. The dish must be made with ingredients that the students learned are healthier options, as outlined in the course lectures. Students will bring their food, accompanied by an ingredient list, to the final meeting where students can share their food and recipe with other students. 

In order to receive the 1-week credit, students must complete the following:

  1. Attend all of the required lectures, with the exception of 1 absence permitted (7-8 hours total)
  2. Complete the online quiz covering lecture content by the end of the elective period
  3. Complete a mid-elective ½ page reflection on what modifications (if any) you have made in your own life or clinical practice based on course content.
  4. Final Project:
    1. Students will be required to make a dish to bring and share on the last day of class using healthy ingredients, as defined by lecture content from the elective. Each student will provide the recipe with specific ingredients used in their dish and be prepared to provide a brief description to the class. These can be modified from an existing recipe with healthier ingredients or your own creations!
    2. ** If students are unable to attend this date, an alternate assignment will be provided in order to fulfill the final project requirement

Tentative Lecture Dates/ Times (AY2024-2025)

Note: Most lectures will be held in person at SSOM. Exceptions for a zoom option will be made for M3 and M4 students who are on clinical rotations outside of SSOM on a case-by-case basis.

Lecture Date


Lecture Topic



9/9/24 (Monday)


Role of nutrition in prevention and causation of cancer

Rabia Bhatti MD

10/21/24 (Monday)


The impact of lifestyle on the composition and quality of the gut microbiota and human health outcomes.

Lara Dugas, PhD

10/30/24 (Wednesday)


Resistance Training Lecture

Anthony Deldin, PhD

11/12/24 (Tuesday)


Healthy Protein Consumption

Steve Ziganto, RD, LDN

12/3/24 (Tuesday)


Aerobic Exercise Lecture

Anthony Deldin, PhD

12/12/24 (Thursday)


Lifestyle, Nutrition and Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Layan Alrahmani, MD

1/7/25 (Tuesday)


Personalizing nutrition and health research

Marilyn Cornelis, PhD

1/21/25 (Tuesday)


Nutrition labels- "What's in it?

Dr. Nadia Qureshi, MD

2/4/25 (Tuesday)


Sugar- The Bittersweet

Dr. Nadia Qureshi, MD

2/18/25 (Tuesday)


Know your fats

Dr. Susan Porto, MD


Method of Evaluation: Grading will be on a Pass/Fail basis.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of each of four components:

  1. Attendance in required lectures (50%)
  2. Final Quiz (15%)
  3. Mid-rotation feedback (15%)
  4. Final Project (20%)
Elective Contact Natalie Hiller
Location SSOM Rm 300
Phone 708-216-8192
Email nhiller@luc.edu


Department: Medical Education
Course Number: MDED-230
Course Title: Clinical Nutrition
No. of Students: 20
Site: LUMC
Supervisors: Nadia Qureshi, MD & Susan Porto, MD
Duration: Asynchronous; 1 week credit 
Periods Offered: PT-M1, PT-M2, PT-M3, PT-M4 (September - February)
Prerequisite: None
Special Note:

Contact mmarras@luc.edu if interested.

AY2024-2025 Dates:  9/9/2024 - 2/18/2025


This part-time elective (one week of elective credit) is designed to provide medical students with a comprehensive understanding of the most current information that is available regarding nutrition and its impact on our health. This course will cover topics such as understanding the nutrition label, processed foods, the best options available in each of the main food groups, and more. Using evidence-based medicine, this course aims to educate students on the consequences of how foods in our current society can either help or harm our health. With this information, students will be better prepared to provide preventative medicine and integrate nutritional considerations into their clinical practice, enhancing their care as future physicians, regardless of their chosen specialty. Throughout the course, students will attend lectures on zoom and/or in person on the nutritional topics covered in the course. Students will partake in a final project in which they will cook a dish for an in-person event. The dish must be made with ingredients that the students learned are healthier options, as outlined in the course lectures. Students will bring their food, accompanied by an ingredient list, to the final meeting where students can share their food and recipe with other students. 

In order to receive the 1-week credit, students must complete the following:

  1. Attend all of the required lectures, with the exception of 1 absence permitted (7-8 hours total)
  2. Complete the online quiz covering lecture content by the end of the elective period
  3. Complete a mid-elective ½ page reflection on what modifications (if any) you have made in your own life or clinical practice based on course content.
  4. Final Project:
    1. Students will be required to make a dish to bring and share on the last day of class using healthy ingredients, as defined by lecture content from the elective. Each student will provide the recipe with specific ingredients used in their dish and be prepared to provide a brief description to the class. These can be modified from an existing recipe with healthier ingredients or your own creations!
    2. ** If students are unable to attend this date, an alternate assignment will be provided in order to fulfill the final project requirement

Tentative Lecture Dates/ Times (AY2024-2025)

Note: Most lectures will be held in person at SSOM. Exceptions for a zoom option will be made for M3 and M4 students who are on clinical rotations outside of SSOM on a case-by-case basis.

Lecture Date


Lecture Topic



9/9/24 (Monday)


Role of nutrition in prevention and causation of cancer

Rabia Bhatti MD

10/21/24 (Monday)


The impact of lifestyle on the composition and quality of the gut microbiota and human health outcomes.

Lara Dugas, PhD

10/30/24 (Wednesday)


Resistance Training Lecture

Anthony Deldin, PhD

11/12/24 (Tuesday)


Healthy Protein Consumption

Steve Ziganto, RD, LDN

12/3/24 (Tuesday)


Aerobic Exercise Lecture

Anthony Deldin, PhD

12/12/24 (Thursday)


Lifestyle, Nutrition and Healthy Pregnancy

Dr. Layan Alrahmani, MD

1/7/25 (Tuesday)


Personalizing nutrition and health research

Marilyn Cornelis, PhD

1/21/25 (Tuesday)


Nutrition labels- "What's in it?

Dr. Nadia Qureshi, MD

2/4/25 (Tuesday)


Sugar- The Bittersweet

Dr. Nadia Qureshi, MD

2/18/25 (Tuesday)


Know your fats

Dr. Susan Porto, MD


Method of Evaluation: Grading will be on a Pass/Fail basis.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of each of four components:

  1. Attendance in required lectures (50%)
  2. Final Quiz (15%)
  3. Mid-rotation feedback (15%)
  4. Final Project (20%)