We anticipate physician-scientists-in-training to complete their MD/PhD in seven to eight years, depending on their particular needs and circumstances. The timeframe for earning this combined degree is as follows:
- SSOM Orientation takes place one week prior to classes.
- Students matriculate into program.
- FAFSA paperwork must be completed regardless of loan status.
- Stipends commence August 15 (initial source of funding is SSOM MD/PhD program).
- Students sign release form that authorizes release of their SSOM transcript to the MD/PhD committee on an annual basis and release of their USMLE Step 1 score when it becomes available.
- Students meet with the MD/PhD Program Director and Associate Dean for Graduate Education who will advise you on IPBS tracks and advisors that are currently accepting PhD students.
- MD Year 2 FAFSA paperwork must be completed regardless of loan status.
- Students discuss possible lab selections with the MD/PhD Program Director and Associate Dean for Graduate Education.
- Identify a research lab for summer rotation.
- Students send SSOM transcript to MD/PhD Program Director to confirm satisfactory MD progress and promotion MD year 2.
June - July Year
- Students begin summer laboratory rotation (minimum duration 6 weeks—student to discuss vacation plans in advance with their advisor).
- MD Year 2 begins.
- Students formally identify a faculty research advisor for graduate research based on their first year summer rotation or identify a second research lab for summer rotation.
March 1 - April 30
- Students must complete the USMLE Step 1 exam.
- MD/PhD committee requests copy of SSOM transcript to confirm satisfactory MD progress and promotion to PhD Year 1.
- Students begin work with their previously selected faculty research advisor or begin a second laboratory rotation.
- Students must select a faculty research advisor (if not done earlier).
- Students submit the IPBS PhD Track & Advisor Selection Form.
- MD/PhD program requests copy of student’s USMLE Step 1 score. Students with a failing score will develop a remediation plan with the MD/PhD committee.
- Students attend Graduate School orientation and compliance sessions (Thursday or Friday prior to first week of classes).
- Graduate School classes begin (Official start date is the first week of August).
- Students attend Qualifying Exam Information Session.
- Students must successfully complete the Qualifying Examination by August 1.
- The MD/PhD Program evaluates if the student is making satisfactory academic progress in the PhD program.
- PhD Year 2 begins.
- Paperwork is processed to transfer student financial support from the MD/PhD program to the faculty advisor’s research funding or training grant.
- Financial support is assumed by the faculty advisor’s research funding or training grant on January 1.
- MD/PhD students must have an approved Dissertation Committee & Proposal on file with the Graduate School (Graduate School Progress System).
- The MD/PhD Program confirms to SSOM that the student is making satisfactory academic progress in the PhD program.
- PhD Year 3 bgins.
- The MD/PhD Program evaluates if the student is making satisfactory academic progress in the PhD program.
- PhD Year 4 begins.
- MD/PhD committee confirms to SSOM that students are on track to start medical school clinical orientation and clerkship at end of April/start of May and that their research work will be completed by that time. If the research will not be completed, MD/PhD committee must discuss delayed clerkship start options with students.
August - March
- Students will complete the Patient Centered Medicine (PCM) refresher activities while also completing their PhD research.
- MD Year 3 FAFSA paperwork must be completed regardless of loan status.
- December 1-Deadline to apply for May doctoral degree conferral in LOCUS.
- Deadlines are extended for students who do not wish to walk in the May Commencement Ceremony.
- Students participate in the SSOM clerkship assignment process.
- March 1-Doctoral thesis format check due (for May degree conferral).
- Students complete the oral defense for the doctoral degree (for May degree conferral).
- Students submit Ballot for successful passing of the oral defense to the Graduate School.
- April 30 - Final electronic copy of dissertation due (for May degree conferral).
- Students may not begin clinical rotations until all PhD requirements have been fulfilled.
- Students participate in week-long Patient Centered Medicine 3 Orientation last week of April.
- Conferral of PhD degree and Commencement ceremony for students having met December and April deadlines.
- MD Year 3 begins.
May - April
- Students engage in required coursework, electives, and clinical clerkships.
- MD Year 4 FAFSA paperwork must be completed regardless of loan status.
- MD Year 4 begins.
May - Graduation
- Students engage in required coursework, electives, and clinical clerkships.
- MD/PhD committee and SSOM jointly review the students’ CVs that will be used in preparation of their residency “Medical Student Performance Evaluation” (the Dean's letter that completes the residency application).
- SSOM confirms student’s eligibility to complete MD degree in June. This, in turn, enables SSOM to confirm students’ eligibility to submit a residency rank list for the Match (as required by Match Program policies). (If participating in an “early match” program, this occurs in December not January.)
- Students match to residencies. (If participating in an "early match" program, this occurs in January, not March.)
- Conferral of MD degree and SSOM graduation ceremony.