

Current Funding

NIH, R25 DK121573-01 Putonti, Dong, Wolfe: Multi-PI 04/01/20–01/31/25
Undergraduate Research Experience in Urinary Microbiome Science 
Neilsen Foundation, 733753 Wolfe, PI 07/31/21-07/30/24
Intravesical Lactobacillus crispatus: Clinical Safety and Microbiome Evaluation
NIH, R21AI163638-01A1 Schwaderer, Wolfe, Dong: Multi-PI 04/25/22-03/31/24
A Microbial Model for the Formation of Calcium Oxalate and Calcium Phosphate Stones
Prostatitis Foundation Flanigan: PI, Wolfe: Co-PI 05/17/21-05/16/23 
The Influence of Male Urinary and Prostatic Microbiota on the Detection and Progression of Prostate Cancer  
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.3 Wolfe: PI 02/02/22-12/31/24
Shifts in the Respiratory Microbiome and Clinical Outcomes of SARA-CoV-2
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.2 Wolfe: PI  11/09/21-12/31/24
Characterization of Consortia Related to UTI

Completed Funding

LU214422 Goodman: PI, Wolfe: PI 07/01/21-06/30/23
Variation in Maternal Urinary Microbiota
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.1 Wolfe, PI  05/17/21-05/16/23 
LU212667  Abarillo: PI, Wolfe: Co-I  01/01/20-12/31/22 
The impact of urethral catheters on the lower urinary tract microbiota and development of catheter-associated urinary tract infection
Columbia O'Brien Center Opportunity Costs  Putonti: PI, Wolfe, Co-I 10/01/20-09/30/22
Investigating urobiome interactions using novel tools
2021 Pelvic Floor Disorders Foundation Grant Program Gevelinger: PI, Wolfe: Co-I 06/25/21-06/30/22
Resilience of the Urogenital Microbiota at time of Urogynecologic Surgery
NIH 1T35AI125220-01A1 Mueller: Multi-PI, Wolfe: Co-I 07/20/17-06/30/22
Summer Research Experience for Medical Students in Inflammation and Infectious Diseases 
NIH/NIDDK, R01DK104718-01 Brubaker, Wolfe: Multi-PI 03/01/16-02/28/22
The Female Urinary Microbiome and Urinary Incontinence
Loyola, RFC, LU212575 Acevedo Alvarez: PI, Wolfe: Co-I 04/01/20-03/31/22
Effect of Methenamine Hippurate on the Urinary Microbiome of Women with Recurrent UTI
NIH, R25 DK121573-01 Putonti, Dong, Wolfe: Multi-PI 04/01/20–01/31/25
Undergraduate Research Experience in Urinary Microbiome Science 
Neilsen Foundation, 733753 Wolfe, PI 07/31/21-07/30/24
Intravesical Lactobacillus crispatus: Clinical Safety and Microbiome Evaluation
NIH, R21AI163638-01A1 Schwaderer, Wolfe, Dong: Multi-PI 04/25/22-03/31/24
A Microbial Model for the Formation of Calcium Oxalate and Calcium Phosphate Stones
Prostatitis Foundation Flanigan: PI, Wolfe: Co-PI 05/17/21-05/16/23 
The Influence of Male Urinary and Prostatic Microbiota on the Detection and Progression of Prostate Cancer  
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.3 Wolfe: PI 02/02/22-12/31/24
Shifts in the Respiratory Microbiome and Clinical Outcomes of SARA-CoV-2
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.2 Wolfe: PI  11/09/21-12/31/24
Characterization of Consortia Related to UTI
LU214422 Goodman: PI, Wolfe: PI 07/01/21-06/30/23
Variation in Maternal Urinary Microbiota
Pathnostics, Exhibit B.1 Wolfe, PI  05/17/21-05/16/23 
LU212667  Abarillo: PI, Wolfe: Co-I  01/01/20-12/31/22 
The impact of urethral catheters on the lower urinary tract microbiota and development of catheter-associated urinary tract infection
Columbia O'Brien Center Opportunity Costs  Putonti: PI, Wolfe, Co-I 10/01/20-09/30/22
Investigating urobiome interactions using novel tools
2021 Pelvic Floor Disorders Foundation Grant Program Gevelinger: PI, Wolfe: Co-I 06/25/21-06/30/22
Resilience of the Urogenital Microbiota at time of Urogynecologic Surgery
NIH 1T35AI125220-01A1 Mueller: Multi-PI, Wolfe: Co-I 07/20/17-06/30/22
Summer Research Experience for Medical Students in Inflammation and Infectious Diseases 
NIH/NIDDK, R01DK104718-01 Brubaker, Wolfe: Multi-PI 03/01/16-02/28/22
The Female Urinary Microbiome and Urinary Incontinence
Loyola, RFC, LU212575 Acevedo Alvarez: PI, Wolfe: Co-I 04/01/20-03/31/22
Effect of Methenamine Hippurate on the Urinary Microbiome of Women with Recurrent UTI