Radiation Oncology Interest Group (RadOncIG)
Radiation Oncology Interest Group
The SSOM Radiation Oncology Interest Group (RadOnc IG) seeks to provide students with opportunities to learn and explore the field of radiation oncology while simultaneously upholding the goals set forth by Loyola SSOM. We will serve students in a way that allows those interested to uncover what radiation oncology has to offer and what is required to enter the field. We strive to encourage students to learn more through physician panels, shadowing opportunities, and research. As a field that is always on the brink of new radiotherapy breakthroughs for cancer treatments, we will also keep students up to date on the latest happenings.
Contact Us
- radonc.ssom@gmail.com
- Listserv Form
President: Parker Woldt, pwoldt@luc.edu
Vice President: Sam Kaplan, skaplan5@luc.edu
Treasurer: Kaity Forde, kforde1@luc.edu
Secretary: Laila Hasnain, lhasnain@luc.edu
M4 Representatives: Dylan Ross, dross8@luc.edu, Eli Palaganas, epalaganas@luc.edu, Lucky Sandhu, lsandhu@luc.edu
Radiation Oncology Interest Group
The SSOM Radiation Oncology Interest Group (RadOnc IG) seeks to provide students with opportunities to learn and explore the field of radiation oncology while simultaneously upholding the goals set forth by Loyola SSOM. We will serve students in a way that allows those interested to uncover what radiation oncology has to offer and what is required to enter the field. We strive to encourage students to learn more through physician panels, shadowing opportunities, and research. As a field that is always on the brink of new radiotherapy breakthroughs for cancer treatments, we will also keep students up to date on the latest happenings.
Contact Us
- radonc.ssom@gmail.com
- Listserv Form
President: Parker Woldt, pwoldt@luc.edu
Vice President: Sam Kaplan, skaplan5@luc.edu
Treasurer: Kaity Forde, kforde1@luc.edu
Secretary: Laila Hasnain, lhasnain@luc.edu
M4 Representatives: Dylan Ross, dross8@luc.edu, Eli Palaganas, epalaganas@luc.edu, Lucky Sandhu, lsandhu@luc.edu