
Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)

Dermatology Interest Group

The purpose of this organization shall be to make Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine students aware of the volunteer, research, mentorship, educational, and clinical experiences available for their participation and involvement as they relate to the field of Dermatology. The organization shall accomplish this by hosting a table at the Organization Fair held every fall to engage students across all class years; holding meetings at least once a semester to give interested students a chance to ask their questions and share their ideas in a welcoming and safe environment, as well as current officers a chance to make students aware of opportunities in the field of dermatology; having a representative attend MSU meetings and disseminate information to the student body through that avenue; and sponsoring campus events open to all Stritch students and LUMC faculty and staff at least once a year.

Contact Us

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Wendy Kim, wendy.e.kim@lumc.edu

2024-2025 Board

Co-Presidents - Hanin El-Khateeb (helkhateeb@luc.edu) & Nicole Chin (nchin1@luc.edu

Vice President of Academics - Sri Contractor (scontractor1@luc.edu

Vice President of Service (Clinical) - Elise Fournier (efournier1@luc.edu)

Vice President of Service (Non-clinical) - Bryanna Sullivan (bmcgowan2@luc.edu)

Secretary/Treasurer: Wonhee Lee (wlee7@luc.edu)

Dermatology Interest Group

The purpose of this organization shall be to make Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine students aware of the volunteer, research, mentorship, educational, and clinical experiences available for their participation and involvement as they relate to the field of Dermatology. The organization shall accomplish this by hosting a table at the Organization Fair held every fall to engage students across all class years; holding meetings at least once a semester to give interested students a chance to ask their questions and share their ideas in a welcoming and safe environment, as well as current officers a chance to make students aware of opportunities in the field of dermatology; having a representative attend MSU meetings and disseminate information to the student body through that avenue; and sponsoring campus events open to all Stritch students and LUMC faculty and staff at least once a year.

Contact Us

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Wendy Kim, wendy.e.kim@lumc.edu

2024-2025 Board

Co-Presidents - Hanin El-Khateeb (helkhateeb@luc.edu) & Nicole Chin (nchin1@luc.edu

Vice President of Academics - Sri Contractor (scontractor1@luc.edu

Vice President of Service (Clinical) - Elise Fournier (efournier1@luc.edu)

Vice President of Service (Non-clinical) - Bryanna Sullivan (bmcgowan2@luc.edu)

Secretary/Treasurer: Wonhee Lee (wlee7@luc.edu)