2024 Biochemistry Retreat

2024 Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology Retreat

2024 Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology Retreat

Our recent annual Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology retreat was held at the picturesque Brookfield Zoo, just outside Chicago. This event provided a platform for both new and returning graduate students in our master's and PhD programs to engage with peers, faculty, and advisors, deepening their understanding of the tracks and research opportunities within the department. The retreat also featured a poster competition, highlighting the research being conducted by our graduate students.

A Unique Setting for Scientific Exploration

The Brookfield Zoo, established in 1934, has long been a leader of conservation and education in the Chicago area. This year, it served as a backdrop for our retreat, offering a serene and stimulating environment that perfectly complemented the scientific discussions and collaborations taking place. Surrounded by the zoo’s diverse wildlife and lush landscapes, our students found the perfect setting to spark new ideas, ask critical questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue about their research.

The Poster Competition

A highlight of the retreat was the graduate student poster competition, which was divided into Junior and Senior levels. The Junior level featured students who have been immersed in their studies for 2-3 years, presenting their research projects. These students showcased their findings through prepared posters, engaging the judges with enthusiasm and clarity as they explained their work.

In the Senior level, more experienced students who have spent four or more years honing their research skills took center stage. Their presentations reflected a deeper level of expertise and familiarity with both the subject matter and the format of academic competitions.

Winners in each division were selected based on the quality and clarity of their research presentations, the visual impact and organization of their posters, and their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively to the judges. In recognition of their achievements, the top three students in each division were awarded prizes, celebrating their dedication, hard work, and contribution to the field of Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology.

Biochemistry Retreat Senior Winners

Senior Poster Competition Winners:

  • 1st Place - $200 - John Yap (MD/PhD student)
  • 2nd Place - $100 - Claudia Rose Keating (MD/PhD student)
  • 3rd Place - $75 - Ryan Mack (MD/PhD student)
Junior Poster Competition Winners

Junior Poster Competition Winners:

  • 1st Place - $100 - Carolyn Ashley (PhD student)
  • 2nd Place - $75 - David Zak (PhD student)
  • 3rd Place - $50 - Carli Deegan (MS student)

Fostering Future Leaders in Science

The retreat at Brookfield Zoo was not just a chance for students to showcase their work but also an opportunity to build connections and gain insights from researchers and faculty members. It reinforced our commitment to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where the next generation of scientists can thrive.

As we look forward to the next academic year, the energy and enthusiasm displayed at the retreat promise continued innovation and discovery in our graduate program. The 2024 retreat was a success, and we eagerly anticipate the breakthroughs our students will achieve in the coming years.

Students Participating in the Poster Competition at the 2024 Loyola Chicago Biochemistry, Molecular and Cancer Biology Retreat
Simon Kaja, PhD, Presenting at the 2024 Loyola University Chicago Biochemistry, Molecular and Cancer Biology Retreat

Explore Biomedical Sciences at Loyola University Chicago

This retreat, along with the poster competition and dynamic discussions, has helped our students move forward in their research in Biomedical Sciences.

If you're passionate about advancing in the field of biomedical sciences, we encourage you to explore the exceptional opportunities at Loyola University Chicago. Discover how our programs can help you take the next step toward academic excellence and scientific innovation.

2024 Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology Retreat

Our recent annual Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology retreat was held at the picturesque Brookfield Zoo, just outside Chicago. This event provided a platform for both new and returning graduate students in our master's and PhD programs to engage with peers, faculty, and advisors, deepening their understanding of the tracks and research opportunities within the department. The retreat also featured a poster competition, highlighting the research being conducted by our graduate students.

A Unique Setting for Scientific Exploration

The Brookfield Zoo, established in 1934, has long been a leader of conservation and education in the Chicago area. This year, it served as a backdrop for our retreat, offering a serene and stimulating environment that perfectly complemented the scientific discussions and collaborations taking place. Surrounded by the zoo’s diverse wildlife and lush landscapes, our students found the perfect setting to spark new ideas, ask critical questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue about their research.

The Poster Competition

A highlight of the retreat was the graduate student poster competition, which was divided into Junior and Senior levels. The Junior level featured students who have been immersed in their studies for 2-3 years, presenting their research projects. These students showcased their findings through prepared posters, engaging the judges with enthusiasm and clarity as they explained their work.

In the Senior level, more experienced students who have spent four or more years honing their research skills took center stage. Their presentations reflected a deeper level of expertise and familiarity with both the subject matter and the format of academic competitions.

Winners in each division were selected based on the quality and clarity of their research presentations, the visual impact and organization of their posters, and their ability to communicate complex ideas effectively to the judges. In recognition of their achievements, the top three students in each division were awarded prizes, celebrating their dedication, hard work, and contribution to the field of Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cancer Biology.

Fostering Future Leaders in Science

The retreat at Brookfield Zoo was not just a chance for students to showcase their work but also an opportunity to build connections and gain insights from researchers and faculty members. It reinforced our commitment to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where the next generation of scientists can thrive.

As we look forward to the next academic year, the energy and enthusiasm displayed at the retreat promise continued innovation and discovery in our graduate program. The 2024 retreat was a success, and we eagerly anticipate the breakthroughs our students will achieve in the coming years.

Explore Biomedical Sciences at Loyola University Chicago

This retreat, along with the poster competition and dynamic discussions, has helped our students move forward in their research in Biomedical Sciences.

If you're passionate about advancing in the field of biomedical sciences, we encourage you to explore the exceptional opportunities at Loyola University Chicago. Discover how our programs can help you take the next step toward academic excellence and scientific innovation.