Current CME Opportunities
Current CME Opportunities
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine designates these live activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Division of CME Administration and Review Committee Disclosure – Pertaining to all CME activities, staff members have no financial relationships with ineligible companies: Trent Reed, DO, FACEP, Gregory Gruener, MD, MBA, MPH, Mary Jurasas, and Ashley Miltenberger
Activity Director and Planning Committee Members – Unless otherwise indicated, the Activity Director and Planning Committee members of our RSS activities have no financial relationships with ineligible companies.
ACGME/ABMS and IOM Core Competencies:
- Patient Care - provide care that is compassionate, appropriate and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health.
- Medical Knowledge - about established and evolving biomedical, clinical and cognate (e.g. epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
- Practice-Based Learning and Improvement - that involves investigation and evaluation of their own patient care, appraisal and assimilation of scientific evidence and improvements in patient care.
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills - that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients, their families and other health professionals.
- Professionalism - as manifested through a commitment to carry out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethical principles and sensitivity to a diverse patient population.
- System-Based Practice - as manifested by actions demonstrating an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care and the ability to effectively call on system resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
- Provide Patient-Centered Care - Identify, respect, and care about patients' differences, values, preferences and expressed needs: listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision-making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health.
- Work in Interdisciplinary Teams - Cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable.
- Employ Evidenced-Based Practice - Integrate best research with clinical expertise and patient values for optimum care, and participate in learning and research activities to the extent feasible.
- Apply Quality Improvement - Identify errors and hazards in care; understand and implement basic safety design principles, such as standardization and simplification; continually understand and measure quality of care in terms of structure, process, and outcomes in relation to patient and community needs; and design and test interventions to change processes and systems of care, with the objective of improving quality.
- Utilize Informatics - Communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error and support decision making using information technology.
Curricular Goals, Learning Objectives, and Core Competencies
Curricular Goals
- Implications of healthcare worker fatigue on healthcare
- Review their personal position with respect to fatigue issues
- Propose system-based interventions to improve practitioner fatigue
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify the severity of provider fatigue in performing anesthesia
- Predict how provider fatigue translates into detrimental patient care
- Describe how provider fatigue can result in provider disability and disease
- Define sources of stresses and fatigue to health in their workplace
- Appraise their level of compensation and coping
- Identify new personal methods and strategies for dealing with stress and fatigue
- Devise methods to assist colleagues in their duties
- Formulate methodologies by which departmental system-based sources of stress can be lessened
- Construct proposals by which institutional sources of occupational stress can be modified
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills, Professionalism, System-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Information Technology Skills
Curricular Goals
- Addressing knowledge gaps with increasing complexity of inpatient care
- Promote awareness of systems-based errors
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify complex disease states
- Demonstrate improved diagnostic skills
- Construct comprehensive management plans
- Recognize systems-based errors
- Demonstrate knowledge to correct system-based errors
- Demonstrate improved communication skills
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, System-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement
Curricular Goals
- Learn about new treatments in cardiovascular disease
Active Learning Objectives - Upon completion of this activity, particpants should be able to:
- Review current guidelines
- Apply guidelines to specific patient scenarios
- Understand the role of new treatments in cardiovascular disease
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills, System-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Information Technology Skills
Curricular Goals
- Provide strategies to increase utilization of multiple arterial conduits
- Provide an understanding of appropriate prosthetic valve selection in different patient populations
- Provide an understanding of triple therapy neoadjuvant treatment of stage 3a and 3b lung cancer
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify well-designed guidelines to use arterial grafts only in cases with sufficient stenosis
- Display familiarity with evidence-based guidelines to avoid increased sternal complications with bilateral mammary grafts
- Choose appropriate tools to skeletonize mammary grafts
- Identify, cost sensitivity & specificity of echocardiography vs catheterizations valve gradients
- Display familiarity with different tissue valve choices
- Choose appropriate tools for work-up of low flow gradient Valvular pathology
- Select best therapeutic plan based on risk and benefit
- Identify limitations of different therapeutic approaches
- Advise alternative treatments including CyberKnife radiation
Curricular Goals
- Identification of Social Determinants of Health from existing data
- Use big data for QI or evidence-based practice projects
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- State various social determinants of health and their impact on patient outcomes
- Use existing data to identify specific patient SDoH
- Identify a QI or EBP project that could be initiated using existing big data
- Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to carry out the QI or EBP project
- Evaluate results from the project
Curricular Goals
- Provide evidence-driven medical knowledge to advance competence and awareness of diagnostic modalities and cutting-edge treatment options, as well as strengthen understanding of the pathophysiologic basis of an array of disease processes
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Practice evidence-based medicine
- Diagnose disease states accurately, even in the most complex or ambiguous cases
- Apply an understanding of pathophysiology to enhance understanding of disease
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills
Curricular Goals
- Framing the problem: Growing prevalence of skin cancer and implications on population health
- Evidence-based discussion of treatment options for skin cancer
- Safe and effective management of common cosmetic concerns
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Cite the prevalence of skin cancer in the U.S. and the types of skin cancers associated with the highest overall healthcare costs
- Risk stratify melanomas and keratinocyte carcinomas
- Summarize current understanding of established and emerging concepts of photoprotection
- Formulate comprehensive treatment plans for patients with early and advanced squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas
- Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the role skin cancer surveillance in the management of patients with melanoma and keratinocyte carcinomas
- Counsel patients on effective preventive strategies
- Describe manifestations of skin aging in white and skin of color patients
- Demonstrate a strong foundation in safely combining aesthetic interventions to optimize cosmetic outcomes
- Cite the most common and most dangerous complications of various laser, soft tissue fillers, chemical peels, and neurotoxins
Curricular Goals
- Analyze literature presenting new trends in imaging
- Review and discuss changing recommendations for imaging
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify opportunities to apply new techniques
- Refer appropriate patient groups
- Understand indications and significance of presented imaging material
- Enhance reporting with knowledge of expected recommendation
- Effectively communicate recommendations and expectations to clinical colleagues
Curricular Goals
- To provide an understanding of conscious sedation, acquisition of images, interpretation of study and understand how the results impact patient care
- Provide comprehensive understanding of stress echocardiography
- Provide comprehensive understanding of transthoracic echocardiography
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Assess risk of sedation for TEE
- Perform the TEE
- Communicate the results of TEE
- Assess appropriateness of indication and safety of the test
- Perform the study
- Recognize and treat complications
- Learn appropriate indications
- Learn hands on scanning and interpretation
- Communicate results
Curricular Goals
- This faculty development activity informs the wide knowledge and skill base required of emergency medicine physicians to care for people of all ages and conditions.
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Demonstrate high risk but low volume procedural skills encountered in the Emergency Department
- Evaluate advances in known skills and new skills applicable to patients in the Emergency Department
Curricular Goals
- Inform the wide knowledge base and skill base required to care for any person with any condition at any time.
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Discuss current diagnosis and treatment of emergency medical conditions related to toxicology, pediatrics, sports medicine, trauma, cardiac, ems/disaster, stroke and other emergent conditions.
- Apply innovations in operations and medical education.
- Appraise advances in the field of emergency medicine.
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient-centered care, interdisciplinary teams
Curricular Goals
- The Department of Emergency Medicine quality improvement conference offers topics each month targeting a different aspect of emergency medicine. The goal is to advance knowledge in and practice of emergency medicine
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Discuss the diagnosis and treatment of emergency medical conditions
- Identify advances in the field of emergency medicine
- Apply knowledge obtained to improve patient care and increase patient satisfaction
Curricular Goals
- Provide education regarding technological advances pertaining to diabetes and endocrine care
- Provide knowledge on how to develop system based mechanism to help improve existing endocrine treatment protocols and procedures
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Review most recent literature, updates to clinical guidelines and treatment protocols
- Identify new medications available and the research data describing medication efficacy
- Identify proper patient selection criteria for the use of these medications/diabetes technology (i.e. insulin pumps)
- Identify areas for improvement with regard to existing policies and procedure in the care of the endocrine patients, both as an inpatient and outpatient
- Change and streamline existing endocrine protocols, to promote more effective care and patient safety
- Describe healthcare implications and improved of quality of care as changes to endocrine protocols are adapted
Curricular Goals
- Identify ethically sensitive areas of clinical practices and research
- Cite recommendations regarding ethical best practices in clinical care
- Identify resources for further education and reflection
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify priorities for QI of ethical problems as elaborated by LUPF or senior LUHS leadership
- Help to improve physician/patient communication and relationships
- Provide education to better health care relationship with various cultures/communities
- Cite relevant studies or literature outlining best ethical practices
- Discuss relevant cases, current topical issues and barriers to effective decision-making
- Identify LUHS resources such as ethics consultation, peer review committees or other means of resolving issues
- Provide expert speakers on communication, healthcare ethics, and cultural diversity
Curricular Goals
- Define and describe frailty
- Diagnose cognitive impairment
- Identify delirium in the nursing home patient
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Name one or more scales used to identify frailty
- Recall the factors that contribute to frailty
- Appraise the frailty literature
- Describe the new nomenclature for cognitive impairment
- Apply one or more validated cognitive tests to patients
- Identify the type of cognitive impairment patients have
- Describe risk factors for delirium
- Recall the steps to reduce delirium
- Appraise the delirium literature for applicability
Curricular Goals
- Understand basic pathophysiology of hematologic/oncology diseases in order to both understand the nature of the disease and allow rational targeted therapies
- Identify and incorporate evolving therapies
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify the important pathophysiologic features of the particular malignancy
- Diagnosis and stage the disease accurately
- Incorporate new drugs appropriately into the therapy for the disease in order to achieve improved patient outcomes
Curricular Goals
- Discuss system and population-based resources, limitations and future changes for improved patient care of veterans with neuropsychiatric diagnoses
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- List areas of weakness and areas in need of improvement in mental health service line
- Construct systems and practice-based changes to improve outcomes for veterans
- Identify evidence for under (or over) utilized diagnostic tools, diagnoses and treatment
Curricular Goals
- A forum to disseminate the most current information based on the available literature and national guidelines, for cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- State the significance of current trends and studies related to cancer care
- Recommend treatment options dependent upon cancer type, stage, and performance status of the patient
- Identify contraindications for specific types/regimes of cancer care delivery
Curricular Goals
- Discuss up-to-date management of various medical problems
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Review journal articles
- Cite and apply new recommendations of various medical problems
- Incorporate new knowledge into patient care concepts
Curricular Goals
- Understanding balance of risk/benefit for invasive procedures
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Discuss new or improved interventional radiology techniques
- Identify risks associated with invasive procedures
- Communicate effectively with clinicians at points of conflict
Curricular Goals
- Foster the development of the faculty of SSOM in their capacity as educators
- Faculty with tools necessary to enhance scholarly activities related to medical education through Certificate Programs offered
- A foundation in academic skills & leadership with direct application to medical students, residents, fellows, and physicians
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Promote innovation, best practices, and leadership in medical and related health sciences education
- Work with key contributors to the educational life of the SSOM including the Leischner Department of Medical Education (DOME) and clinical departments
- The DOME supports curricular efforts related to social justice and concern for marginalized and vulnerable populations, the role of faith in medical practice, and ethical standards of clinical decision making as hallmarks of a Jesuit and Catholic medical education
- The certificate programs will enhance the knowledge and skills each participant brings to the classroom and to their academic careers, which will further promote a learning community environment
- Systematic, lifelong reflection on one’s professional & personal development as a physician of such values is our signature formative educational methodology
- Although physicians gain clinical knowledge to become board certified in their specialty, this does not necessarily mean they receive adequate instruction on working with learners in an academic environment or personal professional development
- The certificate programs will enhance the knowledge and skills each participant brings to the classroom and to their academic careers, which will further promote a learning community environment
- The DOME is home to a growing cadre of academic educators who focus on teaching and pedagogical scholarship and works collaboratively with key clinical departments to further these common aims
- The certificate programs will enhance the knowledge and skills each participant brings to the classroom and to their academic careers, which will further promote a learning community environment. The program will be highly interactive with the expectation of concept application in the workplace
Core Competencies Addressed:
Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills, Professionalism
Curricular Goals
- Better understanding of hepatocellular cancer disease course and treatment options
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Describe staging of hepatocellular cancer
- Apply LiRADS classification system for imaging appearance of liver tumors
- Review current and experimental treatment options for primary liver tumors
Curricular Goals
- Educate clinicians from a variety of specialties on the improved maternal and fetal care options available when working on an Interprofessional team.
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Coordinate interdisciplinary care of the complex maternal-fetal dyad
- Improve communication between disciplines to improve the care and management of the patient
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient-centered care, work in interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement
Curricular Goals
- Foster the development of the faculty of the Stritch School of Medicine in their capacity as educators
- A foundation in academic skills and leadership with direct application to medical students, residents, fellows, and physicians
- Faculty with the tools necessary to enhance their scholarly activities related to medical education
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Promote innovation, best practices, and leadership in medical and related health sciences education
- Work with key contributors to the educational life of the Stritch School of Medicine including the Leischner Department of Medical Education and clinical departments
- Faculty in the department present at Grand Rounds with topics that are current and informative to all faculty members
- Systematic, lifelong reflection on one's professional and personal development as a physician of such values is our signature formative educational methodology
- Enhance the knowledge and skills each participant brings to the classroom and to their academic careers, which will further promote a learning community environment
- Enhance the knowledge and skills each participant brings to the classroom and to their academic careers, which will further promote a learning community environment
- By reaching across disciplines, it brings variety of perspective and enhances communication amongst healthcare teams and the patients/families they are serving
- Enhance best practices and leadership in medical and related health sciences education
Core Competencies Addressed:
Interdisciplinary teams skills, evidence-based practice, interpersonal and communication skills, and professionalism.
Curricular Goals
- Provide information that will enhance patient care
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Cite new recommendations for diagnosis and management of important diseases in Internal Medicine
- Increase knowledge of advances in the field of Internal Medicine
- Incorporate recommendations into patient care and provide such knowledge to fellows, residents and students on ward service and clinic sessions
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills, Professionalism, System-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, Information Technology Skills
Curricular Goals
- Participants will acquire the knowledge and strategies necessary to address the diagnostic and management challenges posed by complex inpatients on a tertiary care inpatient service
- Participants will be exposed to best practice approaches in clinical reasoning, diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic management
- Participants will establish habit of identifying and addressing areas of performance gaps in everyday practice
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Cite comprehensive differential diagnoses for a broad list of complex clinical scenarios
- Recognize and address high-risk challenges in complex patient presentations
- Deliver high-quality, cost-effective care to challenging patient populations
- Accurately identify risk factors, disease prevalence and modes of disease and diagnosis
- Utilize pattern recognition as an instrument of clinical reasoning and diagnosis
- Defend planned approaches to therapy
- Establish a habit of naming their perceived areas of deficiency
- Target practice deficiencies for education interventions
- Offer focused presentations on critical management issues
Curricular Goals
- Expose Neonatal-Perinatal Fellows to more ABP Core Knowledge material
- Review and update attending neonatologists core knowledge for MOC
- Expose pediatric residents to important Neonatology topics
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Describe pertinent points of knowledge for each core topic presented
- Organize knowledge around a core outline of lecture material
- Be able to diagnose and treat newborns more effectively
Curricular Goals
- Glioblastoma
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify common molecular markers that prognosticate Glioblastoma
- Describe the roles of chemotherapy and radiation therapy with Glioblastoma
- Construct a good multimodality treatment plan
Curricular Goals
- Help physicians to develop the ability to efficiently, and accurately evaluate patients with neurological conditions
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to accurately obtain key elements of the medical history and physical examination in treating patients with a wide array of neurological conditions
- Demonstrate the up-to-date knowledge in the indications for, and administration of available therapies for a wide array of neurological conditions
- Demonstrate the ability to efficiently utilize high yield testing and appropriately select additional testing in patients with a wide array of neurological conditions
Curricular Goals
- Identification of patients who meet criteria for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
- Explain the role of medical management in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Explain the pathophysiology of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- List the factors that increase the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- Describe the classic presentation of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- State the optimal timeframe for active management of severe hypertension
- State the medications (including doses) that can be used in various clinical scenarios
- Describe the subsequent management after identifying a patient with hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
Curricular Goals
- Facilitate the ability to research current literature to provide optimal patient treatment plans
- Develop skills to identity clinically important aspects of each case
- Learn to present and respond to questions in oral format
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Perform literature searches on patient diagnosis and available treatment options
- Evaluate peer review article(s) for relevance to the patient options
- Clearly articulate and present synopsis of literature review and whether the current literature defends or alters the treatment plan that was provided
- Decipher and present the patient's pertinent medical history
- Present the plan of treatment and defend the reason this treatment option was chosen
- Present the outcome of said treatment, provide alternative treatment options available and discuss the potential outcomes if these other treatment plans were utilized
- Professionally present patient cases articulately and concisely
- Orally defend treatment choices in a public forum
- Acquire the ability to be comfortable with speaking in an open forum and professionally respond to questioning and challenges of treatment provided
Curricular Goals
- Educate participants in the current management of various ophthalmic diseases
- Educated participants in the applications of medical ethics
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- For the topics covered, describe the most current and appropriate management paradigms
- For the topics covered, prescribe appropriate medications as indicated
- For the topics covered, incorporate appropriate surgical techniques or referrals to specialists as indicated
- For the topics covered, recognize ethical dilemmas that may arise during patient care
- For the topics covered, identify resolutions to said dilemmas
Curricular Goals
- Provide better understanding of surgical techniques
- Identify indications for the use of newer reconstructive materials
- Incorporate alternative anesthesia techniques into office-based practice
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify procedures that may be done more safely endoscopically
- List types of facial fractures that may be treated with a closed rather than open surgery
- State non-surgical methods and agents used to treat non-odontogenic tumors
- Describe that materials that are available to avoid the harvest of autologous tissues
- Name the indications for the use of bone morphogenic protein
- Discuss the limitation of resorbable reconstruction materials
- List he pharmacological properties of propofol compared to methohexital
- Apply the use of capnography in office procedures
- List indications to use agents such as ketamine to decrease the dose of other anesthetics
- Describe advances in regulatory landscape and dental care
Curricular Goals
- Identify common fractures and discuss current treatment options
- Expand knowledge of general fracture care
- Identify nonoperative and operative treatments
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Appropriately diagnose and classify
- Develop a treatment plan for patients
- Apply current techniques to their daily practice
- Apply knowledge of surgical approach to treatment
- Understand surgical techniques and the mode of healing desired for a variety of Orthopedic issues
- Give a case presentation to the department
- Able to discuss cases, classify them and present a treatment plan
Curricular Goals
- Expand knowledge of general orthopedic cases
- Discuss controversies in orthopedic cases
- Identify nonoperative and operative treatments for various orthopedic conditions
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Appropriately diagnose and classify
- Develop a treatment plan for patients
- Apply current techniques to their daily practice
- Apply knowledge of surgical approach to treatment
- Understand surgical techniques and the mode of healing desired for a variety of orthopedic issues
- Give a case presentation to the department
- Able to discuss cases, classify them and present a treatment plan
Curricular Goals
- Expand knowledge of general orthopedic cases
- Discuss controversies in orthopedic cases
- Identify nonoperative and operative treatments for various orthopedic conditions
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Appropriately diagnose and classify
- Cite historic and current treatment options for these conditions
- Develop a treatment plan for patients
- Apply current techniques to their daily practice
- Apply knowledge of surgical approach to treatment
- Understand surgical techniques and the mode of healing desired for a variety of orthopedic issues
- Give a case presentation to the department
- Able to discuss cases, classify them and present a treatment plan
Curricular Goals
- How to properly treat Head and Neck Cancer
- Understand common ear disease and pathology
- Understand new and emerging knowledge and techniques in Otolaryngology
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Demonstrate new staging guidelines
- Demonstrate NCCN treatment guidelines
- Apply how to engage in routine surveillance of these patients
- Define the common ear pathologies
- Describe the techniques to diagnose otologic problems
- Illustrate common ways to treat these pathologies and practical applications
- Report current issues in Otolaryngology
- Apply these to your patient population
- Identify technical know to use emerging knowledge in the field
Curricular Goals
- An update on the advances in different areas of Pathology
- To provide a comprehensive map of the impact of advances in information sciences and digital technology on Pathology
- To apply integrative approaches in improving the practice of Pathology and development of curricular programs
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- To understand the impact of molecular and cellular biology on diagnostic Pathology
- To know the impact of precision and personalized medicine on practice of Pathology
- To understand population sciences, epigenetics, and impact of informatics on Pathology
- To understand the telemetric approaches and regionalization of expert opinions for the diagnostic approaches
- To understand the challenges and opportunities in histopathology as it relates to progression of diseases
- To apply biochip array analysis and genomics into diagnostic Pathology
- Integrative approaches and logistic regression modelling for improving diagnostic interpretation
- Population based outcome comparisons and their impact on diagnostic procedures
- Individualized approaches leading to personalized diagnosis of diseases and their treatment
Curricular Goals
- Understanding why our families grieve
- Have trends in the suicide and opioid epidemics for older adults affected adolescent rates
- Hydroxyurea adherence, quality of life and mobile health interventions in sickle cell disease
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Provide physicians and other medical professionals with a greater understanding of the process families experience in coming to terms with their life and acceptance of their child with a disability
- More effectively support families by developing an understanding of the grieving process families endure and where they are in the process
- Optimally support families by setting realistic goals for their children
- Document and explain geographic variation in rates of adolescent suicide
- Identify trends in rates of adolescent opioid overdoses
- Analyze policy responses to these increasing rates of suicide and opioid overdoses
- Describe the challenges of hydroxyurea adherence and the status of quality of life in youth with sickle cell disease
- Describe the relationship of hydroxyurea adherence to HRQOL domains, perceptions of medications, and healthcare utilization patterns in youth with SCD
- Describe the potential role of mobile health interventions to monitor and improve hydroxyurea adherence and QOL in youth with SCD
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Interdisciplinary Team Skills, Professionalism, System-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Information Technology Skills.
Curricular Goals
- Mange the difficult vascular surgery patient
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Understand the medical management of the vascular patient
- Understand the open surgical management of the vascular patient
- Understand the endovascular management of the vascular patient
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, Interdisciplinary Team Skills and Quality Improvement
Curricular Goals
- Comprehensive review of core plastic surgery
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Have a deeper understating of all core principles of plastic surgery
- Improve in-service scores
- Improve MOC, oral, and written board pass rate
Curricular Goals
- Easy access to CME accreditation
- Interact with Loyola specialists
- Update medical knowledge
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- CME lectures for PCP
- Identify and work with specialists at Loyola
- Identify new treatments for common diseases
- Know when to refer to specialists
Curricular Goals
- Learn about the importance of wellness in work life
- How to create a wellness plan
- How to practice mindfulness
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Define what wellness is
- Learn why it is important in the workplace (and personal life)
- Learn the reasons and timeline of how wellness has come to be a national dialogue
- Learn what comprises a wellness plan
- Learn why it is important and useful to create one
- Explore samples of different options for a plan
- Define mindfulness
- Learn why it is important
- Learn at least one technique for practicing it
Curricular Goals
- To provide an avenue for learners to be exposed to the most updated and cutting-edge improvements in the field. Journal club is critical for learners to develop their own critical thinking skills to discern good data from bad data. Physicians are flooded with information, not all good and accurate. To provide the best patient care, physicians need to learn the critical thinking skills to make the best most informed decision.
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Supplement basic and clinical knowledge for the residents and attendings
- Have improved comprehension
- Have improved skills in analysis, interpreting data, and discerning accurate information
- Apply the new knowledge into clinical practice
Core Competencies Addressed:
Patient-centered care, interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, informatics, patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice
Curricular Goals
- What is Hemostasis? Review and Discussion of Thromboelastometry
- ECMO as a Bridge to Lung Transplantation
- Recruitment Maneuvers in ARDS
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify when to order the TEG test
- Explain how to interpret the TEG test when it is resulted
- Identify which patients are appropriate for this test
- Define which patients are appropriate for ECMO while awaiting lung transplant
- Summarize of the new lung allocation score system
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of ECMO while awaiting lung transplant
- Describe the pathophysiology of ARDS
- Recall the basis behind recruitment maneuvers
- Identify which recruitment maneuvers and which ones are not literature supported
Curricular Goals
- Provide strategies for the advancement of cancer care
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify the role of multidisciplinary management of the cancer patient
- Stay on the forefront of new developments within the field of cancer care
- Incorporate the experience of other fields, treatment centers, and individual leaders into the attendees' treatment of their patients
Curricular Goals
- Review anatomical variations crossing a multiple of organ systems
- Review of tactics for image review and interpretation
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Repeat specific anatomical variations critical to diagnosis
- Apply anatomical findings for diagnosing health and disease
- Recognize the significance of various anatomical findings
- Construct an organized report for delineation of imaging findings
- Create consistent reporting
Curricular Goals
- Review of case specific opportunities for improvement
- Review of systemic contributions to patterns of failure
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Critique individual personal practice
- Develop consensus opinion or communication techniques
- Construct plan for management or communication techniques
- Develop personal management skills to modify outcome
- Understand outside contributions to error
- Cite potential ramifications of systemic influences
Curricular Goals
- Scope of sarcoma patients in the U.S. population
- Workup and staging of sarcoma patients
- Achieving oncologic outcomes
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- State the prevalence of soft-tissue and bone sarcomas diagnosed annually
- Identify mortality rates for sarcoma neoplasms
- Recite known risk factors for sarcoma neoplasms
- Discuss appropriate workup based on sarcoma subtype
- Construct appropriate staging paradigm for sarcoma patients
- Estimate appropriate surveillance for sarcoma patients
- Develop treatment paradigm for each sarcoma patient to minimize risk of local disease recurrence and development of metastatic disease
- Propose treatment timing to maximize oncologic outcomes and overall survival
- Assess quality of life outcomes for each patient relative to disease and patient-specific factors
Curricular Goals
- Provide updates to treatment protocols.
- Discuss research discoveries of new research dtaa and advances in medical knowledge in transplant.
- Discuss legislative, regulatory or organizational changes efficting paitent care.
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Identify updates to treatment protocols
- Manage patient treatment using updates to treatment protocols
- Construct updated treatment plants for transplant patients
- Recognize the role of new reserach discoveries or new reserach data
- Recommend treatment alternatives to transplant patients
- List advances in medical knowledge in transplant
- List changes in patient care due to new legislative and regulatory laws
- Direct patients to transplant professionals (social workers, financial counselors, APN's, RN's, and MD's) for treatment/lifestyle modificaitons.
Curricular Goals
- Provide state of the art update on a variety of topics in cardiovascular medicine
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Compare the new research and emerging technologies in the field of cardiovascular medicine
- Cite the recent updates on cardiovascular prevention and management guidelines from ACC and AHA
- Use the newly gained knowledge in their clinical practice
Curricular Goals
- Advance knowledge in current practice guidelines for surgical quality control
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Advance knowledge related to surgery.
- Advance research ideas within the Department of Surgery
- Develop knowledge and skills for professional development
Curricular Goals
- Discuss the medical and surgical management of the vascular patient
- Meet with a variety of subspecialists regarding management of vascular patient
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Discuss a variety of topics which deal with managing the vascular patient
- Have a multifaceted approach to dealing with a vascular patient
Curricular Goals
- Manage the difficult vascular surgery patient
Active Learning Objectives -- Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Understand medical management for vascular patients
- Understand the open surgical management of vascular patients
- Understand endovascular management of vascular patients
Core Competencies Addressed:
- Patient Care, Medical Knowledge, and Quality Improvement
Current CME Opportunities
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine designates these live activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Division of CME Administration and Review Committee Disclosure – Pertaining to all CME activities, staff members have no financial relationships with ineligible companies: Trent Reed, DO, FACEP, Gregory Gruener, MD, MBA, MPH, Mary Jurasas, and Ashley Miltenberger
Activity Director and Planning Committee Members – Unless otherwise indicated, the Activity Director and Planning Committee members of our RSS activities have no financial relationships with ineligible companies.
ACGME/ABMS and IOM Core Competencies:
- Patient Care - provide care that is compassionate, appropriate and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health.
- Medical Knowledge - about established and evolving biomedical, clinical and cognate (e.g. epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
- Practice-Based Learning and Improvement - that involves investigation and evaluation of their own patient care, appraisal and assimilation of scientific evidence and improvements in patient care.
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills - that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients, their families and other health professionals.
- Professionalism - as manifested through a commitment to carry out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethical principles and sensitivity to a diverse patient population.
- System-Based Practice - as manifested by actions demonstrating an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health care and the ability to effectively call on system resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
- Provide Patient-Centered Care - Identify, respect, and care about patients' differences, values, preferences and expressed needs: listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision-making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health.
- Work in Interdisciplinary Teams - Cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable.
- Employ Evidenced-Based Practice - Integrate best research with clinical expertise and patient values for optimum care, and participate in learning and research activities to the extent feasible.
- Apply Quality Improvement - Identify errors and hazards in care; understand and implement basic safety design principles, such as standardization and simplification; continually understand and measure quality of care in terms of structure, process, and outcomes in relation to patient and community needs; and design and test interventions to change processes and systems of care, with the objective of improving quality.
- Utilize Informatics - Communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error and support decision making using information technology.