Michael McCarthy, PhD, HEC-C

Title/s:  Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director

Email: mpmccarthy@luc.edu


Michael McCarthy, PhD, HEC-C is an Associate Professor and the Graduate Program Director for Healthcare Mission Leadership.  He received his PhD in Theology from Loyola University Chicago where he developed a social ethic for medical research by drawing on the thought of Ignacio Ellacuría.  His interest at the intersection of social ethics and Catholic healthcare led to co-editing, with Dr. M. Therese Lysaught, Catholic Bioethics and Social Justice: the Praxis of U.S. Healthcare in a Globalized World (Liturgical Press, 2019).  In addition to questions of justice and inequality in healthcare, his scholarly publications have focused on spirituality in medicine, medical research and Catholic universities, and the role of formation in medical education.  His work has been published in the Journal for Moral Theology, the Journal for the Society of Christian Ethics, and the American Journal for Bioethics.  In the classroom, Dr. McCarthy strives to help students lay the theological foundations to develop as successful leaders in Catholic Healthcare.  He teaches courses that explore the Ethical and Religious Directives, moral theology for Catholic bioethics, and most recently the ethics of Artificial Intelligence.  As a part of the department of Medical Education, he serves as the co-director of the Physician’s Vocation Program (PVP) with Dr. John Hardt.  He is also a member of the ethics committee and ethics consultation service for Loyola University Health System.




Courses Taught


Selected Publications

