Help Us Help Each Other
LEEF relies on donations from University staff and faculty to ensure that we can continue to provide emergency financial support to our employees (staff and faculty) from loss due to natural emergencies, accidents, catastrophes, deaths or illnesses which are no fault of the employee. Every dollar you donate helps us to keep on helping.
Ways to Give
There are three ways to donate to LEEF:
By Payroll deduction:
Continuous PRD: For LEEF, being able to rely on regular income allows us to plan ahead for the future. You can help LEEF by making a regular donation via payroll deduction. The amount you select will be automatically deducted from each paycheck.
Ex: I would like $10 taken out of my paycheck each pay-period.
Pledge Specific Amount: You can help LEEF by pledging a specific and finite donation amount to be taken in smaller increments over a set number of paychecks.
Ex: I would like to pledge $100 to LEEF, payable over the next four pay-periods ($25/pay-period).
One-time donation: One-time donations are always welcome. Feel free to pay-it-forward. And don’t forget: donations to LEEF are tax deductible!
To make a one-time gift or regular monthly gift, complete the Online Payroll Deduction Authorization Form. Please be sure to selection LEEF as your dedication.
Online: Gifts can be made online at
By Check: Please make check payable to Loyola Employee Emergency Fund.
And don't forget: donations to LEEF are tax deductible!
Forward via interdepartmental delivery to:
c/o Michael Carlton
Office of Advancement
820 N. Michigan Ave, 16th Floor