

Our Research

Our Research

Our scholars make the social work profession better by learning from and alongside our community partners as they conduct cutting-edge, client-focused research.

School of Social Work research is innovative and social justice focused. It is practice-informed, human-centered, and empowerment-based. Our scholars work with clients, community partners, and collaborators to address contemporary issues in social work, transform practice, and spur social change. They are change agents, asking critical questions, positing new theories, and redesigning practice approaches to advance the profession, build system-level sustainability, and enhance lives.

By the Numbers


Innovative, client-based research centers


Active research grants


In total research awards over the past 5 years


of faculty engaged in research with students

Michael P. Dentato, PhD

Associate Dean for Research & Professor
Co-Director of the Center for Field Innovation, Research, Strategy, and Training (C-FIRST)

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.” Michael Denato

Learn more

Paula Carney, PhD

Director of Grants & Scholarship Development

Our Research

Impact Review

The School of Social Work’s annual Impact Review highlights the diverse and far-reaching research activities of the School’s faculty members. It features compelling stories of our scholars, details recent work from our Centers and Institutes, notes continuing education opportunities the School of Social Work provides, and highlights faculty achievements, including peer-reviewed publications and presentations as well as books and grants.

Doctoral Students

The School of Social Work’s doctoral students actively engage in research in collaboration with faculty members, frequently earning publication in esteemed professional journals and informing practice. Our doctoral students are investigating critical contemporary issues, such as social justice and equity, housing and food security, child welfare, social work with immigrants and refugees, restorative justice, health literacy, and trauma-informed care.


Praxis: Where Reflection & Practice Meet is the official journal of the Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work. An enterprising scholarly effort led by undergraduate, master's, and doctoral social work students at Loyola, Praxis publishes the scholarly work of School of Social Work students and alumni and provides a forum in which they can express their diverse viewpoints as well as learn from and be inspired by one another’s ideas.

Poverty, race, & community

Examining how poverty impacts communities, particularly communities of color, and social work’s role in cultivating stability.

Practice methods & theories

Advancing ideas to inform and improve social work practice.

Children & Youth Mental Health

Supporting the growth and development of youth into strong, engaged, and capable individuals.

Violence (interpersonal & community)

Understanding the impact of violence on lives, developing peaceful resolutions, and helping individuals overcome trauma.

Work, workers, and workplaces

Studying workplace dynamics, including barriers, challenges, and opportunities, to foster healthy, respectful environments.

Migration & Refugees

Affirming the human dignity of all global citizens through scholarship and engaged social work practice.

Our Research

Impact Review

The School of Social Work’s annual Impact Review highlights the diverse and far-reaching research activities of the School’s faculty members. It features compelling stories of our scholars, details recent work from our Centers and Institutes, notes continuing education opportunities the School of Social Work provides, and highlights faculty achievements, including peer-reviewed publications and presentations as well as books and grants.

Doctoral Students

The School of Social Work’s doctoral students actively engage in research in collaboration with faculty members, frequently earning publication in esteemed professional journals and informing practice. Our doctoral students are investigating critical contemporary issues, such as social justice and equity, housing and food security, child welfare, social work with immigrants and refugees, restorative justice, health literacy, and trauma-informed care.


Praxis: Where Reflection & Practice Meet is the official journal of the Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work. An enterprising scholarly effort led by undergraduate, master's, and doctoral social work students at Loyola, Praxis publishes the scholarly work of School of Social Work students and alumni and provides a forum in which they can express their diverse viewpoints as well as learn from and be inspired by one another’s ideas.