
Internship Supervisors

This website is for Liaisons and Internship Supervisors to access information which includes links to forms for supervisors, students, and liaisons.

Prospective Internship Supervisors

Dear Prospective Internship Supervisors: Thank you for your interest in partnering with Loyola University Chicago's Social Work Program for internship placement and instruction. We are delighted that you and your agency/institution are interested in training social work student interns. In order to train social work interns, the School asks all prospective Internship Partners/agencies and new programs to complete an initial interest form and submit resumes to prospective Internship Supervisors for approval. Please click the link below to access the interest form.

Internship Forms

Insurance Certificate Requests

Loyola University Chicago's Risk Management Office can provide proof of professional liability insurance coverage for undergraduate and graduate students who are actively enrolled in the BSW and MSW programs, and who is currently completing an internship in partnership with the School of Social Work. The university provides documentation for this insurance coverage by issuing certificates of liability insurance upon request. If an organization/agency is training a first-level student and requires documentation of this coverage, please contact Rachel Persin (rpersin@luc.edu) to process the request. If an organization/agency is training a second-level student and requires documentation of coverage, please contact Mini Datta (mdatta@luc.edu) to process this request. Requests are directed to the Risk Management Office for processing and then certificates are sent to agency contacts through e-mail.

Liaison Training & Ceu Opportunities

Internship Supervisors that are currently supervising a student are eligible to apply for CEUs. Internship Supervisors can submit a request for CEUs for supervision online or by mail. Please see the links above for those options.

Internship Supervisors that are currently supervising a student will be eligible for CEUs upon completion of 400/600-hour commitment of the student. An internship supervisor can receive 30 CEUs for supervision, per year, with confirmation of the provision of weekly supervision.

NOTE:There is a fee to process this CEU request. Please pay $25 online or by check.

To pay online, please go to www.luc.edu/socialwork/payments. Click on CEUs for Internship Supervision. Checks are payable to LUC School of Social Work. This form cannot be processed until the student intern has completed the required number of internship hours at their internship sites.

If completing the application by mail, please make the check payable to the School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, complete the Word version of the form, and mail it with a $25 check to:

Loyola University Chicago
School of Social Work
Office of Student Affairs, Internships
820 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611

If you have any questions regarding Internship Supervision CEU requests, please contact Mini Datta at mdatta@luc.edu

This website is for Internship Liaisons and Field Supervisors to access information which includes links to forms for supervisors, students, and liaisons.

This website is for Liaisons and Internship Supervisors to access information which includes links to forms for supervisors, students, and liaisons.

Prospective Internship Supervisors

Dear Prospective Internship Supervisors: Thank you for your interest in partnering with Loyola University Chicago's Social Work Program for internship placement and instruction. We are delighted that you and your agency/institution are interested in training social work student interns. In order to train social work interns, the School asks all prospective Internship Partners/agencies and new programs to complete an initial interest form and submit resumes to prospective Internship Supervisors for approval. Please click the link below to access the interest form.

Internship Forms

Insurance Certificate Requests

Loyola University Chicago's Risk Management Office can provide proof of professional liability insurance coverage for undergraduate and graduate students who are actively enrolled in the BSW and MSW programs, and who is currently completing an internship in partnership with the School of Social Work. The university provides documentation for this insurance coverage by issuing certificates of liability insurance upon request. If an organization/agency is training a first-level student and requires documentation of this coverage, please contact Rachel Persin (rpersin@luc.edu) to process the request. If an organization/agency is training a second-level student and requires documentation of coverage, please contact Mini Datta (mdatta@luc.edu) to process this request. Requests are directed to the Risk Management Office for processing and then certificates are sent to agency contacts through e-mail.

Liaison Training & Ceu Opportunities

Internship Supervisors that are currently supervising a student are eligible to apply for CEUs. Internship Supervisors can submit a request for CEUs for supervision online or by mail. Please see the links above for those options.

Internship Supervisors that are currently supervising a student will be eligible for CEUs upon completion of 400/600-hour commitment of the student. An internship supervisor can receive 30 CEUs for supervision, per year, with confirmation of the provision of weekly supervision.

NOTE:There is a fee to process this CEU request. Please pay $25 online or by check.

To pay online, please go to www.luc.edu/socialwork/payments. Click on CEUs for Internship Supervision. Checks are payable to LUC School of Social Work. This form cannot be processed until the student intern has completed the required number of internship hours at their internship sites.

If completing the application by mail, please make the check payable to the School of Social Work, Loyola University Chicago, complete the Word version of the form, and mail it with a $25 check to:

Loyola University Chicago
School of Social Work
Office of Student Affairs, Internships
820 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611

If you have any questions regarding Internship Supervision CEU requests, please contact Mini Datta at mdatta@luc.edu

This website is for Internship Liaisons and Field Supervisors to access information which includes links to forms for supervisors, students, and liaisons.