Voting is Social Work!

The National Association of Deans and Directors Board (NADD) has endorsed the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign. As you know, voter engagement is clearly central to social work values. Both the NASW Code of Ethics and CSWE (EPAS) endorse activism. Yet studies show that (1) many social workers still wrongly believe that voter mobilization is partisan, illegal or unimportant and (2) the profession has been slow to incorporate non-partisan voter engagement as an important part of its mission.
Therefore The Campaign seeks to:
- Raise awareness of the importance of voting to social work practice and social policy,
- Promote trainings that refute the prevailing myths,
- Explain why voting matters to the social work community,
- Integrate voter engagement activities into field education for all micro and macro students,
- Offer voter mobilization skills and strategies for field instructors, staff, students and faculty,
- Ensure that all the people we serve have access to the vote.
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