Loyola Faculty at the 40th International Association for Social Work with Groups (IASWG) Symposium
Kruger National Park, South Africa
In attendance to the June 2018 IASWG Symposium: Brian Kelly (Board member and Assistant Professor), Terri Kilbane (Associate Professor), Ann Bergart (Adjunct Professor), Brent In (PhD Student), Stephanie Drozd (2018 MSW Graduate), Yesenia Roman (2017 Graduate), Jennifer Sefcik (2nd Year MSW Student), Benjamin Marton (2017 MSW Graduate).
These international symposia have provided opportunities for the membership of IASWG to meet others interested in and committed to the use of groups in social work, to hear and consider new approaches to social work with groups. This with the intention to help shape the present and the future of group work in social work as a whole and in education, and to participate in decision making that directs the business of the Association.
Group photo at the outdoor GALA Event at Kruger National Park: Ann Bergart, Terri Kilbane, Benji Marton, Brian Kelly, Yesenia Roman, and Laura Nessler.
Poster Presentations. Photo on the left: Stephanie Drozd. Photo on the right: Jennifer Sefcik.
Workshop Presentation. Photo on the left: Benjamin Marton. Photo on the right: Terri Kilbane.
Those attending had a firsthand view of the social issues affecting this part of the world. One of the long-lasting problems is that the family circle is affected in many ways by AIDS. The children are vulnerable due to either have parents with AIDS or have died from AIDS, and in other cases the children themselves are HIV positive.
At the South African not-for-profit center, women come to assist children with activities, tutoring, preparing food and offer other type of contributions. During this time, Dr. Terri Kilbane gave away Loyola bags and pens, and Chicago tokens.