
Apply to be the Commencement Speaker for the SSW 2020 Graduation Ceremony!

Speeches should be no more than 5 minutes in length, and answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to be a Social Worker? Now that you are graduating, how has your Loyola experience shaped your vision for your future?
  • Who has mentored or inspired you (living or deceased) to pursue the Social Work?
  • Profession? Describe the impact of that person on you, personally and as a graduate student. Tie in the experiences, values, and beliefs that this mentor has shared that you have found in your Loyola courses and in your internships.
  • What would you hope to achieve/accomplish as you look forward to your own future as a Social Worker? What clientele or population do you hope to work with and learn from?
  • What obstacles or challenges do you believe you and your classmates will face in the future within the Social Work profession given the inherent issues systemic to the field (low pay, job uncertainty, difficult/challenging clients and circumstances faced in the job, etc.)? How have you prepared yourself to overcome these barriers?
  • What has been one of the greatest challenges you have faced while being a student at Loyola? How has your management of this issue been influenced by the social work principles, values, and practices that you have learned in the field and in classes?

All entries should be submitted in a sealed envelope and placed in Doris Hernandez’s mailbox located in Room 561, Maguire Hall.

Submissions due no later than Monday, February 3, 2020 at noon!!!

Guidelines available through Doris Hernandez, dhernandez10@luc.edu