2022 Michael Stokely Kelly Summer Institute
Loyola University Chicago's School of Social Work is thrilled to announce that registration is open for the 2022 Michael Stokely Kelly Summer Institute. The event will take place July 21-22 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Loyola's Water Tower Campus.
Keynote speakers Jim Raines and Jonathan Singer will be joined by students in the School Mental Health Advanced Practice Program to drive discussion. There will be a focus on school mental health during the pandemic. Topics include:
- Tier 2 interventions
- School-based risk and threat assessment anchored in social work values
- Postvention strategies during COVID-19
Attendees will also earn 10 CEUs, including 3 ethics CEUs and 3 cultural competence CEUs.
Jonathan Singer is a professor at Loyola's School of Social Work, past-president of the American Association of Suicidology, and coauthor of the best-selling text Suicide in Schools: A Practitioner's Guide to Multi-level Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Postvention. Singer is a well-regarded international speaker who has given hundreds of continuing education workshops, keynote addresses, and presentations on youth suicide, ethics, technology, adolescent development and attachment-based family therapy in the USA, Latin America, Asia, and Europe.
Jim Raines is a professor of social work at California State University Monterey Bay. He received his Ph.D. from Loyola in 2001 before going on to a distinguished career as a leader in the field of social work. He is a past-president of the Illinois Association of School Social Workers, Midwest Council, and the School Social Work Association of America. He is the author of five books and an authority on evidence-based practice, school social work, ethical decision-making, and treating DSM-5 disorders.
The event will include an inauguration of the Summer Institute as the Michael Stokely Kelly Summer Institute. Michael Kelly was a professor at Loyola and among the foremost scholars and practitioners of school-based family counseling in the social work field. He organized the Summer Institute for years as a way to bring school social workers together for professional development. This will be the first Summer Institute since Kelly's death.
Come experience true professional wellness as we connect with one another and consider the impact of this ongoing pandemic.