$194K Grant Awarded to the School of Social Work’s Alcohol and Drug Counseling Program

The School of Social Work is excited to announce a $194,000 grant for the Certificate in Alcohol and Other Drug Counseling (CADC) Workforce Expansion Program and student tuition stipends. The grant was awarded by the Illinois Certification Board and the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and recovery (IDHS/SUPR).
The grant will cover tuition for CADC classes in Spring of 2024, as well as an internship stipend up to $7,500. The grant can also be used to pay for school supplies like laptops and textbooks, transportation to a student’s internship, or childcare during the internship.
This grant is for current MSW students and for post-MSW students who must commit to completing the CADC program and passing the licensure exam, as well as working in the state of Illinois for two years after completion.
“We are so excited to bring this grant to the Certificate in Alcohol and Other Drug Counseling program,” said CADC Director Marcy Wilroy. “These funds will allow us to support students who may not have been able to apply to CADC without financial assistance, and will ultimately increase our state’s pool of trained professional substance use counselors being retained as part of the workforce in our state.”
There will be a Zoom information session about the CADC Program and grant application process on Monday, December 4 at 5 p.m. and Wednesday, December 6 at noon at this link. For any questions, please contact Marcy Wilroy, DSW, at mwilroy@luc.edu.