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Chris M. Yim, PhD

Title/s:  Associate Professor

Specialty Area: Strategic Communication

Office #:  School of Communication 223E

Phone: 312.915.6534

Email: myim@luc.edu

CV Link: /media/lucedu/soc/pdfs/facultycvs/CV_Myungok Chris Yim_202309.pdf


Chris Yim brings to Loyola 20 years of full-service global PR consultancy experience with multi-million dollar billings, with responsibility for management and strategic communications to over 100 global firms and governments and liaising with over 2,000 global colleagues across the Omnicom Group Inc. (NYSE: OMC). 


Ph.D. Communication Studies, Sungkyunkwan University Dissertation: The Effect of Corporate Elitism and Groupthink on the Organizational Empathy in a Crisis Situation

M.A. Advertising and Public Relations, Yonsei University

B.A. French Language and Literature, Ewha Womans University

Research Interests

She is specialized in strategic communication with expertise in Public Relations, Crisis Communication & Issue management, and Public Health Communication. Her research has been supported by funding from the global Fortune 500 companies and the Provost's Office at Loyola University. Her scholarship aims to bring to the light living evidence about how organizations build mutually beneficial engagement with diverse stakeholders such as consumers, the community, employees, investors, and society as a whole. Her works appear in Public Relations Review, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Business Communication and Technology, and others. Her scholarship employs interdisciplinary approaches and quantitative methods. Sample topics include but are not limited to as such: "The Effect of Corporate Elitism and Groupthink on the Organizational Empathy in a Crisis Situation"; “ The Effect of AI Chatbot Interactivity on Consumers' Perceived Empathy and Boycott Willingness.”

Professional & Community Affiliations

Completed Omnicom University Advanced Management Program

Accredited as Porter Novelli Insight Master Trainer : How to make a successful pitch and win business

Accredited as Trainer in Media and Crisis Simulation, Porter Novelli New York

Mentoring for WIN (Women in Innovation), next generation career women mentoring association under The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF)

A member of American Chamber of Commerce in Korea

A member of Korea Public Relations Consultancy Association

National Communication Association, Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, and International Communication Association.

Courses Taught

COMM 210 Principles of Public Relations 
COMM 314 PR Cases
COMM 370 Social media and Issue Management
COMM 431 Campaign Development 
COMM 433 Corporate Communication  

Selected Publications


Myungok Chris Yim (2023) Effect of AI Chatbot’s Interactivity on Consumers’ Negative Word-of-Mouth Intention: Mediating Role of Perceived Empathy and Anger, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2234114

Gain Park, Myungok Chris Yim, Jiyun Chung & Seyoung Lee (2022) Effect of AI chatbot empathy and identity disclosure on willingness to donate: the mediation of humanness and social presence, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2022.2105746

Yim, M.C. (2021). Fake, Faulty, and Authentic Stand-Taking: What Determines the legitimacy of Corporate Social Advocacy (CSA)? International Journal of Strategic Communication 15(1), 60-76.  

Yim, M.C. & Park. H.S. (2021). The Effect of Corporate Elitism and Groupthink on the Organizational Empathy in a Crisis Situation. Public Relations Review 47(1), 101985. 

Park. G. & Yim, M.C. (2021). The Impact of Social Distance on Mask Wearing Behavior: A Construal Level Perspective. Journal of Public Relations  25(1) 

Yim, M.C. & Jeong. H.(2020). Reframing of Outgroup: How Activists Mobilize Civic Engagement. Asian Communication Research 17 (1), 110-139 

Yim, M.C. (2019). CEOs’ political tweets and perceived authenticity: Can expectancy violation be a pleasant surprise? Public Relations Review 45(3), 101785 

Yim, M.C. & Park. H.S.(2019). Why legitimacy matters in crisis communication: A case study of the "nut-rage" incident on Korean Air. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 33(2), 172-202. 

Lee, Y.J., Park. G. I & Yim, M.C. (2015). Framing Effect on Building Empathy. Journal of Communication Science 15(4). 271 - 306.


Yim, M.C. (2019). “CEO Apology Tweet, How Does It Sound Authentic in a Paracrisis in the Lens of Dialogic Engagement?” Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR), Chicago, IL

Yim, M.C. (2019). Paracrisis, What Determine Effective Leadership Communication? National Communication Association, Baltimore, Maryland

Yim, M.C. (2018). Up close Personal CEO Standing-outs to CEO Activism on Twitter: its Dialogic Types and its Impact on Social Engagement, 2018 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.

Yim, M.C. & Park, G. I. (2017). How Birds of Feather Fake News Together” 2017 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL

Yim, M.C. & Kim, K. (2017). Conservatives, Underdogs, and the Diffusion of Fake News” 2017 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL

Yim, M.C. (2017). The Effect of Corporate Elitism and Groupthink on the Organizational Empathy in a Crisis Situation. 2017 International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Diego

Yim, M.C. & Park, H. S. (2014). In- and Out- group Strategy as Counter Frame to Cool off Conflicts, presented to 2014 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL

Yim, M.C. & Park, H. S. (2014). What Makes Legitimacy? To Refine Organizational Legitimacy in PR Perspective, presented at National Communication Association’s 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL

Yim, M.C. & Park, H. S. (2013). How Stigma is Created through Ripple Effects on the Risk Events: Two HF Leak Accidents Comparison, presented at International Seminar on Risk Communication, Seoul

Yim, M.C. & Park, H. S. (2013). A Longitudinal Co-Orientation Study of Public Relations and Marketing Specialists’ Perceptions of the Need for Public Relations and its Role and Effect in Power Relationships, Presented at 2013 International Communication Association Annual Conference, London