Loyola University Chicago

Community Service & Action

Division of Mission Integration

Saturday of Service


Saturday of Service


Join the annual LUC tradition: Saturday of Service! August 24th, 2024 from 9:30-2:00pm.

Every year, new Ramblers join CSA Leaders and volunteers to serve the neighborhood by gardening, painting, cleaning, and helping out! Meet us on the 2nd floor of Damen Student Center at 9:30am the Saturday before classes begin where you'll be assigned to a small group of your peers and venture out into the neighborhood together to pitch in. Arrive no later than 10am to be placed in a group, and we’ll wrap-up by 2pm. We work with local shelters, food pantries, community gardens, schools, churches, and more to start the year grounded in our commitment to service and community. 

The first 200 participants will get a FREE T-shirt! Free lunch for all participants!

Under 18? Print and sign this waiver in advance with your parent/guardian's signature and either email us the signed copy or bring it on the day of.

Email serve@luc.edu with any questions!