
Student: Nithia Chowattukunnel

Name: Nithia Chowattukunnel
Year in school: Senior
Major: Biology
Minor: Bioethics

Name: Nithia Chowattukunnel
Year in school: Senior
Major: Biology
Minor: Bioethics

Where are you from?

Marion, Indiana

What do you like to do?

Spend time outside, play tennis, photography, read

How are you/have you been involved in Community Service & Action?

I was a member of he 2016 Hunger Week Team and am a current L4C student leader.

Why do you engage in service and action?

I have learned that a lot can be gained from spending time with members of a community whose lifestyles are very different from your own. Engaging in service and action has deepened my understanding of those around me, and my experience thus far have taught me more about the strength of hope and perseverance than I could have imagined. I have met some truly inspiring people within the communities I have served in so far, and I can't wait to immerse myself further.

What is one of your favorite stories from your experiences of involvement with service and action?

When I was in East St. Louis, I spent my afternoons at a boys and girls club, which was a very small building that wasn't in the best area. Despite those unfortunate conditions, the kids ran about with genuine happiness. They played soccer in a dead field littered with broken bottles and cigarettes, while others played tag in a small parking lot that bordered a housing project. It was a strange scene to be a part of, and it left a lasting impression on me to always make the best of whatever situation you find yourself in.

How do you envision living out our mission of building the greater good past your time at Loyola?

Following graduation, I will be moving to Seattle to serve AmeriCorps' City Year program. After that, I plan to attend medical school in order to provide care to those who may not have access to affordable and effective healthcare.

How are you involved at Loyola outside of CSA?

Interdisciplinary Honors Program

What is your favorite place on campus?

The arches between the chapel and the IC

What advice would you give to an in-coming student at Loyola?

Don't be afraid to get involved in groups and activities that interest you! Join as soon as you can, and you'll meet some amazing people who share those interests with you.