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Lesley Haynes

GPAC Co-Chair

Lesley Haynes

Lesley is a 2024 graduate of the Institute for Paralegal Studies and serves as Co-Chair for the Graduate, Professional, and Adult Council (GPAC) at Loyola.

Dream Big

Having reached a ceiling in her professional career in real estate and property management, Lesley recognized the need for a bachelor’s degree to advance further. This realization led her to return to academia, starting with an associate degree in Paralegal Studies from another school; however, she quickly understood that an associate degree alone was insufficient in today's competitive job market, prompting her to pursue a bachelor's degree with SCPS.

Loyola’s unique offering of a four-year degree in Paralegal Studies, which is rare among private universities, made it her top choice. Lesley appreciates the program’s flexibility and the quality of education it offers, emphasizing that most professors are practicing attorneys or paralegals.

"It's amazing because it's catered to the working students. I work full time to support myself, and it's amazing because the entire program is online. Most of your professors are attorneys or paralegals, so you're really getting the real deal on how it's going to be when you go out on the workforce as a paralegal."

Lesley currently works as a paralegal at Huntington National Bank where she handles commercial banking and contract accuracy.

Furthermore, Lesley serves as a co-chair of the Graduate, Professional, and Adult Council (GPAC) at Loyola. Lesley joined GPAC to network with fellow adult learners and has found a sense of camaraderie among those balancing education with personal and professional responsibilities. Her roles within GPAC, including serving as secretary and Senate liaison, have provided her with a deeper understanding of the university’s operations and the financial realities of higher education.

For prospective students considering a return to school, Lesley’s message is clear: dream big.

"Definitely dream big. I would have never imagined that Loyola would accept me and that I could afford it. Loyola has such great scholarship opportunities and financial aid. That I'm actually at Loyola University - I'm still in shock."

Learn more about the BA in Paralegal Studies program.
Learn more about GPAC.
"Definitely dream big. I would have never imagined that Loyola would accept me and that I could afford it. Loyola has such great scholarship opportunities and financial aid. That I'm actually at Loyola University - I'm still in shock."