
What we are thankful for

Collage of Quinlan students, faculty, and staff headshots

Sixteen members of the Quinlan community share what they are thankful for this year.

Quinlan students, faculty, and staff shared what they are most thankful for this holiday season — ranging from their families to good food to supportive professors.


“We are thankful for our families' and friends' health and safety.” — Avery and Briana

“I am thankful for my mom for always helping me learn life lessons.” — Diha

“I am thankful for being able to eat a lot of good food this holiday season!” — Kevin

“I am thankful that I am able to spend time with my friends, family, and loved ones.” — Mark

“I am thankful for my professors and the friends I’ve made this semester.” — Pavon

“I’m really thankful for being a part of such an amazing Loyola community.” — Victoria

“I am thankful for my opportunities.” — Yael

Faculty and staff

“I really love working with our amazing students! I’m also grateful to be part of an institution that is so mission-driven — it is truly inspiring to me as a new employee.” — Lynée Alves, Career Coach and Assistant Director, Business Career Services

“Thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful students — hard working and destined for greatness.” — Kevin Lee, Executive Lecturer

“I am thankful to see Schreiber Center full of Quinlan students, faculty, and staff once again!” — Cole Maltsberger, Sr. Academic Advisor,  Undergraduate Programs

"I'm grateful for family and friends. We held each other up. I'm also grateful for Quinlan students, whose resilience and grace were a great source of encouragement for faculty and staff." — Pam McCoy, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs

"I’m most thankful for my beautiful seven-month-old baby girl, who is the happiest baby ever. And I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a leader for the incredible faculty, staff, and students at Quinlan this year." — Maciek Nowak, Interim Dean

“This year I am especially thankful for all my wonderful and supportive colleagues at Quinlan and across the academic advising units at Loyola, for my niece who just turned 2, and for the band Wingtips.” — Matt Rombach, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs

“I am really thankful we’re back face to face and we’re able to interact with each other again.” — George Senick, Lecturer

“I'm so thankful for students who are caring, supportive, and willing to play along when I come up with crazy ways to explore the material I'm teaching.” — Joan Shapiro Beigh, Clinical Instructor

We're grateful for you!

Thanks to everyone who shared what they are grateful for. All of us at the Quinlan School of Business are grateful for our strong community!