Mike Hewitt
Professor; Ralph Marotta Endowed Chair in Free Enterprise; Executive Director, Business Leadership Hub; Faculty Director, Supply Chain and Sustainability Center
Dr. Hewitt is a professor in the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Department in the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. He also serves as the executive director of the and faculty director of the .
His research includes developing quantitative models of decisions found in the transportation and supply chain management domains, particularly in freight transportation and home delivery. His work has assisted the decision-making of companies such as Exxon Mobil, Saia Motor Freight, and Yellow Roadway. He has expanded his area of expertise to include workforce planning, including working on multi-disciplinary projects at the intersection of operations management and cognitive psychology. His research has been funded by agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the Material Handling Institute, and the New York State Health Foundation.
Before entering the PhD program at Georgia Tech, Dr. Hewitt worked as a software engineer, contributing to the development of software to support consumer set-top boxes and content delivery to LED signs in mass transit stations.
- Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, August 2009
- M. S. Financial Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 1998
- M. S. Industrial Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 1997
- B. S. Mathematics & Economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, May 1995
Research Interests
- Supply chain
- Transportation
- Workforce Planning
Professional/Community Affiliations
President of Transportation Science and Logistics Society
Courses Taught
- ISSCM 241: Introduction to Business Statistics (Undergraduate course)
- SCMG 332: Introduction to Operations Management (Undergraduate course)
- SCMG 338: Logistics for the Global Economy
- SCMG 341: Introduction to Spreadsheet Modeling (Undergraduate course)
- SCMG 480: Introduction to Operations Management (MBA course)
- SCMG 488: Inventory Management (MS Supply Chain Management course)
- INFS 492: Introduction to Database Systems (MBA course)
Publications/Research Listings
Refereed Articles
Hewitt, M., Drainic, T., Nowak, M., Rei, W. (2019) "Scheduled Service Network Design with Resource Acquisition and Management under Uncertainty." Transportation Research part B, 128:324-343.
Duc, M., Hewitt, M., Boland, N., Savelsbergh, M.W.P. (2019) "A Dynamic Discretization Approach for Time-dependend Traveling Salesman with Time Windows Problems." Published online in Transportation Science in 8/2019.
Hewitt, M. (2019) "Enhanced Dynamic Discretization Discovery for the Continuous Time Load Plan Design Problem." Published online in Transportation Science in 8/2019.
Farahani, R., Amiri-Aref, M., Hewitt, M., Klibi, W. (2019) "Equitable location of facilities in a region with probabilistic barriers to travel." Transportation Research Part E, 127:66-85.
Scherr, Y., Neumann, B., Hewitt, M., Mattfeld, D., (2019) “Service network design with mixed autonomous fleets.” Transportation Research Part E, 124:40-55.
Thomas, B., *Calogiuri, T., Hewitt, M., (2019) “An Exact Bi-Directional A* for Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problems.” Networks, 73(2):187-205.
Nowak, M., Hewitt, M., *Bachour, H., (2019) “Mileage Bands in Freight Transportation.” European Journal on Operational Research, 272(2):549-564.
Boland, N., Hewitt, M., *Marshall, L., Savelsbergh, M.W.P., (2019) “The Price of Discretizing Time: A Study in Service Network Design.” EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 8(2):195-216.
*Medina, J., Hewitt, M., Lehuede, F., Peton, O., (2019) “Integrating Long-haul and Local Delivery Planning” EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 8(2):119-145.
*Sun, P., Veelenturf, L., Hewitt, M., van Woensel, T., (2018) “The Time dependent pickup and delivery problem with time windows.” Accepted to Transportation Research Part B, 116:1-24.
*Jin, H., Hewitt, M., Thomas, B., (2018) “Workforce Grouping and Assignment with Learning-by-doing and Knowledge Transfer.” International Journal of Production Research, 56(14):4968-4982.
*Chen, X., Thomas, B., Hewitt, M., (2018) “Approximate Dynamic Programming for the Multi-Period Technician Scheduling with Experience-based Service Times and Stochastic Customers.” International Journal of Production Economics, 196:122-134.
Crainic, T., *Duc, M., Hewitt, M., Toulouse, M., (2018) “Scheduled Service Network Design with Resource Acquisition and Management.” EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 7(3):277-309.
Hewitt, M., Thomas, B., Valeva, S. (2017). A Matheuristic for Workforce Planning with Employee Learning and Stochastic Demand. International Journal of Production Research.
Hewitt, M., Boland, N., Marshall, L., Savelsbergh, M. (2017). Continuous Time Service Network Design Problem. Operations Research.
Chen, X., Thomas, B., Hewitt, M. (2017). Multi-Period Technician Scheduling with Experience-based Service Times and Stochastic Customers. Computers & Operations Research.
Crainic, T., Duc, M., Hewitt, M., Toulouse, M. (2017). Scheduled Service Network Design with Resource Acquisition and Managemen. European Journal on Transportation and Logistics.
Hewitt, M. (2017). Balancing Flexibility and Inventory in Workforce Planning with Learning. International Journal of Production Economics.
Jin, H., Thomas, B., Hewitt, M. (2016). Integer Programming Techniques for Makespan Models that Recognize Human Learning. Computers and Industrial Engineering.
Hewitt, M., Nowak, M. A., Nataraj, N. (in press). Planning strategies for home health care delivery. To appear in Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research.
Thomas, B., Chen, X., Hewitt, M. (2015). Technician Routing with Experience-based Service Times. To appear in Omega.
Hewitt, M., G. Nemhauser., M. Savelsbergh. "Branch-and-Price Guided Search for Integer Programs with an Application to the Multicommodity Fixed Charge Network Flow Problem." INFORMS Journal on Computing. 25.2 (2013). 302-316.
Erera, A., M. Hewitt, M. Savelsbergh, Y. Zhang. "Creating Schedules and Computing Operating Costs for LTL Load Plans." Computers & Operations Research. 40.3 (2013). 691-702.
Hewitt, M., G. Nemhauser, M. Savelsbergh, J.H. Song. "A Branch-and-Price Guided Search Approach to Maritime Inventory Routing." Computers & Operations Research. 40.5 (2012). 1410-1419.
Erera, A., M. Hewitt, M. Savelsbergh, Y. Zhang. "Improved Load Plan Design Through Integer Programming Based Local Search." Transportation Science. 47.3 (2012). 412-427.
Nowak, M. A., M. Hewitt, C. White. "Precedence Constrained Pickup and Delivery with Split Loads." International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications. 15.1 (2012). 1-14.
Hewitt, M., A. Carrano, A. Mazeika, B.K. Thorn. "On the Environmental Impacts of Pallet Management Operations." Management Research Review. 34.11 (2011). 1222-1236.
Hewitt, M., G. Nemhauser, M. Savelsbergh. "Combining Exact and Heuristic Approaches for the Capacitated Fixed Charge Network Flow Problem." INFORMS Journal on Computing. 22.2 (2010). 314-325.
Erera, A., M. Hewitt, B. Karacik, M. Savelsbergh. "Locating Drivers in a Trucking Terminal Network." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 45 (2009). 988-1005.
- Loyola Faculty Researcher of the Year, 2015
- Glover-Klingman Prize for the best paper published in Networks, 2019