(Matthew) Bobby Achettu Adjunct Instructor machettu1@luc.edu Aakriti Goel Adjunct Instructor agoel4@luc.edu Abhishek Sharma Lecturer Schreiber 430 312.915.6183
asharma2@luc.edu Abol Jalilvand Professor; Department Chair Schreiber 603 312.915.7101
ajalilv@luc.edu Abraham Singer Associate Professor Schreiber 712 312.915.6877
asinger2@luc.edu Adam McCurdy Adjunct Instructor 505-D 312-915-8588
amccurdy@luc.edu Akon Ekpo Assistant Professor Schreiber 330 312.915.6384
aekpo@luc.edu Al Gini Professor Emeritus, Business Ethics agini@LUC.edu Alastair Knowles Adjunct Instructor aknowles2@luc.edu Alex Bacchetti Adjunct Instructor Alexander Moreno Adjunct Instructor amoreno3@luc.edu Alice Obermiller Adjunct Instructor aobermiller@luc.edu Allison Davis Associate Director, Student Services Schreiber 618 312.915.6113
adavis10@luc.edu Amy Kyhos Executive Lecturer Schreiber 217 312.915.6682
akyhos@luc.edu Anastasios (Tassos) Malliaris Professor; Department Chair Schreiber 824 312.915.6063
tmallia@luc.edu Andrew Kaufman Adjunct Instructor akaufman2@luc.edu Anne Divita Kopacz Senior Director, School-Based Marketing Communications Schreiber 623 312.915.6132
adivitakopacz@luc.edu Anne Reilly Professor Schreiber 726 312.915.6537
areilly@luc.edu Anthony Gargiulo Jr. Adjunct Instructor agargiulo1@luc.edu Antwan Malik Williams Adjunct Instructor awilliams16@luc.edu Anuj Gangopadhyaya Assistant Professor Schreiber 820 312.915.7523
agango1@luc.edu April Lane Schuster Senior Lecturer Schreiber 715 312.915.6602
alane@luc.edu Arilova Randrianasolo Assistant Professor Schreiber 327 312.915.6137
arandrianasolo@luc.edu Arup Varma Professor; Endowed Chair Schreiber 729 312.915.6664
avarma@luc.edu Raymond Benton Professor Emeritus, Marketing rbenton@luc.edu Bjorn Berg Clinical Professor, Director of the Quinlan Honors Program Schreiber 514 312.915.7524
bberg2@luc.edu Bobby Barnes Senior Lecturer Schreiber 819 312.915.6608
bbarnes1@luc.edu Borchuluun Yadamsuren Assistant Director of Analytics Schreiber 306 312.915.6087
byadamsuren@luc.edu Brendan Shea Adjunct Instructor bshea1@luc.edu Brian Shoup Adjunct Instructor 505-E 312-915-6385
bshoup@luc.edu Brian Stanko Professor; Department Chair Schreiber 506 312.915.7106
bstanko@luc.edu Brittney Bauer Assistant Professor; Director of the Quinlan School of Business Behavioral Lab Schreiber 324 312.915.7518
bbauer4@luc.edu Cedric Dawkins Adjunct Instructor Schreiber 528 312.915.6592
cdawkins@luc.edu Çerağ Pinçe Associate Professor Schreiber 425 312.915.6188
cpince@luc.edu Charles Werner Associate Professor Emeritus, Accounting cwerner@luc.edu Christopher Huizenga Adjunct Instructor Christopher Oh Adjunct Instructor Coh1@luc.edu Claire Scott Adjunct Instructor cbraverman@luc.edu Clifford Shultz Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair of Marketing Schreiber 331 312.915.6457
cshultz@luc.edu Cole Maltsberger Senior Academic Advisor Schreiber 318 312.915.6113
cmaltsberger@luc.edu Colleen Calvey Assistant Dean of Development Lewis Towers 1722 312.915.6062
ccalvey@luc.edu Daniel Pecoraro Adjunct Instructor dpecoraro@luc.edu Daniel P. Pepe Instructor Schreiber 716 312.915.7535
dpepe@luc.edu Daniel William Adjunct Instructor dwilliam@luc.edu Danielle Booker Assistant Professor Schreiber 510 312.915.6074
dbooker1@luc.edu Darryl Reynolds Clinical Instructor Schreiber 718 312.915.6136
dreynolds6@luc.edu David B. Mirza Professor Emeritus, Economics David Bohm Adjunct Instructor dbohm@luc.edu David Kupiec Adjunct Instructor dkupiec@luc.edu Dawn Harris Associate Professor Emerita, Management dharri1@luc.edu Demetrios Komnenos Clinical Instructor Schreiber 818 312.915.8591
dkomnenos@luc.edu Dennis Plott Clinical Instructor Coffey Hall 416, LSC 312.915.6611
dplott@luc.edu Devon L. Byrne Adjunct Instructor dbyrne1@luc.edu Diana Acosta Navas Assistant Professor Schreiber 711 312.915.7505
dacostanavas@luc.edu Dianne Dawson Daniels Clinical Professor Lewis Towers 401 312.915.6674
ddawsondaniels@luc.edu Dinko Bačić Assistant Professor Schreiber 420 312.915.6122
dbacic@luc.edu Dipayan Banerjee Assistant Professor Schreiber 429 312.915.7060
dbanerjee2@luc.edu Donald Hubbartt Adjunct Instructor dhubbartt@luc.edu Douglas Geiger Assistant Dean, Graduate Operations Schreiber 629 312.915.6131
dgeiger@luc.edu Douglas Evanoff Executive Director Schreiber 505F 312.915.6617
devanoff@luc.edu Dow Scott Professor Schreiber 703 312.915.6597
dscott@luc.edu Ebony Crump Adjunct Instructor ecrump1@luc.edu Ehab A. Yamani Adjunct Instructor eyamani@luc.edu Elizabeth Collier Adjunct Instructor ecollier@luc.edu Ellen Landgraf Associate Professor Emerita, Accounting elandgr@luc.edu Emily Barman Dean of The Graduate School & Vice Provost of Graduate Education Granada Center, Room 442 773.508.2478
ebarman@luc.edu Eve K. Geroulis Senior Lecturer Schreiber 322 312.915.7826
egeroul@luc.edu Faruk Guder Professor Schreiber 429 312.915.7062
fguder@luc.edu Fatih Gecti Adjunct Instructor Federic Mahieu Adjunct Instructor fmahieu@luc.edu Frank Trocchio Adjunct Instructor ftrocchio@luc.edu Frederick Kaefer Associate Professor Schreiber 403 312.915.7063
fkaefer@luc.edu Gabrielle Lieberman Adjunct Instructor glieberman@luc.edu George Davidson Adjunct Instructor 505-B 312-915-7163
gdavidson@luc.edu George Senick Lecturer Schreiber 323 312.916.6595
gsenick@luc.edu Gezinus J. Hidding Associate Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ghiddin@luc.edu GiGi Sharba Accounts Receivable Office Coordinator Schreiber 614B gsharba@luc.edu Gita Taherkhani Assistant Professor Schreiber 432 312.915.6125
gtaherkhani@luc.edu Greg Hanrahan Adjunct Instructor Greg Kravitt Adjunct Instructor gkravitt@luc.edu Guner Velioglu Assistant Professor Schreiber 528 312.915.7815
gvelioglu@luc.edu Hae mi (Amy) Choi Associate Professor Schreiber 526 312.915.6320
hchoi2@luc.edu Heba Madi Associate Director hmadi@luc.edu Inhyeock "Ian" Lee Professor Schreiber 727 312.915.7656
ilee1@luc.edu Iva Vurdelja Adjunct Instructor ivurdelja@luc.edu Jacob Pritchard Office Coordinator for Class Scheduling Schreiber 616 312.915.6117
jpritchard1@luc.edu James Bordignon Adjunct Faculty jbordignon@luc.edu James Murphy Clinical Professor Schreiber 706 312.915.6536
jmurphy25@luc.edu Jami Eddington Clinical Instructor Schreiber 427 312.915.7291
jedding@luc.edu Janaki Soni Adjunct Instructor Janeen Ebster Davis Adjunct Instructor jebsterdavis@luc.edu Jasmine Tata Professor Emerita, Management jtata@luc.edu Jay Rudman Adjunct Instructor jrudman1@luc.edu Jeff Rosenberg Adjunct Instructor 505-C 312.915.8523
jrosenberg3@luc.edu Jeffrey Berk Adjunct Instructor jberk@luc.edu Jeffrey Bierman Adjunct Instructor 505-A 312-915-6382
jbierman@luc.edu Jenna Drenten Senior Associate Dean of Gradaute Programs and Faculty Affairs, Associate Professor Schreiber 628 312.915.6150
jdrenten@luc.edu Jennifer Griffin Professor; Endowed Chair Schreiber 805 312.915.6786
jgriffin5@luc.edu Jesse Dienstag Adjunct Instructor jdienstag@luc.edu Jill Graham Professor Emerita, Management jgraham@luc.edu Jill McCall Director, Family Business Center Schreiber 213 312.915.7738
jmccall1@luc.edu Joan Moore Adjunct Instructor jmoore16@luc.edu Joel Han Assistant Professor Schreiber 821 312.915.6146
jhan12@luc.edu Joel Vander Weele Adjunct Instructor John Boatright Professor Emeritus, Management jboatri@luc.edu John Kostolansky Associate Professor Emeritus, Accounting jkostol@luc.edu John Nicholas Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management Schreiber 404 312.915.7060
jnichol@luc.edu Jorge Diaz Adjunct Instructor Joseph Cursio Adjunct Instructor jcursio@luc.edu Joseph Quane Adjunct Instructor jquane@luc.edu Joseph Stachnik Adjunct Instructor jstachn@luc.edu Joseph Wemhoff Adjunct Instructor Schreiber 505-D jwemhoff@luc.edu Julián P. Díaz Associate Professor Schreiber 823 312.915.7045
jdiaz17@luc.edu Justin Sorensen Adjunct Instructor jsorens@luc.edu Kaitlyn Hoffmann Lecturer Schreiber 424 312.915.8584
khoffmann@luc.edu Kalok Chu Adjunct Instructor kchu2@luc.edu Kanji Kitamura Adjunct Instructor Karen Weigert Lecturer Schreiber 218 312.915.6781
kweigert@luc.edu Karen Weigert Executive Lecturer and Director, Baumhart Center Schreiber 218 312.915.6781
kweigert@luc.edu Karyn Dossinger Assistant Professor Schreiber 708 312.915.6406
kdossinger@luc.edu Karyn Linn Program Manager for the Family Business Center Schreiber 216 312.915.6497
klinn@luc.edu Katherine Alexander Assistant Professor Schreiber 710 312.915.7117
kalexander7@luc.edu Katherine Sredl Lecturer Schreiber 321 312.915.8573
ksredl@luc.edu Katie Laugel Assistant Director of Graduate Programs Schreiber 620 312.915.6965
klaugel@luc.edu Kayla Gustafson Program Manager, Executive & Professional Education Center Schreiber 215 312.915.6762
kgustafson2@luc.edu KC Rakow Associate Professor Schreiber 509 312.915.6327
krakow@luc.edu Keith Lambrecht Professor Emeritus, Sport Management Schreiber 702 312.915.6514
klambre@luc.edu Kelly Mink Adjunct Instructor kmink@luc.edu Kenton Foutty Instructor kfoutty@luc.edu Kevin Lee Executive Lecturer Schreiber 515 312.915.6785
klee4@luc.edu Kevin Voge Instructor Schreiber 717 312.915.6387
kvoge@luc.edu Kim Byas Adjunct Faculty Laura Britton Adjunct Professor Laura Zbella Associate Director, Finance and Academic Business Operations Schreiber 617 312.915.7353
lzbella@luc.edu Linda K. Stroh Professor Emerita, Human Resources lstroh@luc.edu Linda Tuncay Zayer John F. Smith Chair, Professor, and Department Chair Schreiber 332 312.915.6134
ltuncay@luc.edu Lisa Gillespie Senior Lecturer Schreiber 517 312.915.6278
lgilles@luc.edu Lisa-Ann Barnes Adjunct Instructor lbarnes@luc.edu Lopa Chakraborti Assistant Professor BVM 411, LSC 312.508.7559
lchakraborti@luc.edu Louis Cain Professor Emeritus, Economics lcain@luc.edu Lu Hong Professor Schreiber 604 312.915.7067
lhong@luc.edu Luna Luna Program Coordinator for the Baumhart Center Schreiber 211B 312.915.
cluna1@luc.edu M. Jennifer Fernandes Administrative Assistant Schreiber 621A 312.915.6119
jfernandes1@luc.edu Madeline Stanton Senior Program Manager Schreiber 212 312.915.7477
mstanton2@luc.edu Maha Halabi-Ditsch Instructor Schreiber 421 312.915.7058
mhalabiditsch@luc.edu Mahdi Sahloul Adjunct Instructor msahloul@luc.edu Marc D. Hayford Professor Schreiber 827 312.915.6073
mhayfor@luc.edu Mark Haggarty Adjunct Instructor mhaggar@luc.edu Mark Law Associate Director Schreiber 619 312.915.7203
mlaw1@luc.edu Mary Ann McGrath Professor Emerita, Marketing mmcgrat@luc.edu Mary Kesinger Adjunct Instructor Mary Malliaris Professor; Department Chair Schreiber 422 312.915.7064
mmallia@luc.edu Michael Behnam Dean Schreiber 627 312.915.6115
mbehnam@luc.edu Michael Conwell Assistant Director of Specialty Master's Programs Schreiber 624 312.915.6584
mconwell@luc.edu Michael Dean Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Programs Schreiber 325 312.915.6113
mdean1@luc.edu Michael Hewitt Professor; Endowed Chair Schreiber 419 312.915.7394
mhewitt3@luc.edu Michael Keeley Professor Emeritus, Management mkeeley@luc.edu Michael McCormick Adjunct Instructor mmccor2@luc.edu Michael Migliore Adjunct Instructor mmigliore@luc.edu Mike Alsip Instructor Schreiber 423 312.915.6036
malsip@luc.edu Mike Hewitt Professor; Ralph Marotta Endowed Chair in Free Enterprise; Executive Director, Business Leadership Hub; Faculty Director, Supply Chain and Sustainability Center Schreiber 419 312.915.7394
mhewitt3@luc.edu Morgan Rosenberg Adjunct Instructor mrosenberg4@luc.edu Nenad Jukić Professor Schreiber 402 312.915.6662
njukic@luc.edu Nicholas Lash Professor Emeritus, Finance nlash@luc.edu Nicholas Smaligo Adjunct Instructor nsmaligo@luc.edu Ning Yang Assistant Professor Schreiber 431 312.915.6592
nyang1@luc.edu Nneka Ude Adjunct Instructor ndudley@luc.edu Noah Henderson Instructor Schreiber 713 312.915.7752
nhenderson@luc.edu Norman Massel Associate Professor Schreiber 508 312.915.7073
nmassel@luc.edu Osman Abraz Clinical Instructor Schreiber 428 312.915.6574
oabraz@luc.edu Patricia Garland Adjunct Instructor Patty Hernandez Program Manager Schreiber 615 312.915.6614
phernandez3@luc.edu Paul Gabriel Professor Schreiber 826 312.915.6070
pgabrie@luc.edu Paul Petricca Adjunct Instructor ppetricca@luc.edu Peter Hulett Marketing Communications Specialist Schreiber 621D 312.915.6598
phulett@luc.edu Peter Kolos Lecturer Schreiber 512 312.915.7105
pkolos@luc.edu Peter Norlander Associate Professor Schreiber 626 312.915.6615
pnorlander@luc.edu Quinton Arthur Manager, External Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Schreiber 214 312.915.7657
qarthur@luc.edu Raphael Roxas Adjunct Instructor Regina Trevino Adjunct Instructor rtrevi1@luc.edu Robert Arias Assistant Professor Schreiber 328 312.915.7107
rarias1@luc.edu Ryan Sinon Assistant Director of Communications Schreiber 321 312.915.7737
rsinon@luc.edu Sabrina Rahman Adjunct Instructor srahman11@luc.edu Sadek Showkat Assistant Professor Schreiber 709 312.915.6514
sshowkat@luc.edu Samuel Ramenofsky Professor Emeritus, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management srameno@luc.edu Sara K. Gramata Adjunct Instructor sgramat@luc.edu Sara Schmidt Academic and Faculty Affairs Coordinator Schreiber 614A 312.915.6113
sschmidt8@luc.edu Sarah Ku Assistant Professor BVM Hall 417, LSC 773.508.2404
sku@luc.edu Sean Connolly Adjunct Instructor sconnolly2@luc.edu Sean Leahy Lecturer Schreiber 714 312.915.6093
sleahy5@luc.edu Sean Taylor Adjunct Faculty staylor25@luc.edu Shabnam Azimi Associate Professor Schreiber 326 312.915.7525
sazimi@luc.edu Shawn Meade Adjunct Instructor smeade@luc.edu Stacy Neier Beran Senior Lecturer Schreiber 329 312.915.6581


Academic Programs and Services

External Programs and Services

Stanley Stasch Professor Emeritus, Marketing sstasch@luc.edu Steven Keith Platt Director of Analytics; Lecturer of AI and Statistics; Director, AI Business Consortium; Director, Lab for Applied Artificial Intelligence Schreiber 304 312.915.6144
splatt1@luc.edu Steven Todd Associate Professor Schreiber 502 312.915.7218
stodd@luc.edu Suk Hun Lee Professor Schreiber 504 312.915.7071
slee2@luc.edu Sung Min Kim Professor; Department Chair Schreiber 704 312.915.7052
skim@luc.edu Susan Phillips Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Programs Schreiber 317 312.915.6113
sphillips2@luc.edu Svetlozar Nestorov Associate Professor Schreiber 418 312.915.7103
snestorov@luc.edu Taylor Kinn Adjunct Instructor tkinn@luc.edu Thomas DeBerge Assistant Professor Schreiber 707 312.915.7366
tdeberge@luc.edu Thomas L. Zeller Professor Schreiber 507 312.915.7626
tzeller@luc.edu Thomas Smyth Adjunct Instructor Schreiber 415B tsmyth@luc.edu Tim Jones Director of Development tjones29@luc.edu Timothy Classen Associate Professor; Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Academic Affairs Schreiber 625 312.915.6184
tclass1@luc.edu Tom Nohel Professor Schreiber 602 312.915.7065
tnohel@luc.edu Ugur Uygur Associate Professor Schreiber 728 312.915.6077
uuygur@luc.edu Volkan Atalay Senior Lecturer Schreiber 426 312.915.6663
vatalay@luc.edu William Bergman Clinical Instructor Schreiber 529 312.915.7251
wbergman@luc.edu William McMorris Office Coordinator-Operations Assistant Schreiber 621B 312.915.6127
wmcmorr@luc.edu Xiang Gao Assistant Professor Schreiber 503 312.915.7074
xgao6@luc.edu Xiangpei Chen Assistant Professor Schreiber 518 312.915.7322
xchen25@luc.edu Yoo Na Youm Assistant Professor Schreiber 709 312.915.6566
yyoum@luc.edu Youngsoo Kim Assistant Professor Schreiber 417 312.915.7654
ykim35@luc.edu Zhiyun (Frances) Lee Associate Professor Schreiber 822 312.915.6561
flee3@luc.edu Zongfei (Lisa) Yang Associate Professor Schreiber 527 312.915.7526
zyang4@luc.edu Anh Nguyen Research Associate anguyen20@luc.edu