
Clifford Shultz

Shultz Pic

Clifford Shultz

Title: Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair of Marketing
Office #: Schreiber 331
Phone: 312.915.6457
E-mail: cshultz@luc.edu or cjs2@luc.edu

Personal Page: Biography

Academic Degrees

  • Columbia University, New York, New York
    • 1991 Post Doctorate Marketing
    • 1990 PhD Social & Organizational Psychology, M.Phil. (1990); MA (1984)
  • DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
    • 1977 BA with honors—Psychology; semester abroad: Athens & Cairo

Academic Appointments

Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair, Loyola University Chicago, Quinlan School of Business; International Fellow, Harvard-Vietnam-Fulbright Program / FU; Research Fellow, Doctoral Program in Sustainable Development, Loyola Andalucia.

Primary Research & Teaching Interests

Marketing as Constructive Engagement, Policy, Practice and Sustainable Development; Macromarketing; Globalization; International and Cross-Cultural Marketing and Consumer Behavior (with an emphasis on devastated and recovering economies); Refugees, FDP and Vulnerable Groups; Peace Marketing; Well-Being; Food and Agribusiness Marketing Value Chains; Marketing Strategy and Management; Marketing Places; Entrepreneurship; formats include MS, MBA, Undergraduate, Executive and Professional Education, Doctoral Seminars, and Site-Immersion courses. P.I. Co-P.I. or Leader for projects funded by USDA, USAID, USDE, US State Department, UN, National Geographic Society, various foundations, et al.; I increasingly focus on the inclusion of junior faculty and students in these projects, to advance their scholarly and professional interests. Numerous editorships, review and policy boards, and awards for research, teaching, and service; over 250 scholarly publications, including books, refereed and invited journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.

Books & Monographs

Shultz, C., Rahtz, D., & Sirgy, J. (2022), Community, Economy and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Shultz, C., et al. (forthcoming, someday), Making the Balkans Work: Marketing, Development and Sustainable Peace in Southeast Europe, solicited by publishers.

Shultz, C. ed. (2015), Legends in Consumer Research—Morris B. Holbrook, Volume 12: Macromarketing Applications, Part I—Ethical Concerns, Social Issues, and Animal Companions, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Shapiro, S., Tadajewski, M. & Shultz, C. ed. (2009), Macromarketing - A Global Focus:  Marketing Systems, Societal Development, Equity & Poverty (4 Volumes), London, UK: Sage Publishing.

Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (2006), Handbook of Markets and Economies: East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, New York: M.E. Sharpe Publishers.

Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (1998), Marketing and Consumer Behavior in East and Southeast Asia, Sydney: McGraw-Hill (“Best Seller,” effective October 2000).

Shultz, C., Low, M., & Ardrey, W. (1997) Enterprise Management in Countries with Economies in Transition, New York:  United Nations Publications [this monograph underwent a two-stage, double blind review: firstly, within the UN and then the academic economic development community]. 

Sample Journal Articles

Shultz, C., Hoek, J., Lee, L., Leong, W., Srinivasan, R., Viswanathan, M. & Wertenbroch, K. (2022), “JPPM’s Global Perspective and Impact: An Agenda for Research on Marketing and Public Policy,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 41(1), 34-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/07439156211049216

Shultz, C. & Wilkie, W. (2021), “Macromarketing, the Indispensable Discipline,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41 (1), 5-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720983405

Laczniak, G. & Shultz, C. (2021), “Toward a Doctrine of Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM): A Macro and Normative-Ethical Perspective,” Journal of Macromarketing.41 (2), 201-231 https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720963682

Shultz, C., Barrios, A., Krasnikov, A., Becker, I., Bennett, A., Emile, R., Hokkinen, M., Pennington, J., Santos, M. & Sierra, J. (2020), “The Global Refugee Crisis: Pathway for a More Humanitarian Solution,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (1), 128-143. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146719896390

Shultz, C. (2017), “Marketing: The Next 40,000 Years,” Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (3), 328-330. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146717712360

Steinfield, L., Venugopal, S., Appau, S., Barrios, A., Dadzie, C., Gau, R., Holt, D., Nguyen, M., & Shultz, C. (2021), “Across Time, Across Space and Intersecting in Complex Ways: A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Environmental Disruptions on Nature-Dependent Prosumers,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (2), 262-284. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743915620976563

De Quero-Navarro, B., Aoun-Barakat, K., Shultz, C., Araque-Padilla, R. & Montero-Simó, M. (2020), “From Conflict to Cooperation: a Macromarketing View of Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Lebanon and the Middle East,” Environmental Management, 66, 232-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01300-w

Barrios, A., Shultz, C. & Montes, J. (2019), “Entrepreneurship as Boundary Object: Toward Reintegration of Colombia’s Ex-Militants into Civil Society,” Journal of Macromarketing, 39 (4), 368-384. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146719884606

Shultz, C. & Peterson, M. (2019), “A Macromarketing View of Sustainable Development in Vietnam,” Environmental Management, 63 (4), 507-519. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00267-017-0971-8

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R., & Shultz, C. (2018), “Examining Consumers' Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Addressing Childhood Obesity: The Mediating Role of Attributional Judgments,” Journal of Business Research, 88 (July), 132-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.03.006         

Nguyen, D.T., Nguyen, T. & Shultz, C. (2018), “Diffusing Market Orientation to Drive Marketing Capital: Evidence from Vietnam,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (6), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2017.1318941

Sredl, K., Shultz, C. & Brečić R. (2017), “The Arizona Market—a Marketing Systems Perspective on Pre- and Post-War Developments in Bosnia, with Implications for Sustainable Peace and Prosperity,” Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (3), 300-316. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146717712359

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2017), “Consumers’ Responses to Governmental versus Corporate Initiatives Intended to Change Food Consumption Behaviors, Explained by Consumers’ Self-Serving Bias,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23 (6), 683-704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2015.1048033

Shultz, C. (2016) “Marketing an End to War: Constructive Engagement, Community Wellbeing, and Sustainable Peace,” Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 1 (2), Article 2, 1-23. http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=mgdr  

Varma, A., Jukic, N., Pestek, A., Shultz, C. & Nestorov, S. (2016). “Airbnb: Exciting Innovation or Passing Fad?” Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 228-237. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221197361630085X

Barrios, A., de Valck, K., Shultz, C., Sibai, O., Husemann, K., Maxwell-Smith, M. & Luedicke, M. (2016), “Marketing as a Means to Transformative Social Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Transitioning War Economies and the Colombian Coffee Marketing System,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2), 185-197.

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2016), “Policy and Marketing Changes to Help Curb Childhood Obesity: Government Ban vs. Industry Self-Regulation,” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40 (5), 519-526

Haase, M., Becker, I., Nill, A., Shultz, C. & Gentry, J. (2016), “Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: A Theoretical Analysis and Evidence from Germany,” Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (2), 149-167.

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2016), “Consumers’ Responses to Governmental versus Corporate Initiatives Intended to Change Food Consumption Behaviors, Explained by Consumers’ Self-Serving Bias,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2015.1048033

Mittelstaedt, J., Kilbourne, W. & Shultz, C. (2015), “Macromarketing Approaches to Thought Development in Positive Marketing: Two Perspectives on a Research Agenda for Positive Marketing Scholars,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2513-2516.

Mittelstaedt, J., Shultz, C., Kilbourne, W. & Peterson, M. (2014), “Sustainability as Megatrend: Two Schools of Macromarketing Thought,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (3), 253-264 (winner, 2015 “Charles C. Slater Award,” for best article published in volumes 33 and 34).

Nguyen, T.T.M., Rahtz, D. & Shultz, C. (2014), “Tourism as Catalyst for Quality of Life in Transitioning Subsistence Marketplaces: Perspectives from Ha Long, Vietnam,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (1), 28-44.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2013), “Titanic: Consuming the Myths and Meanings of an Ambiguous Brand,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (December), 595-614.

Dumitrescu, C., Nganje, W. & Shultz, C. (2013), “Perceived Value of Pasta in Greece and Romania,” British Food Journal, 115 (10), 1518–1536.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2013), “A Brand So Bad It Has To Be Good,” Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (11/12), 1251-1276.

Shultz, C., Deshpandé, R., Cornwell, B., Ekici, A., Kothandaraman, P., Peterson, M., Shapiro, S., Talukdar, D., Veeck, A. (2012), “Marketing and Public Policy: Transformative Research in Developing Markets,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31 (2), 178–184.

Shultz, C. (2012), “Vietnam: Political Economy, Marketing System,” Journal of Macromarketing, 32 (1), 7–17.

Westbrook, M. D., Shultz, C. & Nguyen, D. T. (2012), “Quality of Student Life for Business Students in Vietnam: The Roles of Learning Motivation and Psychological Hardiness in Learning,” Journal of Happiness Studies, 13 (6), 1091–1103.

Shultz, C. (2012), “Marketing Systems, the Ring Cycle, and the Layton Effect,” Australasian Marketing Journal. 20 (3), 190–194.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2012), “Dark Marketing: Skeleton in the Cupboard or Ghost in the Machine?” European Business Review, 24 (3), 196–215.

Jallat, F. & Shultz, C. (2011), “Lebanon: From Cataclysm to Opportunity—Crisis Management Lessons for MNCs in the Tourism Sector of the Middle East,” Journal of World Business, 46 (4), 476–486.

Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2010), “Family Policy in Germany: Is the Romanticized Idealization of the Male Breadwinner Losing its Relevance?” Journal of Macromarketing, 30 (4), 375–383.

Pecotich, A., Rahtz, D. & Shultz, C. (2010), “Systemic and Services Dominant Socio-Economic Development: Legal, Judicial and Market Capacity Building in Bangladesh,” Australasian Marketing Journal, 18 (4), 248–255.

Shultz, C., Renko, S. & Brčić-Stipčević, V. (2010), “Grocery Store-Attributes in Recovering Economies: An Empirical Investigation of Their Importance, Using Three Component Contour Plotting,” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 22 (1–2), 37–51.

Shultz, C. & Holbrook, M. (2009), “The Paradoxical Relationship between Marketing and Vulnerability,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 28 (1), 124–127.

Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Global Software Piracy: Trends and Strategic Implications,” Business Horizons, 52 (3), 289–298. Reprinted as Harvard Business School case, HBS Publishing, case # BH332-PDF-ENG.

Shultz, C. (2009), “All Along the Watchtower,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (4), 344.

Mittelstaedt, J. & Shultz, C. (2009), “The Changing Face of Markets and Marketing Systems in Socioeconomic Development: Introductory Comments on the Special Issue,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (4), 346–348.

Shapiro, S. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Macromarketing, Controversy and Economic Development: Just Before and Now During the Global Meltdown,” European Business Review, 21 (4), 313–325.

Shultz, C., Holbrook, M. & Lehmann, D. (2009), “Metric and Interpretive Explorations of Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (3), 217–219.

Shapiro, S., Tadajewski, M. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Interpreting Macromarketing: The Construction of a Major Macromarketing Research Collection,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (3), 325–334.

Shultz, C. (2009), Examining the Interactions among Markets, Marketing, and Society, Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (1), 1–3.

Schmitz, T., Giese, C. & Shultz, C. (2008), “Welfare Implications of EU Enlargement under the CAP,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, 555–562.

Shultz, C. (2007), “Marketing as Constructive Engagement,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26 (2), 293–301.

Geipel, A., Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2007), “Die Analyse der Zeugenaussage im ordentlichen Verfahren,” Zeitschrift für die Anwaltspraxis, 19 (15), 847–856.

Hughner, R., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Shultz, C. & Stanton, J. (2007), “Who are Organic Food Consumers? A Compilation and Review of Why People Purchase Organic Food,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6 (2–3), 94–110.

Manfredo, M. & Shultz, C. (2007), “Risk, Trade, Recovery and the Consideration of Real Options: The Imperative Coordination of Policy, Marketing, and Finance in the Wake of Catastrophe,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26 (1), 33–48.

Shultz, C. (2007), “Nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo tiến sĩ ở Việt Nam: góc nhìn quốc tế và những định hướng phát triển mới,” trong Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo tiến sĩ kinh tế, Nhà Xuất bản Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân, Hà Nội: 76–84 (“Enhancing the quality of doctoral education in Vietnam: international perspectives and new directions for improvement,” Enhancing the Quality of Doctoral Education in Economics and Business in Vietnam, Hanoi: National Economics University Publishing House, 68–75).

Shultz, C. (2007), “The Unquestioned Marketing Life? Let Us Hope Not,” Journal of Macromarketing, 27 (3), 224.

Ardrey, W., Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (2006), “Entrepreneurial Women as Catalysts for Socioeconomic Development in Transitioning Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 9 (4), 277–300.

Gentry, J., Putrevu, S. & Shultz, C. (2006), “The Effects of Counterfeiting on Consumer Search,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5 (May–June), 245–256.

Shultz, C. (2006), “Reach, Access, Impact,” Journal of Macromarketing, 26 (1), 4.

Shultz, C., Crnjak-Karanović, B. & Renko, S. (2005), “Evolving Food Marketing Systems in Recovering Economies: Some Lessons from Croatia’s Gavrilović and emerging ‘Oldies-but-Goodies’,” Ekonomski Pregled, 56 (11), 996–1012.

Shultz, C., Burkink, T. Grbac, B. & Renko, N. (2005), “When Policies and Marketing Systems Explode: An Assessment of Food Marketing in the War-Ravaged Balkans and Implications for Recovery, Sustainable Peace, and Prosperity,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 24 (1), 24–37. (Finalist for “Thomas Kinnear Best Article Award,” 2004–2007).

Edwards, M. & Shultz, C. (2005), “Reframing Agribusiness: Moving from Farm to Market Centric,” Journal of Agribusiness, 23 (1), 57–73.

Shultz, C. (2005), “Some Macromarketing Thoughts on Natural and Human-induced Disasters,” Journal of Macromarketing, 25 (1), 2–3.

Shultz Pic

Clifford Shultz

Title: Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair of Marketing
Office #: Schreiber 331
Phone: 312.915.6457
E-mail: cshultz@luc.edu or cjs2@luc.edu

Personal Page: Biography

Academic Degrees

  • Columbia University, New York, New York
    • 1991 Post Doctorate Marketing
    • 1990 PhD Social & Organizational Psychology, M.Phil. (1990); MA (1984)
  • DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
    • 1977 BA with honors—Psychology; semester abroad: Athens & Cairo

Academic Appointments

Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair, Loyola University Chicago, Quinlan School of Business; International Fellow, Harvard-Vietnam-Fulbright Program / FU; Research Fellow, Doctoral Program in Sustainable Development, Loyola Andalucia.

Primary Research & Teaching Interests

Marketing as Constructive Engagement, Policy, Practice and Sustainable Development; Macromarketing; Globalization; International and Cross-Cultural Marketing and Consumer Behavior (with an emphasis on devastated and recovering economies); Refugees, FDP and Vulnerable Groups; Peace Marketing; Well-Being; Food and Agribusiness Marketing Value Chains; Marketing Strategy and Management; Marketing Places; Entrepreneurship; formats include MS, MBA, Undergraduate, Executive and Professional Education, Doctoral Seminars, and Site-Immersion courses. P.I. Co-P.I. or Leader for projects funded by USDA, USAID, USDE, US State Department, UN, National Geographic Society, various foundations, et al.; I increasingly focus on the inclusion of junior faculty and students in these projects, to advance their scholarly and professional interests. Numerous editorships, review and policy boards, and awards for research, teaching, and service; over 250 scholarly publications, including books, refereed and invited journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.

Books & Monographs

Shultz, C., Rahtz, D., & Sirgy, J. (2022), Community, Economy and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Shultz, C., et al. (forthcoming, someday), Making the Balkans Work: Marketing, Development and Sustainable Peace in Southeast Europe, solicited by publishers.

Shultz, C. ed. (2015), Legends in Consumer Research—Morris B. Holbrook, Volume 12: Macromarketing Applications, Part I—Ethical Concerns, Social Issues, and Animal Companions, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Shapiro, S., Tadajewski, M. & Shultz, C. ed. (2009), Macromarketing - A Global Focus:  Marketing Systems, Societal Development, Equity & Poverty (4 Volumes), London, UK: Sage Publishing.

Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (2006), Handbook of Markets and Economies: East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, New York: M.E. Sharpe Publishers.

Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (1998), Marketing and Consumer Behavior in East and Southeast Asia, Sydney: McGraw-Hill (“Best Seller,” effective October 2000).

Shultz, C., Low, M., & Ardrey, W. (1997) Enterprise Management in Countries with Economies in Transition, New York:  United Nations Publications [this monograph underwent a two-stage, double blind review: firstly, within the UN and then the academic economic development community]. 

Sample Journal Articles

Shultz, C., Hoek, J., Lee, L., Leong, W., Srinivasan, R., Viswanathan, M. & Wertenbroch, K. (2022), “JPPM’s Global Perspective and Impact: An Agenda for Research on Marketing and Public Policy,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 41(1), 34-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/07439156211049216

Shultz, C. & Wilkie, W. (2021), “Macromarketing, the Indispensable Discipline,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41 (1), 5-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720983405

Laczniak, G. & Shultz, C. (2021), “Toward a Doctrine of Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM): A Macro and Normative-Ethical Perspective,” Journal of Macromarketing.41 (2), 201-231 https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146720963682

Shultz, C., Barrios, A., Krasnikov, A., Becker, I., Bennett, A., Emile, R., Hokkinen, M., Pennington, J., Santos, M. & Sierra, J. (2020), “The Global Refugee Crisis: Pathway for a More Humanitarian Solution,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (1), 128-143. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146719896390

Shultz, C. (2017), “Marketing: The Next 40,000 Years,” Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (3), 328-330. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146717712360

Steinfield, L., Venugopal, S., Appau, S., Barrios, A., Dadzie, C., Gau, R., Holt, D., Nguyen, M., & Shultz, C. (2021), “Across Time, Across Space and Intersecting in Complex Ways: A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Environmental Disruptions on Nature-Dependent Prosumers,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (2), 262-284. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743915620976563

De Quero-Navarro, B., Aoun-Barakat, K., Shultz, C., Araque-Padilla, R. & Montero-Simó, M. (2020), “From Conflict to Cooperation: a Macromarketing View of Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Lebanon and the Middle East,” Environmental Management, 66, 232-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01300-w

Barrios, A., Shultz, C. & Montes, J. (2019), “Entrepreneurship as Boundary Object: Toward Reintegration of Colombia’s Ex-Militants into Civil Society,” Journal of Macromarketing, 39 (4), 368-384. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146719884606

Shultz, C. & Peterson, M. (2019), “A Macromarketing View of Sustainable Development in Vietnam,” Environmental Management, 63 (4), 507-519. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00267-017-0971-8

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R., & Shultz, C. (2018), “Examining Consumers' Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Addressing Childhood Obesity: The Mediating Role of Attributional Judgments,” Journal of Business Research, 88 (July), 132-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.03.006         

Nguyen, D.T., Nguyen, T. & Shultz, C. (2018), “Diffusing Market Orientation to Drive Marketing Capital: Evidence from Vietnam,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (6), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2017.1318941

Sredl, K., Shultz, C. & Brečić R. (2017), “The Arizona Market—a Marketing Systems Perspective on Pre- and Post-War Developments in Bosnia, with Implications for Sustainable Peace and Prosperity,” Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (3), 300-316. https://doi.org/10.1177/0276146717712359

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2017), “Consumers’ Responses to Governmental versus Corporate Initiatives Intended to Change Food Consumption Behaviors, Explained by Consumers’ Self-Serving Bias,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23 (6), 683-704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2015.1048033

Shultz, C. (2016) “Marketing an End to War: Constructive Engagement, Community Wellbeing, and Sustainable Peace,” Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 1 (2), Article 2, 1-23. http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1015&context=mgdr  

Varma, A., Jukic, N., Pestek, A., Shultz, C. & Nestorov, S. (2016). “Airbnb: Exciting Innovation or Passing Fad?” Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 228-237. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221197361630085X

Barrios, A., de Valck, K., Shultz, C., Sibai, O., Husemann, K., Maxwell-Smith, M. & Luedicke, M. (2016), “Marketing as a Means to Transformative Social Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Transitioning War Economies and the Colombian Coffee Marketing System,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2), 185-197.

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2016), “Policy and Marketing Changes to Help Curb Childhood Obesity: Government Ban vs. Industry Self-Regulation,” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40 (5), 519-526

Haase, M., Becker, I., Nill, A., Shultz, C. & Gentry, J. (2016), “Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: A Theoretical Analysis and Evidence from Germany,” Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (2), 149-167.

Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2016), “Consumers’ Responses to Governmental versus Corporate Initiatives Intended to Change Food Consumption Behaviors, Explained by Consumers’ Self-Serving Bias,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2015.1048033

Mittelstaedt, J., Kilbourne, W. & Shultz, C. (2015), “Macromarketing Approaches to Thought Development in Positive Marketing: Two Perspectives on a Research Agenda for Positive Marketing Scholars,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2513-2516.

Mittelstaedt, J., Shultz, C., Kilbourne, W. & Peterson, M. (2014), “Sustainability as Megatrend: Two Schools of Macromarketing Thought,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (3), 253-264 (winner, 2015 “Charles C. Slater Award,” for best article published in volumes 33 and 34).

Nguyen, T.T.M., Rahtz, D. & Shultz, C. (2014), “Tourism as Catalyst for Quality of Life in Transitioning Subsistence Marketplaces: Perspectives from Ha Long, Vietnam,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (1), 28-44.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2013), “Titanic: Consuming the Myths and Meanings of an Ambiguous Brand,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (December), 595-614.

Dumitrescu, C., Nganje, W. & Shultz, C. (2013), “Perceived Value of Pasta in Greece and Romania,” British Food Journal, 115 (10), 1518–1536.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2013), “A Brand So Bad It Has To Be Good,” Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (11/12), 1251-1276.

Shultz, C., Deshpandé, R., Cornwell, B., Ekici, A., Kothandaraman, P., Peterson, M., Shapiro, S., Talukdar, D., Veeck, A. (2012), “Marketing and Public Policy: Transformative Research in Developing Markets,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31 (2), 178–184.

Shultz, C. (2012), “Vietnam: Political Economy, Marketing System,” Journal of Macromarketing, 32 (1), 7–17.

Westbrook, M. D., Shultz, C. & Nguyen, D. T. (2012), “Quality of Student Life for Business Students in Vietnam: The Roles of Learning Motivation and Psychological Hardiness in Learning,” Journal of Happiness Studies, 13 (6), 1091–1103.

Shultz, C. (2012), “Marketing Systems, the Ring Cycle, and the Layton Effect,” Australasian Marketing Journal. 20 (3), 190–194.

Brown, S., McDonagh, P. & Shultz, C. (2012), “Dark Marketing: Skeleton in the Cupboard or Ghost in the Machine?” European Business Review, 24 (3), 196–215.

Jallat, F. & Shultz, C. (2011), “Lebanon: From Cataclysm to Opportunity—Crisis Management Lessons for MNCs in the Tourism Sector of the Middle East,” Journal of World Business, 46 (4), 476–486.

Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2010), “Family Policy in Germany: Is the Romanticized Idealization of the Male Breadwinner Losing its Relevance?” Journal of Macromarketing, 30 (4), 375–383.

Pecotich, A., Rahtz, D. & Shultz, C. (2010), “Systemic and Services Dominant Socio-Economic Development: Legal, Judicial and Market Capacity Building in Bangladesh,” Australasian Marketing Journal, 18 (4), 248–255.

Shultz, C., Renko, S. & Brčić-Stipčević, V. (2010), “Grocery Store-Attributes in Recovering Economies: An Empirical Investigation of Their Importance, Using Three Component Contour Plotting,” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 22 (1–2), 37–51.

Shultz, C. & Holbrook, M. (2009), “The Paradoxical Relationship between Marketing and Vulnerability,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 28 (1), 124–127.

Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Global Software Piracy: Trends and Strategic Implications,” Business Horizons, 52 (3), 289–298. Reprinted as Harvard Business School case, HBS Publishing, case # BH332-PDF-ENG.

Shultz, C. (2009), “All Along the Watchtower,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (4), 344.

Mittelstaedt, J. & Shultz, C. (2009), “The Changing Face of Markets and Marketing Systems in Socioeconomic Development: Introductory Comments on the Special Issue,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (4), 346–348.

Shapiro, S. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Macromarketing, Controversy and Economic Development: Just Before and Now During the Global Meltdown,” European Business Review, 21 (4), 313–325.

Shultz, C., Holbrook, M. & Lehmann, D. (2009), “Metric and Interpretive Explorations of Macromarketing,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (3), 217–219.

Shapiro, S., Tadajewski, M. & Shultz, C. (2009), “Interpreting Macromarketing: The Construction of a Major Macromarketing Research Collection,” Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (3), 325–334.

Shultz, C. (2009), Examining the Interactions among Markets, Marketing, and Society, Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (1), 1–3.

Schmitz, T., Giese, C. & Shultz, C. (2008), “Welfare Implications of EU Enlargement under the CAP,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, 555–562.

Shultz, C. (2007), “Marketing as Constructive Engagement,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26 (2), 293–301.

Geipel, A., Nill, A. & Shultz, C. (2007), “Die Analyse der Zeugenaussage im ordentlichen Verfahren,” Zeitschrift für die Anwaltspraxis, 19 (15), 847–856.

Hughner, R., McDonagh, P., Prothero, A., Shultz, C. & Stanton, J. (2007), “Who are Organic Food Consumers? A Compilation and Review of Why People Purchase Organic Food,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6 (2–3), 94–110.

Manfredo, M. & Shultz, C. (2007), “Risk, Trade, Recovery and the Consideration of Real Options: The Imperative Coordination of Policy, Marketing, and Finance in the Wake of Catastrophe,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26 (1), 33–48.

Shultz, C. (2007), “Nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo tiến sĩ ở Việt Nam: góc nhìn quốc tế và những định hướng phát triển mới,” trong Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo tiến sĩ kinh tế, Nhà Xuất bản Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân, Hà Nội: 76–84 (“Enhancing the quality of doctoral education in Vietnam: international perspectives and new directions for improvement,” Enhancing the Quality of Doctoral Education in Economics and Business in Vietnam, Hanoi: National Economics University Publishing House, 68–75).

Shultz, C. (2007), “The Unquestioned Marketing Life? Let Us Hope Not,” Journal of Macromarketing, 27 (3), 224.

Ardrey, W., Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (2006), “Entrepreneurial Women as Catalysts for Socioeconomic Development in Transitioning Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, 9 (4), 277–300.

Gentry, J., Putrevu, S. & Shultz, C. (2006), “The Effects of Counterfeiting on Consumer Search,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5 (May–June), 245–256.

Shultz, C. (2006), “Reach, Access, Impact,” Journal of Macromarketing, 26 (1), 4.

Shultz, C., Crnjak-Karanović, B. & Renko, S. (2005), “Evolving Food Marketing Systems in Recovering Economies: Some Lessons from Croatia’s Gavrilović and emerging ‘Oldies-but-Goodies’,” Ekonomski Pregled, 56 (11), 996–1012.

Shultz, C., Burkink, T. Grbac, B. & Renko, N. (2005), “When Policies and Marketing Systems Explode: An Assessment of Food Marketing in the War-Ravaged Balkans and Implications for Recovery, Sustainable Peace, and Prosperity,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 24 (1), 24–37. (Finalist for “Thomas Kinnear Best Article Award,” 2004–2007).

Edwards, M. & Shultz, C. (2005), “Reframing Agribusiness: Moving from Farm to Market Centric,” Journal of Agribusiness, 23 (1), 57–73.

Shultz, C. (2005), “Some Macromarketing Thoughts on Natural and Human-induced Disasters,” Journal of Macromarketing, 25 (1), 2–3.