Clifford Shultz
Professor and Charles Kellstadt Chair in Marketing
Dr. Clifford J. Shultz, II (Cliff) is professor and Charles Kellstadt Chair in Marketing in the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago, an international fellow of Fulbright University Vietnam, and research fellow at Universidad Loyola Andalucía. He earned his PhD, MPhil. and MA from Columbia University, his BA from DePauw University.
Professor Shultz is an award-winning scholar, teacher, editor, mentor, visionary, widely published and cited author, and global leader with expertise on marketing, policy, and socioeconomic development to affect sustainable peace, prosperity, and well-being. He served two terms as editor for the Journal of Macromarketing, as president of the International Society of Marketing and Development, president of the Macromarketing Society, and serves on several editorial and policy boards. He has over 250 publications in scholarly outlets. His books include Handbook of Markets and Economies: East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Community, Economy, and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic.
Professor Shultz’s professional distinctions include two endowed professorships, numerous research grants and fellowships, Fulbright appointments in Vietnam and Croatia, multiple best article awards and commendations for outstanding research, teaching, and service; the Macromarketing Society’s Robert Nason Award for notable advances in Macromarketing, and the American Marketing Association’s William L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award and MASSIG Lifetime Achievement Award.
Professor Shultz has been invited to conduct research, give presentations and counsel universities, governments, NGOs, businesses and multi-lateral agencies on six continents. For additional information, CV, videos, projects, etc., visit his personal page.
- PhD, Columbia University, New York, NY
- MPhil, Columbia University, New York, NY
- MA, Columbia University, New York, NY
- BA, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN
Research Interests
- The Cost of War
- Marketing as Constructive Engagement, Policy, Practice and Sustainable Well-Being
- Macromarketing
- Globalization and Fratelli Tutti
- International and Cross-Cultural Marketing and Consumer Behavior (with an emphasis on devastated and recovering economies)
- Peace-Marketing initiatives in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Colombia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Iraq, Ukraine, et al.
- Refugees, FDP and Vulnerable Groups
- Food and Agribusiness Marketing
- Marketing Strategy and Management
- Marketing Places
- Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
- Sustainable development, particularly in the transforming/recovering economies of Southeast Asia, the Balkans, Latin America, and the Middle East
- Socioeconomic impact of the FIFA World Cup
- Government reconstruction and institution building
- Brand development and translations
- Intellectual Property Rights
Professional Employment
- Professor and Charles H. Kellstadt Chair, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago (2009-present)
- International Fellow, Harvard-Vietnam-Fulbright Program / FUV (2001-present)
- Research Fellow, Doctoral Program in Sustainable Development, Loyola Andalucía (2017-present)
- Professor and Marley Foundation Chair, W. P. Carey School of Business and Morrison School of Agribusiness, Arizona State University (1999-2009)
- Visiting Scholar at Columbia University Graduate Business School, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, Ho Chi Minh City Economics University and College of Marketing, Swedish School of Economics, University of Western Australia, University of Munich, Harvard University
Professional/Community Affiliations
- Editor, Journal of Macromarketing (2004-10)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (2017-present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Macromarketing (2011-present)
- President, Macromarketing Society (2016-19)
- President, International Society of Markets and Development (2007-10)
- Editorial and policy boards, including Journal of Public Policy & Marketing; Journal of Economics and Development; Applied Research in Quality of Life; Consumption, Markets and Culture; Journal of Macromarketing; Journal of Consumer Affairs, International Journal of Community Well-Being, and Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
- American Marketing Association, Macromarketing Society, International Society of Marketing and Development, Marketing and Society SIG, World Bank Thematic Working Group for Law, Justice and Development
Publications/Research Listings
Select Books
Shultz, C., Rahtz, D., & Sirgy, J. (2022), Community, Economy and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Pecotich, A. & Shultz, C. (2006/2016), Handbook of Markets and Economies: East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, New York: M.E. Sharpe Publishers (first print, 2006); Routledge (second print 2016).
Select Articles/Chapters, 2014-2024
Shultz, C., Rosa, J., & Malter, A. (in press), “Marketing to End War, Create Peace and Enhance Sustainable Well-Being: Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 44(1).
Shultz, C., Mason, M., Fehl, A., Thomas, M., Baker, S., Aoun Barakat, K. & Bone, S. (2024), “Social Traps and the Wicked Problems of Single-Use Plastics: A Marketing, Policy and Citizen-Consumer Perspective,” Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Krasnikov, A., Shultz, C. Solovyov, I., Haddadi, M., Danalina, N., Leontyev, D., Chaltsev, V. & Volkova, E. (2024), “Meta-Analysis: Quality of Life and Marketing Systems,” Journal of Macromarketing, 44 (1), 135-150.
Shultz, C., Hoek, J., Lee, L., Leong, W., Srinivasan, R., Viswanathan, M. & Wertenbroch, K. (2022), “JPPM’s Global Perspective and Impact: An Agenda for Research on Marketing and Public Policy,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 41(1), 34-50.
Laczniak, G. & Shultz, C. (2022), “Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM): Broader, Deeper, and ever Greater,” Journal of Macromarketing, 42(4), 554-559.
Shultz, C. (2022), “Macroservicing: A Commentary on Services as Constructive Engagement for Sustainable Peace, Prosperity and Well-Being,” Journal of Services Marketing, 36(7), 877-884.
De Quero-Navarro, B., Aoun-Barakat, K., Shultz, C., Araque-Padilla, R. & Montero-Simó, M. José (2022), “Consumer Animosity and Perceived Cultural Distance: Toward Mutual Well-Being for Refugees and Host Countries,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56 (4), 1496-1524.
Krasnikov, A., Shultz, C. & Rebiazina, V. (2022), “Consumer Responses to COVID Policy Across the World: The Role of Resilience and National Culture” Journal of International Marketing. 30 (4), 60-77.
Sepulveda, C., Shultz, C. & Peterson, M. (2022), “Evolving Marketization, Societal Trends, and Indicators in Chile and the Andean Region,” Markets, Globalization and Development Review, 7(3), Article 2. DOI: 10.23860/MGDR-2022-07-03-02,
Shultz, C. & Wilkie, W. (2021), “Macromarketing, the Indispensable Discipline,” Journal of Macromarketing, 41 (1), 5-9.
Laczniak, G. & Shultz, C. (2021), “Toward a Doctrine of Socially Responsible Marketing (SRM): A Macro and Normative-Ethical Perspective,” Journal of Macromarketing.41 (2), 201-231 (2022 “Charles C. Slater Award,” for best article published in volumes 40 and 41).
Steinfield, L., Venugopal, S., Appau, S., Barrios, A., Dadzie, C., Gau, R., Holt, D., Nguyen, M., & Shultz, C. (2021), “Across Time, Across Space and Intersecting in Complex Ways: A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Environmental Disruptions on Nature-Dependent Prosumers,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (2), 262-284.
Shultz, C., Barrios, A., Krasnikov, A., Becker, I., Bennett, A., Emile, R., Hokkinen, M., Pennington, J., Santos, M. & Sierra, J. (2020), “The Global Refugee Crisis: Pathway for a More Humanitarian Solution,” Journal of Macromarketing, 40 (1), 128-143.
Barrios, A., Shultz, C. & Montes, J. (2019), “Entrepreneurship as Boundary Object: Toward Reintegration of Colombia’s Ex-Militants into Civil Society,” Journal of Macromarketing, 39 (4), 368-384.
Shultz, C. & Peterson, M. (2019), “A Macromarketing View of Sustainable Development in Vietnam,” Environmental Management, 63 (4), 507-519.
Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R., & Shultz, C. (2018), “Examining Consumers' Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Addressing Childhood Obesity: The Mediating Role of Attributional Judgments,” Journal of Business Research, 88 (July), 132-140.
Nguyen, D.T., Nguyen, T. & Shultz, C. (2018), “Diffusing Market Orientation to Drive Marketing Capital: Evidence from Vietnam,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (6), 20-31.
Sredl, K., Shultz, C. & Brečić R. (2017), “The Arizona Market—a Marketing Systems Perspective on Pre- and Post-War Developments in Bosnia, with Implications for Sustainable Peace and Prosperity,” Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (3), 300-316.
Shultz, C., Rahtz, D. & Sirgy, D. (2017), “Distinguishing Flourishing from Distressed Communities: Vulnerability, Resilience, and a Systemic Framework to Facilitate Well-Being,” Handbook of Community Well-Being, R. Phillips & C. Wong, eds. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 403-422.
Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2017), “Consumers’ Responses to Governmental versus Corporate Initiatives Intended to Change Food Consumption Behaviors, Explained by Consumers’ Self-Serving Bias,” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23 (6), 683-704.
Shultz, C. (2016), “Marketing an End to War: Constructive Engagement, Community Wellbeing, and Sustainable Peace,” Markets, Globalization & Development Review, 1 (2), Article 2, 1-23.
Varma, A., Jukic, N., Pestek, A., Shultz, C. & Nestorov, S. (2016). “Airbnb: Exciting Innovation or Passing Fad?” Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 228-237.
Barrios, A., de Valck, K., Shultz, C., Sibai, O., Husemann, K., Maxwell-Smith, M. & Luedicke, M. (2016), “Marketing as a Means to Transformative Social Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Transitioning War Economies and the Colombian Coffee Marketing System,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2), 185-197.
Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R. & Shultz, C. (2016), “Policy and Marketing Changes to Help Curb Childhood Obesity: Government Ban vs. Industry Self-Regulation,” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40 (5), 519-526.
Haase, M., Becker, I., Nill, A., Shultz, C. & Gentry, J. (2016), “Male Breadwinner Ideology and the Inclination to Establish Market Relationships: A Theoretical Analysis and Evidence from Germany,” Journal of Macromarketing, 36 (2), 149-167.
Shultz, C. (2015), “The Ethical Imperative of Constructive Engagement in a World Confounded by the Commons Dilemma, Social Traps, and Geopolitical Conflicts,” Handbook on Ethics in Marketing, A. Nill, ed., Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 188-219.
Mittelstaedt, J., Kilbourne, W. & Shultz, C. (2015), “Macromarketing Approaches to Thought Development in Positive Marketing: Two Perspectives on a Research Agenda for Positive Marketing Scholars,” Journal of Business Research, 68 (12), 2513-2516.
Mittelstaedt, J., Shultz, C., Kilbourne, W. & Peterson, M. (2014), “Sustainability as Megatrend: Two Schools of Macromarketing Thought,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (3), 253-264. (2015 “Charles C. Slater Award,” for best article published in volumes 33 and 34).
Nguyen, T.T.M., Rahtz, D. & Shultz, C. (2014), “Tourism as Catalyst for Quality of Life in Transitioning Subsistence Marketplaces: Perspectives from Ha Long, Vietnam,” Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (1), 28-44 (2018 “Best Article” Award, ISQOLS).
Dr. Shultz has received numerous awards for his scholarly contributions, including:
- Fulbright appointments in Croatia and Vietnam
- Fellowships, outstanding article and best paper awards, honors for outstanding contributions to research and service to the academy, several grants, faculty researcher of the year, and faculty teacher of the year
- Macromarketing Society’s Robert Nason Award for notable advances in Macromarketing
- AMA William L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award
- AMA Lifetime Achievement Award
He was also honored with the namesake “Clifford J. Shultz II Societal Impact Award” established by the Macromarketing Society and conferred annually for exemplary research and outreach that have notably advanced societal well-being.