
Undergrad Newsletter

Biz Buzz

Through the Biz Buzz newsletter, the Undergraduate Programs Office at Quinlan publicizes important information specific to Loyola's undergraduate business students. Emailed bi-weekly, the newsletter shares information on important dates, speakers, academic information, and co-curricular activities. If you have any questions, please contact Allison Davis at adavis10@luc.edu or 312.915.6113.

Submit an announcement → 

Read past issues

01/17/2024 - Welcome Back!

Biz Buzz

Through the Biz Buzz newsletter, the Undergraduate Programs Office at Quinlan publicizes important information specific to Loyola's undergraduate business students. Emailed bi-weekly, the newsletter shares information on important dates, speakers, academic information, and co-curricular activities. If you have any questions, please contact Allison Davis at adavis10@luc.edu or 312.915.6113.

Submit an announcement → 

Read past issues

01/17/2024 - Welcome Back!