Kathryn Smith
Hometown: Bartlett, Illinois
Major: Master of Pastoral Counseling
Expected date of graduation: 2022
Kathryn Smith has committed her life to being a faith-filled caregiver. Dedicated to social responsibility, life-long learning, and the Jesuit mission, Kathryn seeks to view the world through a social justice lens, and she believes scholarship and spirituality go hand in hand.
Kathryn has served as the co-chair of the Institute of Pastoral Studies’ Student Engagement Committee and volunteers extensively for a number of different organizations.
Here, Kathryn reflects on her Loyola experience and looks to the future.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from your time at Loyola?
If I were to have one take away from Loyola, it would be how deeply honored, humbled, and immensely grateful I am for the people that God put in my path. We all know that we have been through a historic time in our world; COVID-19 created many unexpected and uncontrollable life experiences. The faculty and staff at Loyola are like no people I have ever worked with or learned from. My well-being and the well-being of everyone was always the very first topic of class and, if necessary, was always followed up with. Beyond their wealth of knowledge, experience, and wisdom is truly the Jesuit mission that each have been called to. They are truly making a difference as “persons for others.”
What has been the best or most memorable part of your Loyola experience?
I believe I will have my best and most memorable experience soon when I have the opportunity to travel to Rome! The course work I have done in anticipation of departing has taken me into a new world I had only heard of and marginally known. Digging deeper into viewing life through a social justice and multicultural lens has been a gift.
What are you planning to do with your degree? How has Loyola prepared you for your future goals?
I have come full circle in wanting to use what I have learned and personally experienced to continue serving the poor, become involved in issues of social responsibility and justice, and to serving humanity in a slightly more knowing stance. I say thank you to all who have helped me throughout my Loyola experience through the words of St. Therese of Lisieux: “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.”
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