Dr. Rooney welcomed attendees and awardees to the 2018 Staff Recognition and Excellence Awards Ceremony on Nov. 28, 2018
Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for joining us today. I am delighted to welcome you to this afternoon’s Staff Recognition and Excellence Awards ceremony.
Each year, we honor the extraordinary service that Loyola staff provide as members of individual departments and as leaders in our university community. It is a time where we pause from our normal routines and day to day work to come together, celebrate and say thank you in a special way for everything each of you do every day. I am grateful for the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our staff members who make our Loyola mission possible and impact lives every single day.
Being part of such a wonderful educational institution that has as its heartbeat a faith that does justice means that we are all part of exciting and important work that is so needed in our communities and world today. No matter what your job may be, whether you are on the front lines working with students, families or our communities, or whether your role is more often behind the scenes, you are contributing to this life-changing work in ways that you might not even realize. You are a critical part of creating the Loyola experience for our students, sometimes just by lending a listening ear or sharing a smile of welcome. Also, by serving our Loyola community, you are also serving our city and our society and making a difference.
Your good work, your example and even your mentorship embodies the excellence that helps our students succeed and flourish. Your work and your commitment to our mission has impact beyond campus, especially as our graduates find their path in the world as women and men for and with others. It is about being part of the transformational education and experience that we provide at Loyola. It is also about helping to lead the ongoing transformation we must do as a higher education institution; especially one that takes pride in identifying itself as catholic and Jesuit. How do we continue to go where others have not gone? How do we impact not just the present but help chart the future? How do we redefine the frontiers of education and faith that does justice? These are our continuing calls to action. These are the challenges we have chosen to embrace.
But today, our focus is about celebration and gratitude. My sincerest thank you goes out to all the staff members gathered here today, and those who are unable to join us this afternoon. Know that your professionalism, collegiality, commitment and integrity helps model those qualities for our students and influences their Loyola experience in ways you may never know.
Congratulations again, and I cannot say it enough…thank you for everything that you do on behalf of LUC. Go Ramblers!