
Newsletter 2.6 - January 16, 2024

Welcome back from the winter break. I hope everyone enjoyed the break. Please read to learn about a new Department member, upcoming seminar, summer research programs at Loyola and other universities, and a new geometric shape called an Einstein.

Department News and Events

  • Congratulations to our winter graduates: Savannah Lehrman (PHYS, MATH)Andrew Moy (PCSC), and Ben Ogrey (TPAM)!!!
  • We are pleased to welcome Matt Orvin – the new administrative assistant –  to the Department! Matt just started last week, so stop by and say “hi.”  
  • Physics Colloquium on Thursday, January 18, at 2:30 p.m. in CS-200. Dr. Kim is from the University of Utah and will talk about ultra-high energy cosmic rays. All students are invited. There will be cookies and sodas.

University Events

  • We are excited to announce the 2024 Loyola CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience program. This fellowship will support undergraduate students under the mentorship of CAS faculty during a 4-week research experience, from May 20, 2024 - June 14, 2024. The CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience will pair students with faculty mentors. This program is specifically designed to introduce students to research early in their academic career. Current Freshmen and Sophomores pursuing a major in CAS can apply. If you're unfamiliar with the program, there was a great story about the 2022 program. The CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience is funded through college endowments. Awards will be made across the college, including research projects in the Basic Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Awards will be made in the amount of $2,500 to the student and $1,000 to the faculty mentor to support their research. (The $1,000 award can include up to $500 to support mentor research expenses/stipend; at least $500 should be dedicated to directly support student research expenses.) Students will be expected to dedicate ~30 hours/week for the 4-week program. Project descriptions will be made available to the students via the CAS website and LUROP such that the students can select the project(s) that most greatly interest them. Student applications are due March 1 through the LUROP application site.

Summer REUs

  • Summer 2024 NSF REU program in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering at Vanderbilt University. The application deadline is February 15th.  The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. More than 50 faculty participants from the School of Engineering, College of Arts and Science, and the School of Medicine inspire students by creating an atmosphere of excitement and creativity. Each REU participant will work directly with VINSE faculty members and their research groups and be part of the larger VINSE community. The award includes $7,000 stipend, $500 travel allowance, and room and board. Learn more at http://www.vanderbilt.edu/vinse/reu/index.php
  • UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 2024 SUMMER RESEARCH POSITIONS FOR SOPHOMORE AND JUNIOR UNDERGRADUATE PHYSICS MAJORS. Areas of research include Astronomy, Astrophysics, Complex Systems/Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Quantum Materials. Students will work closely with faculty and graduate students on a variety of current research projects. Dates: May 28 to August 4 with 9 weeks in residence at Notre Dame, May 28 (arrival) to July 27 (departure) and 1 week online, July 29 – August 2. $6000 Stipend plus On-campus housing, transportation allowance, and many group meals and events are provided.  Application Deadline: February 19, 2024. Apply at https://physics.nd.edu/research/reu-program/. All applications must be submitted electronically with a letter describing your interests and relevant background (math, computer, and research experience), a transcript, and two faculty letters of recommendation.  Selection begins the day after the deadline so please be sure everything gets turned in prior to February 19, 2024
  • Michigan State University will be hosting the 9th Nuclear Science Summer School (NS3) on May 12-18, 2024. NS3is a summer school for undergraduate students that aims to introduce the participants to the fields of nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics. NS3 will offer lectures and activities covering selected nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics topics and providing an overview of the field. We plan to host the school in person. Lectures and activities will be led by researchers based at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The school is funded by the National Science Foundation. The deadline for the applications is February 23, 2024. For more information about NS3 and the application process please visit https://frib.msu.edu/public/frib-outreach/ns3.html . You can contact the NS3 organizers at  ns3@frib.msu.edu
  • Boston University Photonics Center hosts the NSF REU Site in Integrated Nanomanufacturing, with interdisciplinary nanoscale research opportunities at the interface between engineering, biology, physics, and chemistry. The Center hosts three additional REU programs focused on heart tissue engineering, materials science, and photonics and optics. All REU students work on authentic interdisciplinary research projects under the mentorship of BU faculty and graduate students. This is a 10-week program (June to mid-August). The stipend is $7000 with housing and travel included. The deadline for applications is March 15Read more here.
  • Greetings from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln!  We are currently accepting applications for the Nebraska Summer Research Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Our 10-week intensive undergraduate Summer Research Program provides a unique chance for students to delve into cutting-edge research within our state-of-the-art facilities while gaining a valuable preview of graduate school life at a Big Ten institution. Explore the Programs: Applications and Foundations of Unmanned Systems; Applied Plant Systems; Beneficial Bacteria; Beneficial Insects; Bioenergy Systems; Biomedical Engineering Devices; Chemical Assembly; Community-Engaged Training for Advancing Health Equity; Crop-to-Food Innovation; Digital Legal Research Lab; Emergent Quantum Materials and Technology; Engineering Education Research; National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure; Redox Biology;  Sustainability of Horizontal Civil Networks in Rural Environments; Virology. Students can apply for up to three different research groups. Priority review of applications begins Thursday, February 1 and all applications are due by Friday, March 1https://srp.unl.edu/Application
  • The Michigan State University 2024 REU Physics Program will run from May 28th to Aug 2nd. The due date for applications is February 2nd. Undergraduate students, preferably sophomores or juniors, who have completed introductory physics courses and have completed or are taking an advanced physics course, are encouraged to apply. The program includes a weekly series of professional and career development workshops and organized social activities and excursions; these provide an informal atmosphere where students can get to know each other and a range of Physics-Astronomy faculty and staff. At the end of the program, students will present their research results. Students will receive a stipend of $7000 plus full room and board. In addition, travel expenses will be partially reimbursed to a maximum of $600.For more information, please direct your students to our website: https://pa.msu.edu/undergraduate-program/reu-program.aspx
  • TCU is pleased to be running its REU program again this summer. We offer research experiences in a variety of physics and astrophysics fields. The program dates are May 29th – July 26th, 2024 (9 weeks). The application deadline is February 16, 2024. Students can apply for the REU at https://cse.tcu.edu/physics-astronomy/research/reu-application.php

Graduate School Information

  • We would like to encourage students from Loyola University Chicago who are interested in pursuing a PhD degree in physics to explore research opportunities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNL has world-class research programs in condensed matter and materials physics, atomic, molecular, optical, and plasma physics, and high-energy physics – all in both experiment and theory. In the last five years, 40 students have successfully earned PhD degrees. All graduate students in our department are supported by full teaching or research assistantships, which include a full tuition waiver and a stipend starting at $2112 per month. The admission requirements and answers to some frequently asked questions can be found on our website. GRE scores are not required, and the TOEFL score may be waived if English was the official language of instruction for the applicant's college degree. The application fee is $50. Fee waivers may be available on a case-by-case basis. Please inquire at PAGrad@unl.edu and mention this email.
  • University of Oregon has launched a new Quantum Technology master’s program, which aims to give students hands-on experience with state-of-the-art experimental equipment (nanofabrication, dilution cryostat operation and measurements, microwave test tools, optical setups for AMO experiments), which sets this program apart. , we invite them to prepare for the quantum future with the University of Oregon’s Quantum Technology Master’s Internship Program. Led by a team of passionate quantum experts, Quantum Tech Master’s students will spend six action-packed months on the beautiful and welcoming Oregon campus learning the science behind quantum technology, developing programming and data science skills, honing professional and communication skills, and getting hands-on research experience designing, fabricating, and measuring quantum devices with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Afterwards, students will be matched with an established company partner for a nine-month paid internship, while completing their Master of Science degree in Physics. Students can expect the internship income to comfortably cover and likely exceed the complete program cost. We are accepting applications now with a priority deadline of February 15th
  • The Department of Physics at Central Michigan University is recruiting students for our M.S. program for Fall 2024. We offer thesis and non-thesis M.S., as well as a Ph.D. program in physics. We have strong research areas in astrophysics, nuclear, computational physics, and condensed matter and materials theory and experiments. M.S. students are supported financially with stipends and tuition through either teaching or research assistantship positions. Students that continue studies towards the Ph.D. degree are generally supported by the faculty advisor external funding and have the chance to work in exciting cutting edge research projects. Information about our M.S. program and how to apply can be found in the attached flyer. We will start reviewing applications in March. For additional information on graduate programs, please contact our Physics Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Juan Peralta at peral1j@cmich.edu .

Interesting Science News

Welcome back from the winter break. I hope everyone enjoyed the break. Please read to learn about a new Department member, upcoming seminar, summer research programs at Loyola and other universities, and a new geometric shape called an Einstein.

Department News and Events

  • Congratulations to our winter graduates: Savannah Lehrman (PHYS, MATH)Andrew Moy (PCSC), and Ben Ogrey (TPAM)!!!
  • We are pleased to welcome Matt Orvin – the new administrative assistant –  to the Department! Matt just started last week, so stop by and say “hi.”  
  • Physics Colloquium on Thursday, January 18, at 2:30 p.m. in CS-200. Dr. Kim is from the University of Utah and will talk about ultra-high energy cosmic rays. All students are invited. There will be cookies and sodas.

University Events

  • We are excited to announce the 2024 Loyola CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience program. This fellowship will support undergraduate students under the mentorship of CAS faculty during a 4-week research experience, from May 20, 2024 - June 14, 2024. The CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience will pair students with faculty mentors. This program is specifically designed to introduce students to research early in their academic career. Current Freshmen and Sophomores pursuing a major in CAS can apply. If you're unfamiliar with the program, there was a great story about the 2022 program. The CAS Undergraduate Summer Research Experience is funded through college endowments. Awards will be made across the college, including research projects in the Basic Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Awards will be made in the amount of $2,500 to the student and $1,000 to the faculty mentor to support their research. (The $1,000 award can include up to $500 to support mentor research expenses/stipend; at least $500 should be dedicated to directly support student research expenses.) Students will be expected to dedicate ~30 hours/week for the 4-week program. Project descriptions will be made available to the students via the CAS website and LUROP such that the students can select the project(s) that most greatly interest them. Student applications are due March 1 through the LUROP application site.

Summer REUs

  • Summer 2024 NSF REU program in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering at Vanderbilt University. The application deadline is February 15th.  The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. More than 50 faculty participants from the School of Engineering, College of Arts and Science, and the School of Medicine inspire students by creating an atmosphere of excitement and creativity. Each REU participant will work directly with VINSE faculty members and their research groups and be part of the larger VINSE community. The award includes $7,000 stipend, $500 travel allowance, and room and board. Learn more at http://www.vanderbilt.edu/vinse/reu/index.php
  • UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 2024 SUMMER RESEARCH POSITIONS FOR SOPHOMORE AND JUNIOR UNDERGRADUATE PHYSICS MAJORS. Areas of research include Astronomy, Astrophysics, Complex Systems/Biophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Quantum Materials. Students will work closely with faculty and graduate students on a variety of current research projects. Dates: May 28 to August 4 with 9 weeks in residence at Notre Dame, May 28 (arrival) to July 27 (departure) and 1 week online, July 29 – August 2. $6000 Stipend plus On-campus housing, transportation allowance, and many group meals and events are provided.  Application Deadline: February 19, 2024. Apply at https://physics.nd.edu/research/reu-program/. All applications must be submitted electronically with a letter describing your interests and relevant background (math, computer, and research experience), a transcript, and two faculty letters of recommendation.  Selection begins the day after the deadline so please be sure everything gets turned in prior to February 19, 2024
  • Michigan State University will be hosting the 9th Nuclear Science Summer School (NS3) on May 12-18, 2024. NS3is a summer school for undergraduate students that aims to introduce the participants to the fields of nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics. NS3 will offer lectures and activities covering selected nuclear science and nuclear astrophysics topics and providing an overview of the field. We plan to host the school in person. Lectures and activities will be led by researchers based at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The school is funded by the National Science Foundation. The deadline for the applications is February 23, 2024. For more information about NS3 and the application process please visit https://frib.msu.edu/public/frib-outreach/ns3.html . You can contact the NS3 organizers at  ns3@frib.msu.edu
  • Boston University Photonics Center hosts the NSF REU Site in Integrated Nanomanufacturing, with interdisciplinary nanoscale research opportunities at the interface between engineering, biology, physics, and chemistry. The Center hosts three additional REU programs focused on heart tissue engineering, materials science, and photonics and optics. All REU students work on authentic interdisciplinary research projects under the mentorship of BU faculty and graduate students. This is a 10-week program (June to mid-August). The stipend is $7000 with housing and travel included. The deadline for applications is March 15Read more here.
  • Greetings from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln!  We are currently accepting applications for the Nebraska Summer Research Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Our 10-week intensive undergraduate Summer Research Program provides a unique chance for students to delve into cutting-edge research within our state-of-the-art facilities while gaining a valuable preview of graduate school life at a Big Ten institution. Explore the Programs: Applications and Foundations of Unmanned Systems; Applied Plant Systems; Beneficial Bacteria; Beneficial Insects; Bioenergy Systems; Biomedical Engineering Devices; Chemical Assembly; Community-Engaged Training for Advancing Health Equity; Crop-to-Food Innovation; Digital Legal Research Lab; Emergent Quantum Materials and Technology; Engineering Education Research; National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure; Redox Biology;  Sustainability of Horizontal Civil Networks in Rural Environments; Virology. Students can apply for up to three different research groups. Priority review of applications begins Thursday, February 1 and all applications are due by Friday, March 1https://srp.unl.edu/Application
  • The Michigan State University 2024 REU Physics Program will run from May 28th to Aug 2nd. The due date for applications is February 2nd. Undergraduate students, preferably sophomores or juniors, who have completed introductory physics courses and have completed or are taking an advanced physics course, are encouraged to apply. The program includes a weekly series of professional and career development workshops and organized social activities and excursions; these provide an informal atmosphere where students can get to know each other and a range of Physics-Astronomy faculty and staff. At the end of the program, students will present their research results. Students will receive a stipend of $7000 plus full room and board. In addition, travel expenses will be partially reimbursed to a maximum of $600.For more information, please direct your students to our website: https://pa.msu.edu/undergraduate-program/reu-program.aspx
  • TCU is pleased to be running its REU program again this summer. We offer research experiences in a variety of physics and astrophysics fields. The program dates are May 29th – July 26th, 2024 (9 weeks). The application deadline is February 16, 2024. Students can apply for the REU at https://cse.tcu.edu/physics-astronomy/research/reu-application.php

Graduate School Information

  • We would like to encourage students from Loyola University Chicago who are interested in pursuing a PhD degree in physics to explore research opportunities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNL has world-class research programs in condensed matter and materials physics, atomic, molecular, optical, and plasma physics, and high-energy physics – all in both experiment and theory. In the last five years, 40 students have successfully earned PhD degrees. All graduate students in our department are supported by full teaching or research assistantships, which include a full tuition waiver and a stipend starting at $2112 per month. The admission requirements and answers to some frequently asked questions can be found on our website. GRE scores are not required, and the TOEFL score may be waived if English was the official language of instruction for the applicant's college degree. The application fee is $50. Fee waivers may be available on a case-by-case basis. Please inquire at PAGrad@unl.edu and mention this email.
  • University of Oregon has launched a new Quantum Technology master’s program, which aims to give students hands-on experience with state-of-the-art experimental equipment (nanofabrication, dilution cryostat operation and measurements, microwave test tools, optical setups for AMO experiments), which sets this program apart. , we invite them to prepare for the quantum future with the University of Oregon’s Quantum Technology Master’s Internship Program. Led by a team of passionate quantum experts, Quantum Tech Master’s students will spend six action-packed months on the beautiful and welcoming Oregon campus learning the science behind quantum technology, developing programming and data science skills, honing professional and communication skills, and getting hands-on research experience designing, fabricating, and measuring quantum devices with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Afterwards, students will be matched with an established company partner for a nine-month paid internship, while completing their Master of Science degree in Physics. Students can expect the internship income to comfortably cover and likely exceed the complete program cost. We are accepting applications now with a priority deadline of February 15th
  • The Department of Physics at Central Michigan University is recruiting students for our M.S. program for Fall 2024. We offer thesis and non-thesis M.S., as well as a Ph.D. program in physics. We have strong research areas in astrophysics, nuclear, computational physics, and condensed matter and materials theory and experiments. M.S. students are supported financially with stipends and tuition through either teaching or research assistantship positions. Students that continue studies towards the Ph.D. degree are generally supported by the faculty advisor external funding and have the chance to work in exciting cutting edge research projects. Information about our M.S. program and how to apply can be found in the attached flyer. We will start reviewing applications in March. For additional information on graduate programs, please contact our Physics Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Juan Peralta at peral1j@cmich.edu .

Interesting Science News