
Newsletter 2.1 - August 24, 2023

Welcome back to Loyola for the start of the fall semester! Hopefully, everyone had a good summer. We will send a regular newsletter to provide news about the Physics Department and announcements about upcoming events and opportunities for students.


Congratulations to Davide Mazzucco as the first recipient of the Loyola Physics Scholarship!!!

We have a few events already lined up to celebrate the start of the school year.

Upcoming Department Events

  • Freshman Welcome Pizza Party on Thursday, September 7th in Cudahy 200 at 4:00 PM. All first-year students and those in the introductory physics courses are invited.
  • Physics BBQ on Friday, September 15th in Cudahy 305 at 4:30 PM. All students are invited.
  • Visit from Columbia University Engineering on Friday, October 20th at 12 PM in Cudahy 302. Any student interested in learning about Engineering at Columbia is welcome to attend and network.
  • Physics Club and Women in Physics Club will have their first meetings of the year soon, so please be watchful for emails and flyers on the date and time.

Physics Advisors for Students

Faculty advisors for students have been assigned for the fall semester. Please watch for an email later this week with your assigned Physics advisor. Please feel free to reach out to your advisor for questions about your degree program, course work, or other questions in physics. You will have a meeting with this advisor during the pre-registration period for review and approval of your physics course for the Spring 23 semester.

For external opportunities and job postings, it is never too early to start reading about qualifications and opportunities to learn what interests you and what you need to do to prepare for them.

External Opportunities

  • The Astroparticle Physics group at the Colorado School of Mines is one of the leading groups in the US studying Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray physics and is looking to fill at least one PhD position starting in January 2024. Please see attached flyer for more details.

Physics News

  • A cosmic hum. The 2015 experimental detection of gravitational waves has ushered in a new field of astronomy that uses gravitational wave to probe the universe instead of light. This summer, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) published a series of papers revealing the detection of periodic gravitational waves that pass through the Milky Way. These waves may be due to a pair of supermassive black holes. You can read more about this research here.

Welcome back to Loyola for the start of the fall semester! Hopefully, everyone had a good summer. We will send a regular newsletter to provide news about the Physics Department and announcements about upcoming events and opportunities for students.


Congratulations to Davide Mazzucco as the first recipient of the Loyola Physics Scholarship!!!

We have a few events already lined up to celebrate the start of the school year.

Upcoming Department Events

  • Freshman Welcome Pizza Party on Thursday, September 7th in Cudahy 200 at 4:00 PM. All first-year students and those in the introductory physics courses are invited.
  • Physics BBQ on Friday, September 15th in Cudahy 305 at 4:30 PM. All students are invited.
  • Visit from Columbia University Engineering on Friday, October 20th at 12 PM in Cudahy 302. Any student interested in learning about Engineering at Columbia is welcome to attend and network.
  • Physics Club and Women in Physics Club will have their first meetings of the year soon, so please be watchful for emails and flyers on the date and time.

Physics Advisors for Students

Faculty advisors for students have been assigned for the fall semester. Please watch for an email later this week with your assigned Physics advisor. Please feel free to reach out to your advisor for questions about your degree program, course work, or other questions in physics. You will have a meeting with this advisor during the pre-registration period for review and approval of your physics course for the Spring 23 semester.

For external opportunities and job postings, it is never too early to start reading about qualifications and opportunities to learn what interests you and what you need to do to prepare for them.

External Opportunities

  • The Astroparticle Physics group at the Colorado School of Mines is one of the leading groups in the US studying Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray physics and is looking to fill at least one PhD position starting in January 2024. Please see attached flyer for more details.

Physics News

  • A cosmic hum. The 2015 experimental detection of gravitational waves has ushered in a new field of astronomy that uses gravitational wave to probe the universe instead of light. This summer, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) published a series of papers revealing the detection of periodic gravitational waves that pass through the Milky Way. These waves may be due to a pair of supermassive black holes. You can read more about this research here.