
Newsletter 1.8 - January 11, 2023

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a good winter break. The start of the spring semester is fast approaching.  You can now find previous newsletters on the Loyola Physics website under the About Us tab at www.luc.edu/physics/newsletters. They are filled with lots of other opportunities. Here are some important Department info and opportunities to explore for the summer. Remember two important things with applications: 1) you can’t get accepted if you don’t apply and 2) the more you apply, the more likely you are to get a yes..

Department Info

  • Congratulations to our winter graduates: Robert Birney, Anthony Kearns, Kiet Nguyen, and Brendan O’Donnell. Best wishes!!!
  • For students in PHYS 126F – Freshman Project, please watch your email for messages from your faculty mentor and respond to them. This will help get the class off to a good start J
  • If you are conducting research with Physics faculty, please remember to enroll in PHYS 391-01E. My name is only listed for administrative purposes – your grade will be assigned by your research mentor.
  • Research Opportunity for Physics/Biophysics majors in the Loyola Environmental Sciences Department: Reuben Keller and Rachel Rogers are conducting experiments on the development of aquatic electric barriers to prevent invasive species from entering the Great Lakes. Several Physics majors have been involved in this project and they have an opening for student to join their group. Please contact Rachel Rogers (regly@luc.edu) or Reuben Keller (rkeller1@luc.edu) if you are interested.
  • Remember to register for the 2023 Loyola Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium (URES) on Saturday, April 22. This is an excellent opportunity to present your research that you have worked on this year. The deadline is March 19th.

Physics + Engineering Info

  • Application deadline to the Washington University in St Louis Dual Degree Engineering program is Feb. 28, 2023. Here is the application link: https://wustl.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7ZHWaSejAdNuJbn
  • Columbia Undergraduate Admissions invites you to participate in our upcoming: Virtual Combined Plan Open House on Wednesday, January 11 @ 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Central Time). You can register here.

Chicago Area Events

  • Northwestern University will be hosting the Sievert Lectures on The Rise of Quantum Machines. Northwestern Postdoctoral Scholar Ian Mondragon-Shem will present an eight-week series on the development of quantum technologies. These will be on Saturdays 11-12 PM at the Norris Center. They are free and open to the public. Please see the attached flyer.

Summer Research

  • Lee Teng Accelerator internship is a summer program focusing on particle accelerator physics that is run by Argonne and Fermilab. Applications are due this Friday (the 13th) and anyone enrolled in a US university is eligible. Application info is here: https://internships.fnal.gov/lee-teng-undergraduate-internship/
  • Northwestern University is hosting a week-long hybrid (in-person/virtual) workshop that aims to teach astronomers and students fundamental software engineering skills and best practices for building sustainable open-source astronomy packages. It will be held this coming summer from July 10th to July 14th. We anticipate being able to cover travel costs for some in-person participants. The workshop is totally free and open to folks at all career levels. Applications for the workshop are due Jan 25th, 2023 and can be accessed from our website: https://semaphorep.github.io/codeastro/.
  • The Simons-NSBP Scholars Program is a unique summer research opportunity for undergraduate members of the National Society of Black Physicists. Scholars come to New York City to work with world-renowned scientists in the fields of Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, and Biophysics while also joining a community of past and present Scholars. They are immersed in an unparalleled scientific community and introduced to numerous Black physicists. If you are an undergraduate member of NSBP, please apply! If you're interested, but aren't yet a member of NSBP, no problem, you can become a member here: https://nsbp.org/general/register_member_type.asp?. Please see the attached flyer. Application Deadline: January 15. Program Website: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/simons-nsbp-summer-program-snsp/. Application page: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/simons-nsbp-summer-program-snsp/program-details . If you have any questions about the program or applying, please contact Kasey Wagoner (reid.wagoner@gmail.com ).
  • Northwestern NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology. Undergraduate Summer Research Program. We will host this program in person the Summer of 2022 from approximately June 19 through August 11, 2023. The Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program allows undergraduate students majoring in the life sciences and/or mathematical sciences to participate in hands-on laboratory and/or computational research that applies mathematical concepts and methodology to understanding mechanisms in biology. Participants are encouraged to attend weekly workshops covering communication, presentation design, teamwork, and applying to graduate school; weekly lunches with faculty; day trips to a local museum or a national laboratory; and other cohort activities. Participants in the program receive a taxable stipend of approximately $4,500. Travel, housing, and meals are not supported by this program. To be considered for this program, applicants must currently be freshmen, sophomores, or juniors with demonstrated interests in mathematics and/or biology. Click here for MORE INFORMATION ApplicationDeadline January 23, 2023
  • With National Science Foundation support for over three decades, the Physics Department and the Materials Research Center (MRSEC) at the University of Chicago have conducted a highly successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program.  Projects are distributed among the areas of astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, high-energy physics, materials science, mathematical physics, nanoscience, polymers, space physics, spectroscopy of materials, and other topics.  This research experience is complemented by a lecture series, field trips to Fermi and Argonne National Laboratories, and special social events.  We expect to accept around 20-24 summer research interns.  The application deadline is February 15, 2023. See the attached flyer for application information or go here.
  • Pediatric Oncology Education Program at St. Jude Hospital. A primary goal of the POE program is to encourage students to pursue a career in cancer research. Thus, we are particularly interested in highly qualified students with a serious career interest in cancer research, either as a clinical scientist or laboratory-based research scientist. Our Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences offers training in leading-edge scientific fields paired with unique mentoring in the St. Jude clinical experience. Highly motivated POE students will have the opportunity to be considered for admission to the St. Jude Graduate School upon completion of their undergraduate degree. All POE program applicants must already have research experience at the time they apply. Applicants must be United States citizens, non-citizen nationals, or possess a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States (required by the funding agency). All must be in at least their college sophomore year of college when they apply. POE medical students spend a minimum of 10 weeks in the program. The minimum tenure requirement for all others is 11 weeks. All POE applicants must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.40 (on a 4.0 scale) in math and science (biology, chemistry, and physics) and at least a 3.40 overall. Participants in our program will receive a $600/week subsistence allowance. Fully furnished group housing will be provided at no cost for non-local participants. The POE home page contains links to the program application. The deadline for receipt of all 2023 application materials is February 1, 2023. Early application is highly recommended. Members of under-represented populations and women are particularly encouraged to apply, since one of our major long-term program goals is to increase the diversity of persons engaged in oncology research and practice.
  • The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Washington State University is pleased to offer paid summer research internships through our NSF REU program, Waves in Physics, where students will explore how wave concepts are manifest in a broad range of physics and astronomy subfields through individual research projects and professional development activities with others. This 10-week program runs in conjunction with other programs on campus (~80 other STEM REU students) and includes professional development seminars, career oriented trips (e.g. LIGO Hanford – gravity wave observatory), social activities, and networking, including presenting at the WSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium. The following will be provided: On-Campus Housing, Food Budget, Travel, and Stipend: $6,000. Application deadline February 12, 2023, learn more and apply at wsu.edu/reu
  • The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory invites undergraduate students to apply to paid internships at PPPL and its partner institutions this summer. PPPL is a Department of Energy national lab at Princeton University. We’re working on developing nuclear fusion as an alternative energy source using hydrogen plasma, but plasma physics has lots of other applications – from astrophysics to materials science to nuclear disarmament to pasteurizing eggs! Undergraduates are invited to apply to these paid internships listed below if they’re interested in astrophysics, plasma physics, and nuclear engineering.  We especially encourage students of underrepresented groups to apply. Participants receive travel to/from Princeton and housing support. Some projects may be offered remotely. Please see attached flyers for more info. 
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Applications close on January 10
Community College Internship (CCI) Applications close on January 10
Engineering Undergraduate Internship Applications close on March 17

Graduate Programs

  • University of Notre Dame's ESTEEM Graduate Program.  The program, an 11-month Masters in Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, is hoping to identify students from tech savvy backgrounds who aren't finding a fit in post-undergrad opportunities or who are simply excited by entrepreneurship and innovation. Two remaining deadlines this academic year: January 30th and March 15thPlease see the attached flyer.
  • Duke Medical Physics invites your students to apply to our MS program. The priority deadline is January 8, but applications received by January 31 will be reviewed if space is available. I would greatly appreciate if you could forward this message to your senior graduating class. Medical Physics is an exciting and rewarding profession that applies physics, math, and engineering to advance medical science and improve patient care. Our graduates have been successful in a wide variety of careers – clinical practice, academic research, government service, and industry innovation. To learn more about the field of medical physics and whether Duke is the right choice, check out our website at duke.edu/. We also prepared a video open house at vimeo.com/showcase/9267175 with 10 short films showcasing our facilities, research, alumni, and community. For logistical queries, students may email our program coordinator, Dr. Olga Baranova olga.baranova@duke.edu. Also please let her know if you prefer not to be contacted, or if we should email someone else in your department.
  • The University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Program has a long and distinguished history of innovative research and outstanding teaching from its founding in 1867. With the many areas of Physics and Astronomy covered by the areas Astrophysics and Cosmology, Condensed Matter, Particles, and Physics Education. The department offers a lot of opportunity as a doctoral program with award winning research and instruction, from taking courses with distinguished intellectual faculty to dissertation writing that you can find on the website https://www.physics.pitt.edu/graduate. Our graduate students have opportunities to apply for many teaching and research fellowships, and research assistance opportunities (physicsandastronomy.pitt.edu/graduate/financial-assistance). This year we have waived the application fee. If you are prepared and want to apply, you can find the details here.  If you have questions, please email pagrad@pitt.edu.
  • The Graduate program in Physics at San Diego State University is accepting applications for Fall 2023.  SDSU Physics offers a Master's in Physics and a Master's in Medical Physics and a Joint PhD in Computational Science through the Computational Science Research Center at SDSU . The enclosed flier provides more information on all three graduate programs and a letter that provides additional details about the Medical Physics program.
  • The Department of Physics at Emory University is inviting applications to our doctoral program. Our department has a very lively and close-knit research environment active in biophysics, condensed matter physic, optics, soft matter physics and statistical physics. Currently we have ~60 graduate students and ~20 research active faculty performing cutting-edge research in both experimental and theoretical physics. We offer a competitive stipend ($34,317 annually) plus full tuition coverage, Emory's student health insurance, and conference travel support. Additionally, eligible applicants are nominated for the George W. Woodruff Fellowship or the Emory Graduate Diversity Fellowship, two school-wide fellowships that recognize outstanding candidates for admission. For Fall 2023, The Graduate School application does not require GRE General Test Scores. The application deadline is January 1, 2023. In addition to the research opportunities in Physics, and Emory's outstanding academic reputation, students are attracted by the multitude of cultural and recreational activities offered by Atlanta, a progressive, cosmopolitan city that is described aptly as the "Jewel of the South". The area around Emory is easily accessible with free Emory shuttles and excellent public transportation, and it features affordable housing near Atlanta's prestigious Druid Hills neighborhood. For more information, please contact Prof. Hayk Harutyunyan (Chair of Graduate Recruitment, email: hharuty@emory.edu ) or visit us at http://www.physics.emory.edu/home/grad/index.html.


Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a good winter break. The start of the spring semester is fast approaching.  You can now find previous newsletters on the Loyola Physics website under the About Us tab at www.luc.edu/physics/newsletters. They are filled with lots of other opportunities. Here are some important Department info and opportunities to explore for the summer. Remember two important things with applications: 1) you can’t get accepted if you don’t apply and 2) the more you apply, the more likely you are to get a yes..

Department Info

  • Congratulations to our winter graduates: Robert Birney, Anthony Kearns, Kiet Nguyen, and Brendan O’Donnell. Best wishes!!!
  • For students in PHYS 126F – Freshman Project, please watch your email for messages from your faculty mentor and respond to them. This will help get the class off to a good start J
  • If you are conducting research with Physics faculty, please remember to enroll in PHYS 391-01E. My name is only listed for administrative purposes – your grade will be assigned by your research mentor.
  • Research Opportunity for Physics/Biophysics majors in the Loyola Environmental Sciences Department: Reuben Keller and Rachel Rogers are conducting experiments on the development of aquatic electric barriers to prevent invasive species from entering the Great Lakes. Several Physics majors have been involved in this project and they have an opening for student to join their group. Please contact Rachel Rogers (regly@luc.edu) or Reuben Keller (rkeller1@luc.edu) if you are interested.
  • Remember to register for the 2023 Loyola Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium (URES) on Saturday, April 22. This is an excellent opportunity to present your research that you have worked on this year. The deadline is March 19th.

Physics + Engineering Info

  • Application deadline to the Washington University in St Louis Dual Degree Engineering program is Feb. 28, 2023. Here is the application link: https://wustl.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7ZHWaSejAdNuJbn
  • Columbia Undergraduate Admissions invites you to participate in our upcoming: Virtual Combined Plan Open House on Wednesday, January 11 @ 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Central Time). You can register here.

Chicago Area Events

  • Northwestern University will be hosting the Sievert Lectures on The Rise of Quantum Machines. Northwestern Postdoctoral Scholar Ian Mondragon-Shem will present an eight-week series on the development of quantum technologies. These will be on Saturdays 11-12 PM at the Norris Center. They are free and open to the public. Please see the attached flyer.

Summer Research

  • Lee Teng Accelerator internship is a summer program focusing on particle accelerator physics that is run by Argonne and Fermilab. Applications are due this Friday (the 13th) and anyone enrolled in a US university is eligible. Application info is here: https://internships.fnal.gov/lee-teng-undergraduate-internship/
  • Northwestern University is hosting a week-long hybrid (in-person/virtual) workshop that aims to teach astronomers and students fundamental software engineering skills and best practices for building sustainable open-source astronomy packages. It will be held this coming summer from July 10th to July 14th. We anticipate being able to cover travel costs for some in-person participants. The workshop is totally free and open to folks at all career levels. Applications for the workshop are due Jan 25th, 2023 and can be accessed from our website: https://semaphorep.github.io/codeastro/.
  • The Simons-NSBP Scholars Program is a unique summer research opportunity for undergraduate members of the National Society of Black Physicists. Scholars come to New York City to work with world-renowned scientists in the fields of Cosmology, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, and Biophysics while also joining a community of past and present Scholars. They are immersed in an unparalleled scientific community and introduced to numerous Black physicists. If you are an undergraduate member of NSBP, please apply! If you're interested, but aren't yet a member of NSBP, no problem, you can become a member here: https://nsbp.org/general/register_member_type.asp?. Please see the attached flyer. Application Deadline: January 15. Program Website: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/simons-nsbp-summer-program-snsp/. Application page: https://www.simonsfoundation.org/simons-nsbp-summer-program-snsp/program-details . If you have any questions about the program or applying, please contact Kasey Wagoner (reid.wagoner@gmail.com ).
  • Northwestern NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology. Undergraduate Summer Research Program. We will host this program in person the Summer of 2022 from approximately June 19 through August 11, 2023. The Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program allows undergraduate students majoring in the life sciences and/or mathematical sciences to participate in hands-on laboratory and/or computational research that applies mathematical concepts and methodology to understanding mechanisms in biology. Participants are encouraged to attend weekly workshops covering communication, presentation design, teamwork, and applying to graduate school; weekly lunches with faculty; day trips to a local museum or a national laboratory; and other cohort activities. Participants in the program receive a taxable stipend of approximately $4,500. Travel, housing, and meals are not supported by this program. To be considered for this program, applicants must currently be freshmen, sophomores, or juniors with demonstrated interests in mathematics and/or biology. Click here for MORE INFORMATION ApplicationDeadline January 23, 2023
  • With National Science Foundation support for over three decades, the Physics Department and the Materials Research Center (MRSEC) at the University of Chicago have conducted a highly successful Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program.  Projects are distributed among the areas of astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, high-energy physics, materials science, mathematical physics, nanoscience, polymers, space physics, spectroscopy of materials, and other topics.  This research experience is complemented by a lecture series, field trips to Fermi and Argonne National Laboratories, and special social events.  We expect to accept around 20-24 summer research interns.  The application deadline is February 15, 2023. See the attached flyer for application information or go here.
  • Pediatric Oncology Education Program at St. Jude Hospital. A primary goal of the POE program is to encourage students to pursue a career in cancer research. Thus, we are particularly interested in highly qualified students with a serious career interest in cancer research, either as a clinical scientist or laboratory-based research scientist. Our Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences offers training in leading-edge scientific fields paired with unique mentoring in the St. Jude clinical experience. Highly motivated POE students will have the opportunity to be considered for admission to the St. Jude Graduate School upon completion of their undergraduate degree. All POE program applicants must already have research experience at the time they apply. Applicants must be United States citizens, non-citizen nationals, or possess a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States (required by the funding agency). All must be in at least their college sophomore year of college when they apply. POE medical students spend a minimum of 10 weeks in the program. The minimum tenure requirement for all others is 11 weeks. All POE applicants must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.40 (on a 4.0 scale) in math and science (biology, chemistry, and physics) and at least a 3.40 overall. Participants in our program will receive a $600/week subsistence allowance. Fully furnished group housing will be provided at no cost for non-local participants. The POE home page contains links to the program application. The deadline for receipt of all 2023 application materials is February 1, 2023. Early application is highly recommended. Members of under-represented populations and women are particularly encouraged to apply, since one of our major long-term program goals is to increase the diversity of persons engaged in oncology research and practice.
  • The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Washington State University is pleased to offer paid summer research internships through our NSF REU program, Waves in Physics, where students will explore how wave concepts are manifest in a broad range of physics and astronomy subfields through individual research projects and professional development activities with others. This 10-week program runs in conjunction with other programs on campus (~80 other STEM REU students) and includes professional development seminars, career oriented trips (e.g. LIGO Hanford – gravity wave observatory), social activities, and networking, including presenting at the WSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium. The following will be provided: On-Campus Housing, Food Budget, Travel, and Stipend: $6,000. Application deadline February 12, 2023, learn more and apply at wsu.edu/reu
  • The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory invites undergraduate students to apply to paid internships at PPPL and its partner institutions this summer. PPPL is a Department of Energy national lab at Princeton University. We’re working on developing nuclear fusion as an alternative energy source using hydrogen plasma, but plasma physics has lots of other applications – from astrophysics to materials science to nuclear disarmament to pasteurizing eggs! Undergraduates are invited to apply to these paid internships listed below if they’re interested in astrophysics, plasma physics, and nuclear engineering.  We especially encourage students of underrepresented groups to apply. Participants receive travel to/from Princeton and housing support. Some projects may be offered remotely. Please see attached flyers for more info. 
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Applications close on January 10
Community College Internship (CCI) Applications close on January 10
Engineering Undergraduate Internship Applications close on March 17

Graduate Programs

  • University of Notre Dame's ESTEEM Graduate Program.  The program, an 11-month Masters in Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, is hoping to identify students from tech savvy backgrounds who aren't finding a fit in post-undergrad opportunities or who are simply excited by entrepreneurship and innovation. Two remaining deadlines this academic year: January 30th and March 15thPlease see the attached flyer.
  • Duke Medical Physics invites your students to apply to our MS program. The priority deadline is January 8, but applications received by January 31 will be reviewed if space is available. I would greatly appreciate if you could forward this message to your senior graduating class. Medical Physics is an exciting and rewarding profession that applies physics, math, and engineering to advance medical science and improve patient care. Our graduates have been successful in a wide variety of careers – clinical practice, academic research, government service, and industry innovation. To learn more about the field of medical physics and whether Duke is the right choice, check out our website at duke.edu/. We also prepared a video open house at vimeo.com/showcase/9267175 with 10 short films showcasing our facilities, research, alumni, and community. For logistical queries, students may email our program coordinator, Dr. Olga Baranova olga.baranova@duke.edu. Also please let her know if you prefer not to be contacted, or if we should email someone else in your department.
  • The University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Program has a long and distinguished history of innovative research and outstanding teaching from its founding in 1867. With the many areas of Physics and Astronomy covered by the areas Astrophysics and Cosmology, Condensed Matter, Particles, and Physics Education. The department offers a lot of opportunity as a doctoral program with award winning research and instruction, from taking courses with distinguished intellectual faculty to dissertation writing that you can find on the website https://www.physics.pitt.edu/graduate. Our graduate students have opportunities to apply for many teaching and research fellowships, and research assistance opportunities (physicsandastronomy.pitt.edu/graduate/financial-assistance). This year we have waived the application fee. If you are prepared and want to apply, you can find the details here.  If you have questions, please email pagrad@pitt.edu.
  • The Graduate program in Physics at San Diego State University is accepting applications for Fall 2023.  SDSU Physics offers a Master's in Physics and a Master's in Medical Physics and a Joint PhD in Computational Science through the Computational Science Research Center at SDSU . The enclosed flier provides more information on all three graduate programs and a letter that provides additional details about the Medical Physics program.
  • The Department of Physics at Emory University is inviting applications to our doctoral program. Our department has a very lively and close-knit research environment active in biophysics, condensed matter physic, optics, soft matter physics and statistical physics. Currently we have ~60 graduate students and ~20 research active faculty performing cutting-edge research in both experimental and theoretical physics. We offer a competitive stipend ($34,317 annually) plus full tuition coverage, Emory's student health insurance, and conference travel support. Additionally, eligible applicants are nominated for the George W. Woodruff Fellowship or the Emory Graduate Diversity Fellowship, two school-wide fellowships that recognize outstanding candidates for admission. For Fall 2023, The Graduate School application does not require GRE General Test Scores. The application deadline is January 1, 2023. In addition to the research opportunities in Physics, and Emory's outstanding academic reputation, students are attracted by the multitude of cultural and recreational activities offered by Atlanta, a progressive, cosmopolitan city that is described aptly as the "Jewel of the South". The area around Emory is easily accessible with free Emory shuttles and excellent public transportation, and it features affordable housing near Atlanta's prestigious Druid Hills neighborhood. For more information, please contact Prof. Hayk Harutyunyan (Chair of Graduate Recruitment, email: hharuty@emory.edu ) or visit us at http://www.physics.emory.edu/home/grad/index.html.