
Amanda Harrington

Associate Professor, Applied Health Sciences

Headshot of Amanda Harrington

I am an associate professor in the Department of Pathology and the director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood. In addition to clinical service responsibilities in the laboratory, I enjoy teaching pathology residents, infectious diseases fellows, medical students, and clinical laboratory scientists. I earned my doctoral degree in microbiology and my Bachelor of Arts in English and Biology from the University of Kansas. I did my post-doctoral fellowship training in clinical microbiology at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, and I am a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Medical Microbiology. I am a long-time member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM), participating at both the national level and at the regional level. I am currently the President of the Illinois Society for Microbiology, which is the Illinois regional branch of ASM.

Research Interests

My research interests include bacterial strain typing and molecular epidemiology, rapid diagnostic and molecular-based testing in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, and metrics based assessment of quality in clinical microbiology. 

  • BA in English and Biology, University of Kansas
  • PhD in Microbiology, University of Kansas


  • A Randomized Clinical Trial of Standard Versus Expanded Cultures to Diagnose Urinary Tract Infections in Women. Barnes, HC; Wolff, B; Abdul-Rahim, O; Harrington, A; Hilt, EE; Price, TK; Halverson, T; Hochstedler, BR; Pham, T; Acevedo-Alvarez, M; Joyce, C; Fitzgerald, CM; Schreckenberger, PC; Brubaker, L; Wolfe, AJ; Mueller, ER The Journal of urology 2021
  • Recognition of Diagnostic Gaps for Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases: Expert Opinion from the Fungal Diagnostics Laboratories Consortium (FDLC). Zhang, SX; Babady, NE; Hanson, KE; Harrington, AT; Larkin, PMK; Leal, SM; Luethy, PM; Martin, IW; Pancholi, P; Procop, GW; Riedel, S; Seyedmousavi, S; Sullivan, KV; Walsh, TJ; Lockhart, SR Journal of clinical microbiology 2021
  • Quantitative analysis and virulence phenotypes of atypical enteropathogenic (EPEC) acquired from diarrheal stool samples from a Midwest US hospital. Carlino, MJ; Kralicek, SE; Santiago, SA; Sitaraman, LM; Harrington, AT; Hecht, GA Gut microbes 2020 ;12(1)
  • Practical Comparison of the BioFire FilmArray Pneumonia Panel to Routine Diagnostic Methods and Potential Impact on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Adult Hospitalized Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections. Buchan, BW; Windham, S; Balada-Llasat, JM; Leber, A; Harrington, A; Relich, R; Murphy, C; Dien Bard, J; Naccache, S; Ronen, S; Hopp, A; Mahmutoglu, D; Faron, ML; Ledeboer, NA; Carroll, A; Stone, H; Akerele, O; Everhart, K; Bonwit, A; Kwong, C; Buckner, R; Warren, D; Fowler, R; Chandrasekaran, S; Huse, H; Campeau, S; Humphries, R; Graue, C; Huang, A Journal of clinical microbiology 2020 ;58(7)
  • Multicenter Evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Pneumonia/Pneumonia Plus Panel for Detection and Quantification of Agents of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Murphy, CN; Fowler, R; Balada-Llasat, JM; Carroll, A; Stone, H; Akerele, O; Buchan, B; Windham, S; Hopp, A; Ronen, S; Relich, RF; Buckner, R; Warren, DA; Humphries, R; Campeau, S; Huse, H; Chandrasekaran, S; Leber, A; Everhart, K; Harrington, A; Kwong, C; Bonwit, A; Dien Bard, J; Naccache, S; Zimmerman, C; Jones, B; Rindlisbacher, C; Buccambuso, M; Clark, A; Rogatcheva, M; Graue, C; Bourzac, KM Journal of clinical microbiology 2020 ;58(7)
  • In Vitro Pharmacodynamic Analyses Help Guide the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant and Carbapenem-Resistant Bacteremia in a Liver Transplant Patient. Wenzler, E; Santarossa, M; Meyer, KA; Harrington, AT; Reid, GE; Clark, NM; Albarillo, FS; Bulman, ZP Open forum infectious diseases 2020 ;7(1)
  • Development of a 51-hospital Chicagoland regional antibiogram and comparison to local hospital and national surveillance data. Butler, DA; Biagi, M; Gupta, V; Wieczorkiewicz, S; Young, L; Patel, U; Naegele, S; Santarossa, M; Harrington, A; Postelnick, M; Suseno, M; Christensen, A; Giddens, J; Murrey, T; Hanson, A; Sam, S; Pettit, N; Danziger, L; Wenzler, E INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2020
  • Comparison of Abbott ID Now and Abbott m2000 Methods for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from Nasopharyngeal and Nasal Swabs from Symptomatic Patients. Harrington, A; Cox, B; Snowdon, J; Bakst, J; Ley, E; Grajales, P; Maggiore, J; Kahn, S Journal of clinical microbiology 2020 ;58(8)
  • Efficacy of oritavancin alone and in combination against vancomycin-susceptible and -resistant enterococci in an in-vivo Galleria mellonella survival model. Meyer, KA; Deraedt, MF; Harrington, AT; Danziger, LH; Wenzler, E International journal of antimicrobial agents 2019 ;54(2)
  • In vitro activity of oritavancin alone or in combination against vancomycin-susceptible and -resistant enterococci. Wu, T; Meyer, K; Harrington, AT; Danziger, LH; Wenzler, E The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 2019 ;74(5)
  • Performance of ceftazidime/avibactam susceptibility testing methods against clinically relevant Gram-negative organisms. Wenzler, E; Lee, M; Wu, TJ; Meyer, KA; Shields, RK; Nguyen, MH; Clancy, CJ; Humphries, RM; Harrington, AT The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 2019 ;74(3)
  • Association Between Estimated Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Predictions of Efficacy and Observed Clinical Outcomes in Obese and Nonobese Patients With Bloodstream Infections. Santibañez, M; Bunnell, K; Harrington, A; Bleasdale, S; Wenzler, E Open forum infectious diseases 2019 ;6(10)
  • Multicenter Evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Respiratory Panel 2 for the Detection of Viruses and Bacteria in Nasopharyngeal Swab Samples Leber,A. L.; Everhart,K.; Daly,J. A.; Hopper,A.; Harrington,A.; Schreckenberger,P.; McKinley,K.; Jones,M.; Holmberg,K.; Kensinger,B. Journal of clinical microbiology 2018
  • Multicenter Evaluation of the Accelerate PhenoTest BC Kit for Rapid Identification and Phenotypic Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Using Morphokinetic Cellular Analysis Pancholi,P.; Carroll,K. C.; Buchan,B. W.; Chan,R. C.; Dhiman,N.; Ford,B.; Granato,P. A.; Harrington,A. T.; Hernandez,D. R.; Humphries,R. M.; Jindra,M. R.; Ledeboer,N. A.; Miller,S. A.; Mochon,A. B.; Morgan,M. A.; Patel,R.; Schreckenberger,P. C.; Stamper,P. D.; Simner,P. J.; Tucci,N. E.; Zimmerman,C.; Wolk,D. M. Journal of clinical microbiology 2018 ;56(4):10.1128/JCM.01329-17. Print 2018 Apr
  • Impact of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute breakpoint changes on susceptibility rates of cephalosporins in uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by Enterobacteriaceae Bunnell,K. L.; Wenzler,E.; Harrington,A. T.; Danziger,L. H. DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE 2018 ;90(4):335-336
  • Recovery of Cryptococcus gattii from an Infected Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt, Illinois, USA. Moritz, D; Mena Lora, A; Blumer, B; Harrington, AT Emerging Infectious Diseases 2018 ;24(7)
  • Clinical evaluation of Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan CMV test using nonplasma samples. Hildenbrand, C; Wedekind, L; Li, G; vonRentzell, JE; Shah, K; Rooney, P; Harrington, AT; Zhao, RY JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY 2018
  • Clinical and economic impact of the introduction of a nucleic acid amplification assay for Clostridium difficile. Guinta, MM; Bunnell, K; Harrington, A; Bleasdale, S; Danziger, L; Wenzler, E Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 2017 ;16(1)
  • Synergistic activity of ceftazidime-avibactam and aztreonam against serine and metallo-ß-lactamase-producing gram-negative pathogens. Wenzler, E; Deraedt, MF; Harrington, AT; Danizger, LH DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE 2017 ;88(4)
  • urinary tract infection in a patient with cervical cancer. Singh, MB; Harrington, AT JMM case reports 2017 ;4(1)
  • A novel obstetric medical device designed for autotransfusion of blood in life threatening postpartum haemorrhage. Yost, Gardner; Collofello, Brandon; Goba, Gelila; Koch, Abigail; Harrington, Amanda; Esmailbeigi, Hananeh; Robinson, Nuriya; Kutz-McClain, Pamela; Geller, Stacie; Dobiesz, Valerie Journal of medical engineering & technology 2017 ;41(7)
  • A novel obstetric medical device designed for autotransfusion of blood in life threatening postpartum haemorrhage Yost,G.; Collofello,B.; Goba,G.; Koch,A.; Harrington,A.; Esmailbeigi,H.; Robinson,N.; Kutz-McClain,P.; Geller,S.; Dobiesz,V. Journal of medical engineering & technology 2017 ;41(7):515-521
  • Deep brain stimulator infection by a novel rapid growing mycobacterium Moritz,D. C.; Harrington,A. T.; Slavin,K.; Gomez,C.; Jarrett,O. D. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2017
  • Disparate prevalence of toxigenic and nontoxigenic Clostridium difficile among distinct adult patient populations in a single institution. Clarridge, JE; Harrington, A Journal of Medical Microbiology 2016 ;65(11)
  • Correction for Samuel et al., Multicenter Assessment of Gram Stain Error Rates. Samuel, LP; Balada-Llasat, JM; Harrington, A; Cavagnolo, R Journal of clinical microbiology 2016 ;54(9)
  • Cutaneous Nocardiosis: A Conspicuous Eyelid Eschar. Lake, EP; Hughart, R; Jones, ST; Kreppel, A; Tsoukas, M; Harrington, AT The Journal of pediatrics 2016 ;177
  • Cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Biatriospora mackinnonii in a renal transplant recipient. Hughart, R; Merrick, M; Adelaja, OT; Bleasdale, SC; Harrington, A; Tsoukas, M JAAD case reports 2016 ;2(3)
  • Multicenter Assessment of Gram Stain Error Rates. Samuel, LP; Balada-Llasat, JM; Harrington, A; Cavagnolo, R Journal of clinical microbiology 2016 ;54(6)
  • In Vitro Activity of Retapamulin and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns in a Longitudinal Collection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Harrington, AT; Black, JA; Clarridge, JE Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2015 ;60(3)