
Holly Mattix-Kramer receives prestigious Harold & Molly Schwartz Founders' Award from National Kidney Foundation of Illinois

Four people including Dr. Mattix-Kramer holding an award

Pictured left to right: Kevin Longino, CEO, National Kidney Foundation; Dr. Holly Mattix-Kramer, Jackie Burgess-Bishop, FACHE, CEO, National Kidney Foundation of Illinois; Mark Schwartz, NKFI Board Treasurer and son of Harold & Molly Schwartz

Holly Mattix-Kramer, MD, professor of public health sciences in the Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health, received the prestigious Harold & Molly Schwartz Founders' Award from the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois (NKFI). The award was presented on Saturday, November 2 at the nonprofit organization’s annual Gift of Life Gala. With the award, Dr. Mattix-Kramer was recognized for her dedication as a clinician, educator, advocate, and donor who is instrumental in advancing kidney health.

Dr. Mattix-Kramer, who served as president of the National Kidney Foundation from 2019-2020, volunteers with the KidneyMobile program, using her free time to offer free consultations to participants screened for chronic kidney disease and its two biggest precursors: diabetes and high blood pressure. A dedicated participant in the annual Walk for Kidneys, she recruits patient participants, raises funds for NKFI’s programs, and gets the word out to colleagues. In addition, Dr. Mattix-Kramer shares NKFI resources with patients and colleagues in her practice and on social media. She is an active member of the board, serving nationally and locally, helping to guide the direction of both organizations to keep patients at the forefront and move kidney care up the continuum.

“[Dr. Mattix-Kramer] is a stalwart advocate for kidney health – actively participating in advocacy efforts to get funding for kidney disease research and care,” says Jackie Burgess-Bishop, FACHE, CEO of National Kidney Foundation of Illinois. “Her dedication to her students and her patients is awe-inspiring. It’s not a job to her, it’s a calling and a life-long passion.”