Loyola student elected to AAPHP executive board

January 14, 2022
Alyssa Stuck will represent the Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health on the 2022-2023 executive board for the Association of Accredited Programs of Public Health (AAPHP). Founded in 2011, the AAPHP provides valuable resources and advocacy for undergraduate and graduate training programs that prepare science-practitioners for the public health workforce. All AAPHP member programs, including Loyola University Chicago’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program, are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).
Stuck was selected as a nominee for the position from a nationwide pool of graduate student applicants and was officially elected by the 22 AAPHP member schools in December 2021. "This is a great opportunity for Alyssa to continue to develop her leadership skills," says Ruth Kafensztok, MPH program director at the Parkinson School. "The AAPHP executive board will have an engaged and highly motivated public health advocate as their student representative.
As the sole student representative on the AAPHP executive board, she is responsible for advocating on behalf of public health students from all AAPHP programs and fostering connections between the AAPHP and students. “I am excited and thankful to have the opportunity to represent Loyola’s public health program to the AAPHP,” says Stuck. She will attend her first board meeting in February 2022.
A standout student at the Parkinson School, Stuck has also served as vice president of the Loyola University Public Health Association, was part of the inaugural cohort of Parkinson Scholars, and was awarded a 2021-2022 President's Medallion.