In solidarity with Loyola's efforts to address sexual misconduct
Message originally sent Thursday, October 7, 2021
Dear Parkinson School Family:
We wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the recent important message from the University’s Division of Student Development with regard to sexual misconduct. We also want to underscore our solidarity with Loyola’s efforts.
Sexual assault, harassment and discrimination are not tolerated in the Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health. Similar to the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH), the Parkinson School believes that voices cannot be silenced as a result of fear of environmental distress. It is our responsibility to actively address harassment in our school, and we are dedicated to supporting our faculty, staff and students in this regard.
We acknowledge the recent statement issued by our undergraduate Public Health Club and applaud our students’ voice and advocacy.
“Campus sexual assault is a serious public health problem with extensive short- and long-term health consequences.” - American Public Health Association
In solidarity,
Elaine H. Morrato, DrPH MPH CPH
Founding Dean and Professor
MaryMargaret Sharp-Pucci, EdD, MPH
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Chair, Department of Healthcare Administration
Kathleen (Kathy) Bobay, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
Interim Department Chair, Health Informatics & Data Science Department
Samantha Dumm, MBA
Administrative Director