
Meet the Committees

The Office of Vice Provost for Research serves as a resource for the University’s strategic research planning and development and oversees committees to govern, support and consistently seek ways to enhance this work.

Research Leadership Council (RLC)

The Research Leadership Council (RLC) is comprised of academic leaders at the Health Science Campus who play a role in overseeing/supporting the faculty with respect their success in research and includes Chairs and Vice/Associate Deans for Research. The regularly scheduled meetings of the RLC serve as a venue for information sharing as well as discussing opportunities and challenges associated with the conduct of research. The RLC is overseen by the Vice Dean of Research (VDR) in the Stritch School of Medicine.

Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

The charge of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is to provide advice/input to the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) on matters related to research administration and support. Included in such matters are defining “key performance indicators (KPIs)” related to research/scholarly output, and to help the VPR develop a school-wide strategic plan for research. In addition, we ask that members of the RAC represent not only their own experiences/perspectives on the challenges and opportunities but also engage their constituents to represent their views as well, at the meetings of the RAC.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The IACUC is charged with oversight of all animal use to ensure compliance with national policies protecting the welfare of laboratory animals. A major function is to review experimental protocols and, where appropriate, recommend protocol modifications to improve the welfare of the animals. Other functions are to review animal husbandry conditions; review, approve, and disseminate institutional policies on animal welfare and psychological well-being; act as an educational resource to the institution on animal welfare issues; and promote educational programs.

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

The IBC has the role of ensuring the Loyola community that infectious agents are properly handled and contained; chemicals and biological toxins are safely handled and stored; and laboratories that conduct recombinant DNA research do so in compliance with federal guidelines.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board reviews all research involving human subjects conducted by Lakeside personnel. We protect the rights and welfare of human subjects who are recruited to participate in research activities conducted by Loyola University Chicago personnel and help personnel stay in compliance with the federal regulations on ethical research.

The Office of Vice Provost for Research serves as a resource for the University’s strategic research planning and development and oversees committees to govern, support and consistently seek ways to enhance this work.