Loyola Nursing faculty emphasize mindfulness, health in special issue of top nursing research journal

At a time when stress and anxiety is running high in the world, the Western Journal of Nursing Research reminds us of the importance of health and mindfulness. In its November issue, the journal invited Loyola University Chicago Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing faculty Karen Saban, professor, associate dean of research and scholarly innovation, and Linda Janusek, professor and endowed chair for research, to serve as guest editors. They penned the introduction, outlining the growing trend of mindfulness and its ability to improve health, help individuals adapt to stressful life events, and reduce symptoms of illness and disease across various age groups and populations. Read their introduction, Mindfulness and Health: The Nursing Science Bridge.
The journal also features articles from other faculty and students from Loyola Nursing and Loyola’s Department of Psychology:
Assistant Professor of Nursing Lindsey Garfield - Culturally Responsive Mindfulness Interventions for Perinatal African American Women: A Call for Action
Linda Janusek, Assistant Professor of Nursing Dina Tell, and former Stritch Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Herbert Mathews - Mindfulness Predicts Psycho-behavioral Improvement after Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Influence of Childhood Adversity
Associate Professor of Psychology Christine Pajunar Li-Grining, Professor of Psychology Elizabeth Vera, Linda Janusek, Karen Saban, Advanced Lecturer of Theology Yarina Liston, Developmental Psychology graduate student Zahra Naqi, and Mackenzie Troske (BS ‘16). - Project CaLM: A Pilot Intervention Integrating Mindfulness Strategies into Head Start Classrooms