

Bora Cecia

Bora Cecia is a multimedia journalism major at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Communication. She is a student journalist for the School of Communication’s website and YouTube channel. She contributes to the Loyola Program for Neuroscience and Society as an editor and proofreader for all published articles. She is passionate about bridging the gap between journalism and science writing by producing and editing audience-centric stories.

Ian Steckler

Ian Steckler is majoring in molecular and cellular neuroscience and minoring in philosophy and biostatistics at Loyola University Chicago. He was inspired to pivot towards working in medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic. At Loyola, he has been a part of the research team in Dr. Yanan Chen’s lab for nearly two years, focusing on understanding demyelination in the CNS and multiple sclerosis disease progression using mouse models. Outside of school, he works as an EMT transporting patients throughout Chicagoland and as a home health care aide for people with disabilities, where he sees the importance of the research and theory from the classroom firsthand with his own patients. He plans to apply to Physician Associate schools shortly after graduating and build a career in EMS or public health.

Abigail Nacker

Abigail Nacker is a rising senior studying Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience at Loyola University Chicago. Her free time is spent reading and pursuing art. Abigail chose a degree in neuroscience because of her passion for helping others in ways they cannot help themselves. The unlocked potential of our brains continues to inspire Abigail daily through her art, education, and career. She has been an advocate for mental health and chronic illnesses for many years and hopes to continue this advocacy through informative and enticing hot topic journalism. 

Liv Swartz

Liv Swartz is a junior at Loyola University Chicago, where she is a double major in philosophy, with an emphasis on mind and science, and cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. She is active member of Phi Sigma Sigma. She contributes to the Loyola Program for Neuroscience and Society by writing essays on interesting topics related to neuroscience. She is interested in how brains work and decision making.

Adeline Sauer

Adeline Sauer is a junior at Loyola University Chicago majoring in psychology with a minor in psychology of crime and justice. She enjoys writing about research, specifically within social, criminal and behavioral contexts. While taking neuroscience courses for her major, Sauer developed an interest in learning more about how neuroscience can apply to psychology.

Hannah Srinivasan

Hannah Srinivasan is a senior at Loyola University Chicago, majoring in molecular and cellular Neuroscience with a minor in bioethics. Srinivasan is a pre-medicine student with a goal of becoming a neurologist. This opportunity sparked her interest as she loves the intersect of neuroscience and ethics and hopes to shed light on modern neuroethical topics.

Marisa Panella

Marisa Panella is a senior studying multimedia journalism and English. In her free time, she writes for the Loyola Phoenix and enjoys content creation and reading. She is a passionate writer who has thoroughly enjoyed branching into neuroscience. Marisa hopes to be a writer after she graduates in whatever capacity that may be.

Dawnbe Yu

Dawnbe Yu is a junior at Loyola University Chicago. She is majoring in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychology and minoring in Philosophy with hopes of pursuing clinical psychology. In her free time, she loves thrifting, curating playlists, and reading.